Chapter 118 Qiao Family Anxia (2)

Mrs. Qiao took An Xia to a place with swings in the garden. Although she didn't know if An Xia liked it or not, she relied on her niece Mo Ruomu to set up a swing in every house they lived in. I hope that one day when An Xia comes back, she can sit on it and play happily.

An Xia and Mrs. Qiao sat down together, and the swing was shaking slightly. Mrs. Qiao looked at An Xia with some disappointment. Although she was a little hesitant, she still said, "Xia Xia, you have been back for two days, but I have never I haven't heard you call me mom, and mom has been waiting for you for more than ten years, don't you want to call me mom?"

An Xia didn't speak, but just lowered her head and didn't look at Mrs. Qiao. Although the words "Mom and Dad" are easy to say in other people's mouths, she once imagined that one day in the future, she could hug her parents and be kind to her. Calling for Mom and Dad, but now they are by her side, but she doesn't know why she doesn't have the courage to shout out.

Maybe it's really because I've never yelled these words!
Seeing that An Xia lowered her head and stopped looking at herself, Mrs. Qiao thought that An Xia was resisting this matter, so she quickly said, "Xia Xia, mom knows that I owe you too much these years, and mom will make it up to you. From now on, I will not let you suffer any grievances, even just a little bit. Xia Xia, mom has been waiting for you to call mom for almost 20 years, so just call me mom, okay?"

An Xia looked up at Mrs. Qiao as if she had made up her mind and said, "I'm sorry, I'm not ready yet, can you give me some more time?"

An Xia has already said that, Madam Qiao will naturally not force An Xia to address her, but as soon as she thinks that An Xia will leave her again in three days, Madam Qiao is really unbearable.

Although she knew that if she intervened too much in An Xia's work, An Xia would be even more unwilling to call her mother, but she really couldn't bear her daughter leaving her, so when she looked at An Xia, her eyes were red, It was full of reluctance for An Xia.

But it was this look that shook An Xia's heart a little. She changed the subject of Mrs. Qiao asking her to call her mother, and said with a relaxed smile, "Didn't I answer the phone just now? She told me to give me another month's service." False, so we still have a month to get along, I believe that within this month I will definitely adapt to the life of having parents, and I will try my best to change my mind within this month.?"

An Xia has already said that, and Madam Qiao naturally won't have any opinions, and An Xia also said that she will stay for a month, which makes Madam Qiao who originally thought that her daughter can only stay with her for three days feel relieved. tone.

For Mrs. Qiao, she was very happy to be with her daughter for an extra month. She reached out and stroked An Xia's cheek with a smile and said, "Mom's good daughter, tonight, Mom will cook for you. , tell mom what you want to eat, what you like, and what you don't like, so that mom can make you whatever you like."

An Xia nodded with a smile and said, "Okay, then let's go shopping for vegetables now, and I'll cook for you when the time comes. I've learned how to cook, and I'll let you try my skills when the time comes."

Mrs. Qiao was surprised: "You can cook?"

Thinking of Qiao Hanwan's ten fingers not touching the spring water all these years, and An Xia can actually cook, no matter whether it is good or not, Madam Qiao is very fond of An Xia, brushing An Xia's hair and said distressedly: "Okay, Mom promised you that I can let you cook, but not as an example!"

An Xia nodded heavily, and said relaxedly: "Well, I understand. In fact, you don't have to feel sorry for me so much, it's just cooking a meal, and it won't tire me. Besides, I have cooked all these years by myself I'm used to the food."

In fact, cooking a meal or something is really not a particularly tiring thing for An Xia, and it is not tiring at all. As An Xia said, if you get used to it, you won't feel tired. Seeing all the ingredients turned into mouth-watering delicacies with my own efforts is still very fulfilling.

Although An Xia has already said that, as a mother, Mrs. Qiao still loves An Xia very much, not to mention that An Xia's hand joints are well-defined. I know her life is hard.Although An Xia has repeatedly stated that she lives a good life and has never been wronged, it is normal for Mrs. Qiao to feel sorry for An Xia as a mother.

Because the two men in the family were going to the company for a quarterly summary meeting, they were not at home. Besides An Xia and Mrs. Qiao, there was Qiao Hanwan.

The reason why Qiao Hanwan didn't go out was that Qiao's father didn't allow her to go out because her foot was also injured, because it was bandaged, and it would hurt a little when she walked, so she just took advantage of closing the door to think about her mistakes and recuperated at home for a while.

But through her window, you can see where An Xia and Mrs. Qiao are on the swing. Qiao Hanwan can't wait to see the two mothers and daughters loving each other, but she doesn't dare to do anything to separate An Xia now. , so he could only grit his silver teeth bitterly.

An Xia and Mrs. Qiao went out to the supermarket together. The mother and daughter were holding hands and they were very affectionate. Just by seeing them, you can tell that the relationship between them must be very deep, let alone Qiao Hanwan. where?
An Xia is a carnivorous animal. Basically, she likes to eat as long as it is meat, but the premise is that it must be lean meat or fat and thin, and it must be cooked. She has no habit of eating raw meat.

Mrs. Qiao watched An Xia rush towards the meat as soon as she entered the supermarket, and then put a series of meat such as beef, mutton, chicken, and pork into the carts they pushed without hesitation. After finishing the calculation, put shrimps, crabs, fish, etc. into the car after putting away the meat.

After An Xia's brainstorming, Mrs. Qiao looked at the shopping cart in surprise. Meat alone already filled half of the cart's capacity. If I went to get some vegetarian dishes, snacks, fruits, etc. later, I could still put them in. Can I get off?

At this moment, An Xia came over with two boxes of yogurt in her hands. She saw Mrs. Qiao's eyes looking at the meat in the shopping cart, and the corners of her mouth twitched slightly. She walked over to hold Mrs. Qiao's arm in embarrassment. Too comfortable hehe smiled and said: "I like to eat meat, so I accidentally took a little more. If you think it's too much, I'll just take some and put it back."

(End of this chapter)

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