Chapter 117 You Are a Devil! (7)

Ke Lan raised her head and looked at Gu Yumo with tears in her eyes, and said with a sob: "Ah Mo, if I tell you now that I forgive you for what you did before and won't tell anyone, if I still want to be with you, Wouldn't you do that?"

Gu Yumo was really happy when he heard that Ye Kelan was willing to let the past go, he knew from this moment that Ye Kelan actually had him in his heart, so Gu Yumo thought that he could bear Ye Kelan's heart. While Ke Lan loved him, she also loved her family, and put him and her family in the same position.

Gu Yunmo really wanted to tell Ye Kelan that he was willing, but the reality was obviously not like this.

"I'm sorry, Lanlan. Since the day the plan started, I can't stop anymore. I have to continue, even if it's... But I'm glad you can tell me that, I promise I..." Gu Yu Ye Kelan pushed Mo Mo away before he finished speaking, and his heart really hurt when he saw her pointing at him and accusing him with tears all over his face.

Ye Kelan originally thought that her letting go of the past would make Gu Yumo calmly stop, but what she got was that he couldn't stop, making her feel that what she just said was just a joke.

She didn't want to listen to Gu Yumo's continuation anymore. She stood up and pushed Gu Yumo away vigorously. Yun Mo shouted out of control, "I will never love you and never forgive you again, Gu Yumo! You are a complete demon!"

Hearing the only person he loves and cares about says that if he doesn't love him, don't forgive him, Gu Yunmo's heart really hurts. It hurts so much that he can't breathe, but he still walks closer to Ye Ye step by step with painful steps. Kelan wanted to ignore the hatred in her eyes, but he couldn't do it at all. He could only hug Ye Kelan into his arms, buried her head in his chest, and leaned his lips against her ear softly. Said: "I am a devil, your devil!"?
Ye Kelan was crying out of breath in Gu Yumo's arms, but she still shook her head and resisted Gu Yumo, crying bitterly, "I don't want, don't...I don't want you..."

Hearing the person he cared about the most told him not to let him go, Gu Yunmo's heart seemed to be cut several times by a knife, and then he was dumb on it, the pain was so painful that he could hardly breathe.

But he is in pain, so Ye Kelan has to accompany him to suffer together. In Gu Yumo's heart, Ye Kelan has always been regarded as his own property, and he is also Ye Kelan's property. They are one. Yes, so even if you want to hurt your heart, it must hurt together.

"Lanlan, it's too late. It's been too late since the moment I fell in love with you. You can't go anywhere in this life. You can only stay by my side, forever and ever." Gu Yunmo smiled slightly, Cruelly told Ye Kelan: "I will not lock this door, and all connections with the outside world will not be broken, but let me tell you, if there are other people besides me who know that you are still alive in the future, then first Terrorist organizations and mafia will definitely pay for you!"

His tone was so gentle, when he said these words, he was not threatening Ye Kelan to compromise, as if he was talking to Ye Kelan again, gentle and unacceptable.

Ye Kelan knew what the No. [-] terrorist organization meant to Ye Ningyuan without being told, otherwise the Ye family would not have agreed with her and Ye Tianyu to work for the No. [-] terrorist organization.

Since the moment they entered the No. [-] terrorist organization, they had already put their own lives aside. Of course, they were very confident in their own strength at that time, and the No. [-] terrorist organization dominated both black and white circles. It has been several decades, and generations of talents have emerged, and the number one terrorist organization is naturally no exception.

In addition, the older leaders of the first terrorist organization and the mafia have a marriage relationship, so although the two families have always been in harmony with each other, no matter which side is in trouble, the other side cannot ignore it, so And who can contend against the No. [-] terrorist organization and the mafia at the same time? .

There are talented people from generation to generation, and there are capable people in the first terrorist organization and mafia, so how could there be no FBI and CIA?

And Gu Yumo is the capable person of the new generation. Just because he can make clones that can be faked with real people, it is impossible for him to be an ordinary person. You must know that he can clone Ye Kelan And Wen Jing, then it is possible to clone other people. If the word "them" is used at that time, wouldn't it be possible to wipe out the No. [-] terrorist organization and the mafia with little effort.

So now Ye Kelan doesn't dare to act rashly, if she angers Gu Yumo, then if Gu Yumo does something crazy, then she is a sinner, a sinner who can't be forgiven even if she dies a hundred times.

Ye Kelan closed her eyes and took a deep breath, calmed down her emotions a little, and then asked: "Then what do you want me to do? What do you want me to do so that you won't hurt my family, won't hurt the first A terrorist organization and the Mafia?"

"What I want has always been simple. I want you. I want you to be by my side all the time. Never leave me." Gu Yumo's voice came from above Ye Kelan's head, "What I want is not to leave. It means that in this world, besides you, I am the only one who knows that you are still alive, and no one else can know."

"I promise you." Ye Kelan replied without hesitation.In fact, there is nothing she can do if she doesn't agree, because she can't afford to bet, it's okay if she wins, but if she loses, it's too late for her to regret it.

Ye Kelan opened his eyes and looked at one place, then asked again: "You just said that only you know the secret of how to make human clones, right?"

Gu Yumo patted Ye Kelan's hand on the back for a while, then patted her back lightly, and said honestly while patting: "Not all. Let me tell you this, I know the most important thing One step, without this step, no matter how many steps are completed before, it will be useless."

Ye Kelan's heart sank when she heard Gu Yumo say these words. She knew that Gu Yumo loved her, and he had said it himself, so if she stayed by his side, Then he will definitely not do anything.

But do I really want to let this person who has huge hidden dangers to the No. [-] terrorist organization and the mafia live in this world?

Ye Kelan didn't know what she should do, and she didn't want to think about what she should do, so she could only take one step at a time.

(End of this chapter)

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