Chapter 116 You Are a Devil! (6)

In fact, what Ye Kelan didn't know was that she was the real innocent person from the beginning to the end. If it wasn't because Wen Jing joined the No. [-] terrorist organization, they wouldn't be able to tell her directly to let her leave the No. [-] terrorist organization. Gu Yumo will not be allowed to approach her.

After investigation, Fei Di learned that Wen Jing's instructor was Ye Tianyu, and what kind of person Ye Tianyu was, he was trained as the leader of the number one terrorist organization, so he was naturally more vigilant and vigilant than others. Tight.As for the person who can get close to him and gain his complete trust, and who can have a place in the No. [-] terrorist organization, there is no other more suitable candidate except his own sister Ye Kelan.

It's just that Fei Di didn't expect, even Gu Yumo himself didn't expect that he would fall in love with Ye Kelan. Fei Di also knew that if Gu Yumo fell in love with Ye Kelan, they would not be able to carry out some plans. He can only be forced to change the plan, because Fei Di loves Wen Jing deeply, and he can understand and know what kind of mood it is to see his beloved suffer.Don't say that Wen Jing is not suffering now, even if she is not by his side, Fei Di can't bear it, how can he tolerate things that hurt his beloved?

So Fei Di did not stop Gu Yumo from falling in love with Ye Kelan, but he still told Gu Yumo not to give up their long-planned matter because of Ye Kelan.

He loves Wen Jing, just like Gu Yumo loves Ye Kelan, Gu Yumo wants to monopolize Ye Kelan, and wants her to be his whole body and soul, why doesn't he think so.

It's just that Fei Di doesn't have Gu Yumo's strong desire for monopoly. Although he hopes that Wen Jing can only belong to him alone, he never intends to let Wen Jing disappear from this world, disappear from everyone's eyes, and make her only belong to him. Only living in his own world, he is not so crazy yet.

"No, Lanlan, she's never been innocent." Gu Yumo smiled, couldn't help approaching Ye Kelan, and whispered to Ye Kelan with her lips against Ye Kelan's ear: "Lanlan, As I said, I never have any secrets from you, so I also hope that after you know these secrets of mine, you don’t tell anyone else, don’t tell anyone, not even your most trusted daddy, okay?"

Ye Kelan nodded lightly, really lightly, if Gu Yumo's lips were not pressed against Ye Kelan's ears, Gu Yumo probably would not have known that Ye Kelan nodded.

After feeling Ye Kelan's nod, Gu Yunmo said: "Lanlan, in fact, I just wanted to use you at first, but I didn't expect that I fell in love with you before I started to use you. But I have never denied my feelings for you, I love you, I want you to be with me. Although I fell in love with you, but our plan is already in progress, I promised him that he will continue Go on. I also know that if I don't continue, if I don't get you smoothly under the development of the plan, I don't know what I will do, and what he will do."

In fact, Fei Di knew far less than Gu Yumo. He didn't know anything about the Mafia and the No. [-] terrorist organization, so in the final analysis it was just whether Gu Yumo was willing to do it or not.

But Fei Di saved Gu Yumo's life, if Fei Di had said so, then Gu Yumo would have died in nowhere.So Gu Yumo thought of Fei Di's kindness, thinking that he was the one who taught him the ability to settle down.It's just that Fei Di obviously didn't expect that Gu Yumo would learn far more than he was taught as the days went by.

But no matter what, Fei Di is Gu Yunmo's benefactor, in order to repay Fei Di's favor, he had to do this.

Everything has advantages and disadvantages, just like when Gu Yunmo met Ye Kelan and fell in love with Ye Kelan when he was doing these things, maybe he owed Fei Di again in the dark, and now he is doing this just to report fees Dean's just.

Gu Yumo hugged Ye Kelan into his arms, patted her on the back lightly, to make her feel better, and then said: "But I can assure you, I have no problems with the No. [-] terrorist organization and the mafia." I won't do anything to them, but the premise is that you must stay with me. If you leave me, or if you have contact with them, I will definitely not make it easy for them. I think I can Knowing that you and your family have hidden their identities for many years, then I will naturally have a way to destroy the number one terrorist organization and mafia that you have worked so hard to build up for generations, and then my Lan Lan will be a sinner!"

What he said was extremely gentle, as if he was whispering to the world, but his words made Ye Kelan feel so heartbroken that he couldn't breathe.She even thought that it would have been better if she hadn't gone to Casablanca. If she hadn't gone to Casablanca, she might not have met Gu Yumo, and she would not have been threatened by Gu Yumo. She regretted it so much.

Ye Kelan didn't push Gu Yumo away, but just looked at one place with empty eyes and asked, "What about Wen Jing? What will you do to her?"

Gu Yumo lowered his eyes and pondered for a while, his expression seemed to be thinking about how to tell Ye Kelan.

"Wen Jing is afraid that she will have to suffer a little to leave the No. [-] terrorist organization. After all, she doesn't love him and is unwilling to go with him obediently, so it is impossible for her to leave the No. [-] terrorist organization intact." Gu Yumo smiled cruelly, "Actually, you don't have to worry. I believe you also know that your brother will not let Wen Jing's life be in danger. At most, he will be injured a little bit, and his life will not be in danger. And he keeps saying that he loves her." That person of hers doesn't love her anymore, so Lan Lan shouldn't feel bad about her, okay?"

How can you not feel bad for me, after all, Wen Jing is my brother's beloved, and will become my sister-in-law and my family in the future.If my brother knows that she has something to do, will he not feel bad?How can you let me not feel sorry for her?How can I not be cold to you?

After all, Ye Kelan didn't say these words to Gu Yumo, she just leaned against Gu Yumo's arms and shed tears silently, but in the end she couldn't help crying in Gu Yumo's arms .

Crying that she will never go home, crying that she will never meet, hug, eat, and talk with her beloved family members again, crying that she will part with her truly beloved family members, why is she crying If you love the wrong person, you can't bear to hurt him.

In fact, it wasn't because of reluctance at all, but because she fell in love with Gu Yunmo.Even if he doesn't want to be with his family by himself and separates her from them forever, she is not willing to hurt him at all, nor has she ever thought of hurting him.All this is because she loves Gu Yumo and is unwilling to hurt him. She thinks that although Gu Yumo has done something wrong now, it is not too late to correct it, and she will not say anything about what he has done. Come out, they can start over as if nothing happened.

(End of this chapter)

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