Chapter 114 You Are a Devil! (4)

"Later, I thought a clone would be very lonely, so I made another quiet clone, which was exactly the same as her, with the same appearance, movements and personality. Even you may not be able to tell the difference clearly. Who is real and who is a clone."

Ye Kelan looked at Gu Yunmo in disbelief. Although she knew that clones could appear in this world, and the No. [-] terrorist organization could also be created, there was a gap between appearance and interior.But now she actually heard Gu Yumo say that the clones he made can be exactly the same, this is simply a fantasy!
But then Ye Kelan thought of her aunt, the child prodigy who could speak for seven days, who saved the seriously injured grandfather and also the seriously injured mommy, such miraculous things happened, Ye Kelan had no reason I don't believe that Gu Yumo can make a clone that is exactly like a real person. After all, more mysterious things have happened.

"Lan Lan, Wen Jing is your brother's beloved woman. If she dies, will your brother's life be easier? Your father has worked hard for almost 30 years, do you still want him to travel to the mountains and work hard?" ?”?
"My Lan Lan is so filial and sensible. Your younger brother is still in his infancy, and he needs the care of his parents. Your elder brother loves Wen Jing so much. What will happen to him if there is no Wen Jing by his side to take care of him?" Also, your uncle Kaka, your future cousin is not in good health, so he is about to retire now. Also, the identity of your cousin’s family seems very interesting, like with the mafia Can’t get rid of it?! The marriage between the first terrorist organization and the mafia more than 20 years ago will happen again in a few days. What a grand scene you think it should be. I can’t wait to think about it. .”

Gu Yumo smiled again, as if she was showing off to Ye Kelan that she knew more than her, "Lanlan, look, I know so many things about the first terrorist organization, although the Mafia doesn't know as much, But what do you think if I do something, what will happen to the No. [-] terrorist organization and the Mafia? You have to know that it is your daddy and your two uncles or your two great-uncles all their lives Effort, you can't let it be ruined in your hands!"

Gu Yunmo's voice was very calm, even at this moment he still looked calm, because he was sure that Ye Kelan would not leave him, so even if Ye Kelan hated him now, he still believed that when Ye Kelan hated him After a long time, she won't hate herself anymore. After all, her life experience is so pitiful, she loves herself, and she will feel sorry for her past experiences.

And even if Ye Kelan doesn't feel sorry for him anymore, doesn't love him anymore, he still has the last bargaining chip to keep her by his side, even if he stays by his side because he hates him, as long as she is here, he doesn't care.

Ye Kelan didn't know what to do anymore, but she couldn't tell others about this matter. Gu Yunmo knew so much, if he angered Gu Yunmo, if he really did something to the No. [-] terrorist organization and the mafia If something happens, she will be ashamed to go back in this life, she might as well be dead.

"So, will your plan be changed because of me? You will listen to what you said, and you won't make me unhappy. Are these all fake?" By this time Ye Kelan I also know that I have asked Gu Yunmo about the things I promised myself, and I only hope that he can keep his promise.

Gu Yumo lowered his head and pecked Ye Kelan's lips carefully. Up to this moment, his hands were still holding Ye Kelan's face. The last time he kissed Ye Kelan was when he raised his head and kissed Ye Kelan. The one who spoke, but this time was different, his lips were still touching Ye Kelan's lips, "Lanlan, as I said, as long as you and I are together forever, I will not be against the No. [-] terrorist organization and Ye Kelan." What did the mafia do? What I want is always very simple. I just want you. I want you to belong to me alone! As for the others, they are of no use to me. The decision is always in your hands , Their safety is also in your hands, I have no right to make decisions. It was three years ago, and it will be three years later."

Ye Kelan stretched out her hand and pushed Gu Yunmo away suddenly, watching the man she loved gnash her back teeth and popped out a few words: "Gu Yumo, you'd better remember what you said today, if One day I found out that you lied to me, and I will never forgive you for the rest of my life!" Ye Kelan turned around and left the study after saying this, and staggered back to the room that Gu Yumo had prepared for her. Lock the door, although it is of no use to Gu Yunmo.

If Ye Kelan really hated Gu Yunmo to the bone, she could find a chance to kill Gu Yunmo herself. Anyway, Gu Yunmo has never been prepared against Ye Kelan. , if Gu Yumo died, then everything he said just now would not happen, so why should she tell him something that she would not forgive.

In the final analysis, it was because Ye Kelan loved Gu Yumo, she couldn't do that, she still hoped that Gu Yumo would not hurt her family for the sake of her face.She even hoped that one day Gu Yumo would figure it out and let her go home with him, explain these things clearly, and nothing would happen.

But Ye Kelan didn't expect that the development of things was not as she thought. She thought that Gu Yumo would really not do anything to the No. [-] terrorist organization and the mafia, but when she knew it, it was really too late.

Gu Yumo stood motionless at the door of Ye Kelan's room, staring at the door without blinking, as if he could see a hole in the door so that he could see Ye Kelan's figure, and he You can know if Ye Kelan is okay in there, and if he is crying.

This door is like a gap that they can't cross, she is on this side, and he is on the other side, they both know that behind the door is their beloved, but she just can't let go, and can't open the door to let him in, Although he was in the door in his heart at this moment, in reality he was still rejected by him.

Inside the door, Ye Kelan was sitting powerlessly on the ground. She was looking blankly at one place, in contrast to Gu Yumo who was standing outside the door looking at the door. Neither of them moved, not even their eyes. Blink.

I don't know how long it took, but the sky gradually darkened. Gu Yumo finally made a movement. He raised his left hand and glanced at his watch. It was already eight o'clock. He thought that Ye Kelan should be hungry, so He moved to the kitchen to prepare dinner for Ye Kelan.

(End of this chapter)

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