Chapter 113 You Are a Devil! (3)

But now that things have happened, how could it be possible to go back to the past and start over again?

Therefore, Gu Yumo calmly reached out and turned off the computer, gently hugged Ye Kelan into his arms, and said softly to Ye Kelan as if nothing had happened: "Lan Lan , From now on, I will be the only one in your world, and you will be the only one in my world from the moment I met you. So, whether you like it or not, you will only be I'm alone."

It's good that Gu Yumo didn't speak, Ye Kelan came back to his senses as soon as he spoke, and raised his head to look at Gu Yumo in disbelief, trying to restrain the turmoil in his heart, and whispered with a slight nasal voice Asked: "So, what I just saw is true?"

Gu Yunmo didn't speak, but nodded in recognition.

Ye Kelan opened his mouth, and continued to ask: "You knew me before Casablanca, and the first time you ignored me was just to get my attention, right?"

Gu Yunmo still didn't speak, he didn't know what to say at all, maybe everything he said was wrong at this point, so he just nodded his head.

Ye Kelan took several deep breaths to calm down a little.

She is such a fool, why didn't she know to check Gu Yumo's identity back then?Why didn't he investigate his identity after taking that painting?Why should... fall in love with him?

Ye Kelan gritted her teeth, and continued to ask: "In the past three years, you have never forgotten to give me gifts on every festival and every birthday. It's all because you want me to remember you all the time, even when we met three years later. You pretended to be so helpless and pitiful, and it was all to make me have a good impression of you, and then accept you to be with you. These are all carefully planned by you all the time, and you have never had any feelings for me at all, I It's like a fool, being played around by you, isn't it?" Ye Kelan's voice became louder as he spoke, and the cries, anger and disgust towards Gu Yunmo became more and more in his speech .

Gu Yumo shook his head, but still hugged Ye Kelan tightly, he was afraid that as soon as he let go of Ye Kelan, Ye Kelan would never return to his embrace.He explained: "No, no. Even if I lied to you for everything else, my feelings for you are true. I have never lied to you about my feelings for you. I really love you It's's just that I just want to have you alone, and I don't want your family to share you equally with me, that's why I did these insane things. Lan Lan, please forgive me, please forgive me, okay? Stay by my side forever in the future, just be with me, okay?"

Ye Kelan recalled that she had been getting deeper and deeper with Gu Yumo over the years. She did not deny that she loved Gu Yumo, but she couldn't accept that Gu Yumo had lied to him, but she still had feelings for Gu Yumo Yes, so she closed her eyes and let the tears slide down her face, then opened her eyes and looked at Gu Yumo's eyes, choked up and said: "Ah Mo, stop before it's too late, okay ?"

Gu Yumo shook his head, if he could stop, he would have stopped the moment he was sure that he fell in love with Ye Kelan, why wait until Ye Kelan finds out and let her persuade him to stop.

Gu Yumo also thought about it, if he stopped, would he be able to start over with Ye Kelan again, and Ye Kelan could even pretend that nothing happened today, maybe the Ye family could accept him in the future , allowing myself and Ye Kelan to be together in a legitimate way.But compared to this, he hoped that Ye Kelan would be his own wholeheartedly, and not let other people's affairs or things distract her.

He didn't want much, really not much, and what he wanted and what he gave Ye Kelan was what he asked Ye Kelan to give.From the moment he met Ye Kelan in his world, she was the only one, and the others were just passers-by in his life, dispensable.

So he also has Ye Kelan as the only person in Ye Kelan's world, even if there will be a third person in the future, it can only be their child.

Gu Yumo shook his head, lowered his head and kissed away the tears from the corners of Ye Kelan's eyes. It was salty and had some bitter taste in it, but this did not hinder the decision he had already made.

"Lanlan, I can't hold back anymore. We are the only two together in this life. Don't worry, your family will never know that you are with me, and they will never know that we are together. Because they will I saw with my own eyes the scene where your bones were gone, so no one will know that you are still alive." Gu Yunmo's voice was very gentle, just like when she was leaning against Ye Kelan's ear and talking to her.

Ye Kelan pushed Gu Yumo away, supported the desk with one hand and slowly stood up, shook her head and looked at Gu Yumo with despair in her eyes, and her voice was as desperate as her eyes. Bing Leng, "I will never be with you, and you can't stop me at all, if you don't believe it, you can give it a try!"

Gu Yunmo smiled cruelly, but what he said next made Ye Kelan want to crush him, "Lanlan, of course I know I can't stop you, and I never thought of wanting to stop you." Stop you, I won't hurt you or your family. But if you step out of this door, I promise to make Wen Jing's life worse than death. You must have seen it just now There is Wen Jing's name on it, if you leave me, I guarantee Wen Jing's fate will not be too good."

"What do you mean?" Ye Kelan couldn't cry at this time, but just looked at Gu Yunmo with hatred.

Gu Yumo approached Ye Kelan, smiled faintly at the corner of his mouth, held Ye Kelan's face in both hands, and wiped away the tears on her face with his thumbs, the smile remained on his face all the while, but he She also knew that her smile was really dazzling in Ye Kelan's eyes.

"Lanlan, do you know how I got here in the past three years without you?" He lowered his head and kissed Ye Kelan's lips, and then raised his head and said, "I've been here every day." I think about you all day, but I don’t have time to see you, so I made your clone by myself. Do you know? In order not to reject me like you, I made it obediently , She will do whatever I ask her to do, she is very obedient."

(End of this chapter)

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