Chapter 126 Qiao Family Anxia (10)

Although it started at eight o'clock, some people who had a good relationship with the Qiao family, or those who were invited to curry favor with the Qiao family, all came earlier, including Zhao Ziming.

Zhao Ziming: The only son of the chairman of ZM Group, which is comparable to Qiao's Group in S City, is also the CEO of ZM Group, although he is several months younger than Qiao Junting.But he is a famous playboy, and there are often pictures of him, a certain female star, and a certain young model in news magazines. If he finds out, he will never get angry and will be generous. Fang poses in an intimate pose for the paparazzi to take some nice photos.

Zhao Ziming has many women, but he can live among thousands of flowers without any leaves touching his body.

No matter how Zhao Ziming is, the women who like him are still going forward one after another, and the party that Qiao Hanwan missed last time was hosted by Zhao Ziming.

Although Zhao Ziming has had many girlfriends, but his parents are handsome and rich, so he has naturally become the prince charming in the hearts of many women in S city. The reason why he was fascinated by him was that although he was very carefree, he was very kind to women, and he could say all kinds of sweet words and romance at his fingertips. It was no wonder that Qiao Hanwan would abandon Gu Yumo and empathize with him.

What's more coincidental is that Zhao's father really hopes that Zhao Ziming can marry Qiao Hanwan. After all, if the two of them join forces, the business will definitely be improved, and they may be able to squeeze into the rich list. Top ten.

Of course, Zhao Ziming had never seen any kind of woman before, so knowing that his father had plans to marry Qiao, he naturally would not refuse, and Qiao Hanwan was also very good looking, she was considered a beauty.Besides, who stipulated that after he got married, he had to be devoted to Qiao Hanwan. He could also raise a few lovers and have a few illegitimate children, and his life was still as chic as before marriage.On the day of his death, just write in the will and give them a little money and a house, and if there is something dissatisfied, make a fuss on your own, and he can't take care of it if it doesn't belong to him.

Although he doesn't know why the Qiao family will hold a dance tonight, it's not important. The important thing is that he will be there, and then develop a relationship with Qiao Hanwan. When the time is right, he doesn't need to mention the marriage, Qiao Hanwan Wan Wan would be eager to marry him, which would save him trouble.

His car drove all the way to the gate of Qiao's villa. Before the car stopped, he saw Qiao Hanwan wearing a white tutu skirt with delicate makeup on his face. He looked a little prettier than usual.As soon as he panicked, he saw Qiao Hanwan happily running towards him.Zhao Ziming's beauties are always very considerate, so when they saw Qiao Hanwan running over, they quickly pulled over and stopped the car, and the security guards on the side naturally came over to help him park the car in a sheltered garage. , he has seen the weather forecast, it will rain tonight.

Zhao Ziming narrowed his Danfeng eyes slightly, walked towards Qiao Hanwan with his signature smile on his face, and called softly, "Wanwan."

Although Qiao Hanwan heard these two words a lot, shouting from Zhao Ziming's mouth still made her a little nervous. With a smile on her lips, she slowed down and walked towards Zhao Ziming, and called out kindly: " Brother Ziming, you are here, come in with me, your parents and brother are inside." As he spoke, he naturally took Zhao Ziming's arm and talked softly all the way, regardless of whether he wanted to listen or not. .

Although Zhao Ziming said he was ahead of schedule, it was only 10 minutes ahead of schedule, so there were dozens of people inside, and a small number of people were around Joe's father, mother, Qiao Junting, but more Instead, they formed a group in twos and threes, talking with wide-eyed smiles.

Qiao Hanwan looked around and saw Father Qiao and Mother Qiao standing together. She smiled and looked back at Zhao Ziming and asked, "Brother Ziming, my parents are there. Let's go and say hello to them first, shall we?"

It just so happened that Zhao Ziming also wanted to show his face in front of Joe's father and mother. Although his usual life is a bit absurd, he is the only man in S City who is worthy of Qiao Hanwan, and he is a man. , Who doesn't have a sneaky time, maybe Father Qiao will raise his lover and illegitimate child outside behind Mother Qiao's back!
"Of course I'm going to visit Wanwan's parents, otherwise I'd be too rude." Zhao Ziming's mouth curled up, and his smile was extraordinarily monstrous, but Qiao Hanwan was fascinated again. If Zhao Ziming hadn't reminded her I have to lose face first.

Qiao Hanwan lowered her head and nodded shyly, and agreed to be reserved in front of Zhao Ziming, but I don't know if it's because Zhao Ziming has a very special charm, so she always looks at him fascinated without knowing it?
After Zhao Ziming reminded her, Qiao Hanwan quickly crossed her hands on the lower abdomen, and then led Zhao Ziming to the place where Qiao's father and mother were with a smile on her face. Behind Qiao Hanwan, she followed Qiao Hanwan's pace and walked step by step to the position of Qiao's father and Qiao's mother.

Qiao's father, Qiao's mother was talking to the mayor of S city, and they saw a man walking towards them with Qiao Hanwan behind him. You don't need to ask Qiao's father and Qiao's mother to know who is behind Qiao Hanwan. Who is that man? If he is not a famous name, then they still have an urge to introduce An Xia, but now that he is here with Qiao Hanwan, there is no need to do anything extra.

Qiao Hanwan walked to Qiao's father and mother, turned around and introduced to Zhao Ziming, "Mom and Dad, this is brother Ziming."

Qiao's father and Qiao's mother looked at each other, calling Zhao Ziming to Qiao Hanwan only made their hearts skip a beat, but it didn't show on their faces, they just nodded to Zhao Ziming in a tacit understanding.

After introducing it to my parents, I introduced it to Zhao Ziming, but the smile on my face became more obvious when I was facing Zhao Ziming, and my voice became softer: "Brother Ziming, these are my parents."

Zhao Ziming still smiled, and called out very calmly: "Uncle, aunt."

Father Qiao hummed, and he didn't treat him special just because he had a good relationship with Qiao Hanwan. In his opinion, as long as he didn't reach that point, he would be a passerby. "Young Master Zhao is really a rare guest. It's just that there are so many guests tonight. If there is any place where the hospitality is not good, please forgive me."

(End of this chapter)

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