Chapter 109 Love Rival? (8)

Dale's friends have already arrived at the cinema, and they have been queuing up inside to buy popcorn and drinks, and now they have already bought them, and they are standing at the entrance with popcorn and drinks waiting for Adele to come, but when the movie is about to show He didn't see her shadow either, and was about to go down to find her when he saw Adele approaching with a gloomy face.

Adele apologized like a friend, took a glass of the drink in her hand and took a few sips, because it is summer, so I added ice to the drink, and the sour taste was unbearable. language to describe.

But Adele didn't feel cold, because she was getting angry right now, so she just needed a cold drink to suppress her anger.

Gu Yumo hugged Ye Kelan's shoulders and walked straight forward. The two of them didn't speak a word along the way, but Gu Yumo was really in a good mood.Ye Kelan's actions just now were obviously protecting him, and it could also be said that he was protecting his belongings. Gu Yumo was very satisfied with the title of Ye Kelan's belongings, and naturally he was also very happy.

In fact, the first floor of the movie theater is the parking lot, and there are also cinemas that go directly down to the parking lot on the first floor, but because Ye Kelan wanted to come out to enjoy some fresh air, they decided to walk out of the movie theater, and then go in through the entrance and exit of the car. Although it was a little troublesome to drive out, it did not hinder their good mood.It was only in the end that Adele who appeared suddenly disturbed her.

Ye Kelan originally thought that Gu Yumo would give herself an explanation after she hugged her and walked away, but she didn't expect that they had already walked such a long way, and Gu Yumo hadn't even opened her mouth to explain to her. what.

Although Gu Yumo said without hesitation that she was his fiancée to another girl who admired him just now, she did not deny that she would be very upset when she heard Gu Yumo introduce her identity like someone else. I'm very happy, but this can't be the reason why he messed with Taohua before and doesn't give her an explanation now! ?

Ye Kelan pursed her mouth in dissatisfaction and let out a cold snort from her nose, then broke free from Gu Yumo's embrace, striding forward, not caring what attitude Gu Yumo would have behind her, just caring about herself walking.

But within a few steps, Gu Yumo involuntarily pulled her into his arms and hugged her tightly. No matter how hard the person in his arms struggled, he would not let go. The person in his arms was soft and fragrant, He didn't want to let go.

But he was also very concerned about Ye Kelan, afraid that she would get tired after struggling for a long time, so he hugged Ye Kelan tightly while raising the volume in her ear and said: "My dear Lanlan, I know Her appearance made you angry, but she is just my colleague, I really have nothing to do with her, so don't be angry, okay?"

Ye Kelan squinted at Gu Yunmo, snorted and said in dissatisfaction: "It doesn't matter that she calls you by your English name so kindly? I've known you for three years, although I haven't seen you for three years, right?" But I'm already with you now, but even I don't know that you still have an English name, let alone what your English name is. And you just said that she is just your colleague, but She actually knows that I don't know about you. Tell me, do you have any thoughts about her? "

Ye Kelan's accusation did not attract Gu Yunmo's timely explanation. On the contrary, Gu Yumo leaned his head on Ye Kelan's shoulder and laughed in a muffled voice. He snorted, didn't he see that he was angry?It's fine if you don't persuade her or comfort her, but now you dare to lean on your shoulder and laugh muffled, you really don't take her seriously!
"Let go of me, I don't care about you anymore!" Ye Kelan struggled, she didn't want to stay in Gu Yumo's arms anymore, he didn't love herself anymore, why should she stay in his arms ?
In fact, Ye Kelan knew in her heart that Gu Yumo had nothing to do with that woman just now, but Ye Kelan really didn't like Gu Yumo laughing when she was angry, although she also knew that the root cause of her anger was because of Gu Yumo. There was a woman beside Yun Mo for no reason.And it looks like it hasn't been a day or two since that woman has thought about Gu Yumo this way, otherwise she wouldn't have leaned against Gu Yumo so anxiously just now.

Gu Yumo didn't know that Ye Kelan said those words because he was jealous. Could he not be happy that Ye Kelan was jealous of him?So he couldn't control his emotions for a while, so he leaned on Ye Kelan's shoulder and laughed. He swore that he really didn't have any thoughts about other women, and Ye Kelan was always the only one in his heart.

Now that Ye Kelan is struggling in his arms and wants to escape from his arms, Gu Yumo will naturally not let Ye Kelan do what he wants, so he hugged Ye Kelan tightly and explained to her clearly, "Lan Lan , don't be angry, don't struggle, I have nothing to do with Adele other than being colleagues. She knows my English name because I use it to deal with outsiders, and you know You are not an outsider, you are my insider. Another reason is that the meaning of this English name is bad, and I don’t want you to be exposed to any bad things or things. When I first chose this English name, it was because of the time My life is really dark, that's why I chose such a name. As for the name Gu Yumo, Adele doesn't know it, except you, and only a brother who grew up with me knows it. Lan Lan, You believe me..."

Gu Yumo said that he was a little choked up in the end, he was hoping that Ye Kelan would forgive him for not telling her his English name, and more importantly, he also hoped that Ye Kelan could treat him better because of his misfortune, if in the future When he did something sorry to her, he also hoped that she could remember her misfortune, so that she could sympathize with him, and then hate herself less.

Ye Kelan would not be angry when she heard that Gu Yumo had said this, and her body that was struggling to leave Gu Yumo gradually calmed down. Although she was not angry with Gu Yumo, the jealousy should be You still have to eat, after all, Gu Yunmo is her man now, she is not a good person, so no other women are allowed around him at all times, otherwise she doesn't know what she will do .

Ye Kelan is loyal to her feelings, so she naturally won't allow a third party to come out to protect her when she and Gu Yumo are together. Isn't love just one-to-one loyalty?

(End of this chapter)

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