Chapter 108 Love Rival? (7)

But it seems that people simply don't know or ignore her thoughts, what happened before is still what they are now, regardless of her explicit hints.

Adele usually likes to watch movies, and she is also a big beauty in the CIA, so it is normal for her to be sought after by everyone. Basically, the male staff members of the CIA know her preferences, so she can be sure that Gu Yunmo also I know she likes watching movies.

It's no wonder that she was so excited when she saw Gu Yumo just now. She completely thought that Gu Yumo didn't confess to him because of his thin skin, so she came to the movie theater and wanted to have an encounter with her, and then borrow Will it be a matter of course to get close to her in the end?

Although Adele is an American, she has also known the tricks of playing hard to get from the East, so she just said that to Gu Yumo just now.

As for Ye Kelan, she really didn't see it, is it because you are the only one in my eyes?

Adele can tolerate everything, the only thing she can't tolerate is others saying that she is older than Gu Yumo, although she is really three years older than Gu Yumo.

But she is also very good at taking care of herself. Her male colleagues all said that she looks unique.

Adele tried her best to restrain her emotions, she didn't want to lose her temper in front of the person she liked, that would be ugly, and she didn't want Gu Yumo to see her like that.

Adele gritted her teeth, her eyes seemed to be on fire, she looked straight at Ye Kelan, gritted her molars and said, "I was talking to Colby, but I didn't talk to you, it's very inappropriate for you to interrupt me like this." Be polite, I want you to apologize to me, and leave here immediately, and don't pester Colby again in the future!"

Adele hopes that what she presents in front of Gu Yunmo is dignified and general, so that she can form a sharp contrast with Ye Kelan's arrogant and unreasonable appearance.

One is dignified and understands the general situation, and the other is arrogant and unreasonable. Anyone with a discerning eye knows who to choose.Adele believes that Gu Yumo is a discerning person and even a smart person, and she refuses to know how to choose.

Her grandma's, Gu Yumo himself admitted that he was hers, why an older leftover girl appeared out of nowhere on the street and ordered her to leave her Gu Yumo, it's really funny!
Ye Kelan smiled ironically, crossed her arms and looked at Adele provocatively, and said arrogantly: "If you talk to other people, I will ignore it, but you are talking to him now, and you are so ambiguous. I will agree. As for the apology you said, I don’t think I’m wrong. Why should I apologize like you? It’s you who disturbed our relationship because of your narcissism and nympho. We haven’t asked you to apologize and get out. You are already being polite enough to you, but you are so shamelessly moving forward, your skin is really thick to a certain extent!"

Adele has a lot of experience, and she is a member of the CIA, so the endurance is naturally not comparable to that of ordinary people.The same is true for feelings, even though she is in a hurry now, she will not explode, because she wants Gu Yumo to see clearly that only a woman like her who is "knowledgeable and polite" is the most suitable woman for him.

Little did he know that he liked Ye Kelan, so he naturally liked girls with whatever personality Ye Kelan had.

"Miss, this is a matter between me and him. No matter how much you say, it has nothing to do with you. I hope you get out of the way!" Adele still gritted her teeth, if it wasn't because of Gu Yumo If she was here, she would definitely slap Ye Kelan, but now is not the time.

But Ye Kelan will always be alone, and it's the same when he teaches her a lesson.

Before Ye Kelan could speak, Gu Yumo said coldly: "She is my fiancée, she can intervene in my affairs and even make decisions for me directly! I hope Miss Adele can treat my affairs Fiancee, respect a little bit, otherwise you won't be able to bear it if I don't respect you!"

After finishing speaking, Gu Yunmo turned around and left with Ye Kelan in his arms, leaving only his back hugging Ye Kelan tightly. This scene was so dazzling to Adele, she wished to see Gu Yunmo Only when the person Mo is hugging is ruined will he be willing!
Listen, when Gu Yumo warned her, he called out his fiancée so smoothly. Have you ever thought about her feelings for him in the past two years?

Adele clenched her fists tightly, pinching her palms heavily with her fingernails, even if her palms hurt, it wouldn't make her feel any better. ?
Adele has been standing there watching the direction of Gu Yunmo and Ye Kelan's departure, even forgetting that she has to go in to watch a movie. She likes watching Ye Yan's movies the most. Basically, every time there is Ye Yan She will watch the movies that Yan starred in, and she will spend money to buy peripherals about Ye Yan's movies after they are over.

And Ye Yan sometimes follows the movie to make announcements. Whenever Adele is free, she will go to the scene to see Ye Yan's true face. Today is Ye Yan's new movie. As his diehard fan, Adele I also watched it with my friends, the tickets have already been bought, and the broadcast will start in 10 minutes, but now Adele seems to have completely forgotten about it, and will just stand here and watch Gu Yu Mo left happily with another woman in his arms.

Adele is smart, and it is precisely because of this smartness that she is particularly persistent when dealing with feelings.In her opinion, since she has fallen in love with that person, no matter whether he has feelings for her or not, she must use all means to win him over.

As for whether he has a fiancee or other woman, Adele never takes it into consideration, because she thinks that woman will not be the life partner of the man she loves, because she is not worthy of him at all, only Only then can I match him.

Although this Adele is very smart, she didn't show that kind of hysterical yelling in front of Gu Yumo, and even gritted her teeth and watched the man she loved for two years leave with her arms around other women, but she was just nervous. He clenched his fists and reluctantly let them leave.

She knows how disgusting it is for a man to be too much entangled by a woman, and she does not allow the man she loves to hate her because of this.

If Gu Yumo hated Ye Kelan because of the process of letting her leave, she also hoped that it would only be a few days, it would not be too long, and she would not allow it to be too long.

Generally speaking, as long as the movie starts to show, people are not allowed to go in, even if you are late, after all, punctuality is a very important thing, and if you go in, it will disturb others watching the movie, so No matter who the other party is, you must be punctual.

(End of this chapter)

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