Chapter 115 You Are a Devil! (5)

I haven't touched my hands or feet for seven or eight hours, and everyone will react with some discomfort, but Gu Yunmo seems to be an abnormal person. He didn't feel anything and went directly to the kitchen. It's better to say that he didn't feel anything. It was because seeing Ye Kelan in pain made him feel pain in his heart, and the pain in his heart overwhelmed the discomfort in his body, so he didn't feel the pain anymore.

Dinner is very simple, Gu Yumo is not in the mood to cook something delicious right now, he simply ordered two bowls of green noodles and a few dishes of side dishes, and after finishing, he walked to the door of Ye Kelan's room and raised his hand to knock on it. Knocking on the door, she said softly as always, "Lan Lan, it's time to come out for dinner."

Ye Kelan in the room still didn't move, if she wasn't still breathing weakly, she would have thought she was gone.

Gu Yumo didn't get Ye Kelan's response and felt a little uncomfortable for some reason. She could ignore herself, but she couldn't stop eating. He didn't want her to be unable to eat, not even a single meal.

"Lanlan, you'd better come out to eat obediently, otherwise you definitely don't want to see the consequences." Since he didn't threaten her to ignore him and refuse to eat, he had no choice but to threaten Ye Kelan. Whether to listen or not depends on her own choice.

Sure enough, as soon as Ye Kelan heard Gu Yumo's threat, she stood up abruptly, opened the door and looked at Gu Yumo expressionlessly, because she had been sitting on the ground for too long, so her feet were numb and her head was numb. A little dizzy, she fell back directly, she would rather fall than fall into Gu Yunmo's arms.

Gu Yunmo didn't know what Ye Kelan was thinking, seeing Ye Kelan pull Ye Kelan back into her arms, she knew that Ye Kelan's petty temper towards her was because of those things. Unacceptable, he also knew that this kind of thing was not easy to accept, so he was willing to give Ye Kelan time.

Although Ye Kelan was unwilling to fall into Gu Yumo's arms, but now that Gu Yumo had pulled her back into his arms, she didn't need to push Gu Yumo away.

She thought in the room all afternoon, even if Gu Yumo knew the information inside the No. [-] terrorist organization and the mafia, it didn't matter, didn't he love her?Since he loves himself, he must not have the heart to see himself sad.

So she only needs Xiaozhi to persuade Gu Yumo with emotion and reason. She believes that Gu Yumo will also choose to give up his plan for her. If he can't, she has reason to believe that Gu Yumo doesn't love her. , or not so deeply in love.

If that's the case, then, hmph, she won't know what to do by then. ?
Ye Kelan was pulled into his arms by Gu Yumo. Although he didn't hug Ye Kelan too hard, he didn't allow Ye Kelan to leave his embrace easily, although he really didn't want Ye Kelan to leave His arms, but this does not mean that Ye Kelan will have the same thoughts as him.

The temperature from Gu Yumo's body spread to her body through the fabric, it was warm and comfortable, but Ye Kelan still brushed away Gu Yumo's arms holding her firmly without raising her head, and turned around decisively. Just leave, without even giving Gu Yunmo a look.

Gu Yunmo doesn't know how difficult it is for Ye Kelan to accept all that, and he is not in a hurry to ask Ye Kelan to forgive him, but at most three days, if Ye Kelan still ignores him so much after three days, He really didn't know what he would do, and the consequences would be something they didn't want to see.

Gu Yumo raised his head and took a deep breath, then turned around and walked in the direction Ye Kelan was walking. When Gu Yumo arrived, Ye Kelan was already sitting at the dining table and slowly eating the green vegetable noodles in the bowl. Ye Kelan's movements were really slow, she basically ate noodles one by one, chewing them carefully without swallowing them in a hurry, as if savoring the taste of the noodles.

It took Ye Kelan half an hour to finish a bowl of noodles that was [-]% full. Although the weather is hot now, the bowl of noodles would still be cold after half an hour. If it wasn't for Ye Kelan's hand If he held the bowl to keep Gu Yumo from approaching, Gu Yumo would have taken away the bowl of noodles in front of Ye Kelan, even if he wanted to eat it, he would have to eat it hot.

After Ye Kelan finished eating the noodles, she quietly drank the soup in the bowl, not a single drop was left.

Seeing that Ye Kelan finished eating, Gu Yumo stretched out his hand to caress Ye Kelan's face in admiration, then put away the bowl and was about to wash the dishes, but Ye Kelan grabbed his wrist before he could move. .

Gu Yumo looked down at Ye Kelan in confusion, only to hear Ye Kelan's voice calling him to stop without any fluctuation.

Since Ye Kelan asked him to stay, he would naturally not refuse to listen. He hadn't heard Ye Kelan's voice for seven or eight hours, and now that Ye Kelan took the initiative to talk to him, he naturally sat ecstatically. He got down and looked straight at Ye Kelan, as if he was afraid that she would disappear suddenly.

"Ah Mo, you said you love me, is it true?" Ye Kelan still held Gu Yunmo's wrist without letting go, and looked at him with hollow eyes.

Gu Yumo's other hand covered Ye Kelan's hand holding his wrist, and he squeezed Ye Kelan's hand with a little force, and replied softly: "Lanlan, I will never forget you!" love you!"

Ye Kelan's eyes seemed to light up when she heard Gu Yumo say that she would love her forever, she looked like Gu Yumo, and said eagerly: "Ah Mo, since you said you will love me forever, then don't Can you promise me one thing?"

As if afraid that Gu Yumo would not agree, Ye Kelan hurriedly added: "Don't worry, the thing I want you to promise me is not that I want to leave you. Only you and I know about this matter, so you can Promise me."

Gu Yumo looked at Ye Kelan and shook his head with a smile, "Lanlan, I won't hurt you, and naturally I won't hurt those who are important to you. But I wasn't the only one who could do this from the beginning. It has the final say, so I can also protect your family from harm. As for the safety of other people, I can't do anything."

Ye Kelan didn't believe it, she took out her hand and grabbed the clothes on Gu Yunmo's body, praying, "Isn't your target me? I'm already by your side now, why don't you stop?" Wen Jing is not like I grew up in the No. [-] Terrorist Organization since I was a child. She is only because of her superior skills. Therefore, it is impossible for the No. [-] Terrorist Organization to pay too much for her. If you want You can use me to threaten them, don't count Wen Jing in it, she is innocent!"

(End of this chapter)

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