Chapter 127 Qiao Family Anxia (11)

Zhao Ziming smiled slightly and said, "Uncle, you're welcome. It's enough for sister Wanwan to greet me. If uncle and auntie have something to do, they won't bother you." Wan Wan's eyes are full of love, but in Father Qiao's eyes, there are ulterior motives.

But he doesn't have time to take care of Qiao Hanwan now, so he can only educate Qiao Hanwan after the dance.

Father Qiao turned his head to Qiao Hanwan and said, "In that case, then Wanwan, please greet Young Master Zhao well, and don't neglect him."

Perhaps it was because Qiao's father's decision was in line with her wishes, so Qiao Hanwan nodded with a sweet smile, and agreed happily: "I know Dad, Mom and Dad, then let's go first."

Father Qiao nodded, watched Qiao Hanwan and Zhao Ziming's backs leave, and then continued to chat with his wife and the mayor of S City.

The mayor, who was standing still and watching their interaction, joked, "It would be a great thing if the Zhao family can marry the Qiao family. Let me drink a glass of wedding wine!"

Father Qiao waved his hand, suppressed the unhappiness in his heart, and said with a chuckle: "If they really become my first ones, I will send you an invitation card. I'm afraid you will be busy with your affairs."

Qiao's father and Qiao's mother said a few more words to the mayor. Seeing that the time was already [-]:[-], he glanced at the living room and saw that the guests had almost arrived, so Qiao's father apologized to the mayor. With a sound, he and his wife both left, but he went to the podium in the center, while Mrs. Qiao went upstairs to see An Xia.

In fact, An Xia was already standing at the corner of the second floor at eight o'clock. That place was a blind corner, and she was basically invisible in the living room. If Mrs. Qiao hadn't gone up to the second floor and saw her, I'm afraid I will go to the third floor in vain.

When Mrs. Qiao went downstairs, Qiao Hanwan was still dressing up. Originally, a makeup artist came to dress up An Xia, but An Xia refused, and she tossed about her makeup upstairs by herself.Mrs. Qiao was still a little worried about An Xia's appearance in a while, but when she saw An Xia, she no longer had any worries, and praised An Xia for her beauty.

An Xia doesn't like heavy makeup, and she doesn't like rubbing half a catty of flour on her face. Her skin is healthy, with a rosy white, and she doesn't even need to apply blush, let alone any kind of base makeup, but because of the night Due to the lighting problem, An Xia still put on a little blush, and then applied a thin layer of lip gloss on her mouth, which was also to make her complexion look better.Her waist-length hair was all tied up, without any decorations on her hair, and the most expensive thing on her whole body was probably the dress she was wearing.

Mrs. Qiao took An Xia's hand and looked it up and down. Although An Xia didn't have a piece of jewelry on her body, she still looked very beautiful. This made An Xia hold her arm and stand on the stairs with her. At this time, the entire living room was dark except for a ray of light where Father Qiao was, but it was not impossible to see everything.

Mrs. Qiao was afraid that An Xia would be nervous, so she patted An Xia's hand lightly to signal her not to be nervous, so she adjusted her distressed face and looked ahead with a smile.

An Xia wasn't nervous at first, but she also knew that after tonight her identity would be known to the whole world, which inevitably made An Xia feel a little powerless.

As if knowing what An Xia was thinking, Father Qiao, who had been talking downstairs for a long time, suddenly said: "My daughter is very low-key, so I hope everyone present can take care of her, but please don't disclose her identity to the public. I, Qiao Xiude, thank you all here!"

After Qiao's father said this, he looked around and said solemnly: "Now, let us give the warmest applause to my little princess Qiao Xiude, Qiao Anxia!" He said and looked towards the stairs on the second floor , watching Qiao Anxia walking step by step with his beloved wife on his arm.

Father Qiao saw Ai Ai slowly walking over with his daughter. He originally thought that her daughter would be very nervous and uncomfortable, but now he saw her walking steadily towards the center of the living room step by step with a decent smile on her face. , He suddenly felt a sense of relief.

While walking steadily with her mother, An Xia quietly observed the guests around her. No matter who she saw, she always kept a smile on her face. When she saw Qiao Junting, she even blinked at him, because he The expression on her face seemed a little unnatural, she knew he was nervous about her, so she blinked at him and told him that she was fine at the moment, so that he didn't have to worry about himself.

After An Xia stepped onto the stage, Qiao's father stepped aside. An Xia stood in the center of the stage logically, and introduced herself to everyone, "Hello, everyone, I'm Qiao Anxia!" Not coming out she felt nervous.

Everyone couldn't help but sighed sincerely, the daughter of the Qiao family was really different. Facing so many elders, outstanding people in the business and political circles, even their children might not have a girl who had never appeared in the upper class. She was calm, as if she had experienced such occasions many times, so she was not nervous at all.

And the smile on her face made people feel very comfortable, not exaggerated or petty at all, as if she was born aristocratic, and her voice was neither humble nor overbearing, no matter how many business or political elites here, she treated her equally.

People can't help comparing her with another Miss Qiao Hanwan, Qiao Hanwan, but anyone with a discerning eye can tell that this Qiao Hanwan is too high-profile, if the family is better, you can call her uncle and aunt with a smile on her face. The family is not that good, it's all judged by the nostrils, as if she wants to be superior to others, and I don't think that she has all these relying on the family, which one is obtained by her own hard work?
After Qiao's father introduced An Xia, he and Qiao's mother brought An Xia to introduce the guests one by one. An Xia held Father Qiao's arm throughout the whole process, with a decent smile on his face, recognizing each person one by one, one by one. One shouted, without a trace of impatience on his face.

Even though she was wearing ten centimeter high heels, no one had ever seen her feel any discomfort, and she never even frowned. Even Mother Qiao was a little surprised. Wear soft flat shoes.

During this period, Mother Qiao took An Xia's hand and thoughtfully asked her if she felt uncomfortable, but An Xia smiled and shook her head to reject it, and then continued to follow Father Qiao's rhythm of recognizing people.

(End of this chapter)

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