Chapter 128 Qiao Family Anxia (12)

In order to show respect to the guests, and because Zhao Ziming was greeted by Qiao Hanwan, Father Qiao and An Xia were the last to talk to Zhao Ziming.

Zhao Ziming was holding a champagne glass in his hand, and there was still half a glass of golden liquid in the glass. When he saw An Xia approaching, the corners of his mouth were even more curved than before, and even his eyes that were not smiling before were full of smiles .

After An Xia walked over, she complained directly: "What a Qiao Anxia! You didn't even tell me when you came to S city, do you still have me as a friend in your heart?"

An Xia just glanced at Qiao Hanwan next to Zhao Ziming, and teased meaningfully: "I don't want to disturb you because I see you are busy. Besides, don't you know that I am here now, and You are the second person who knows I'm here, so stop looking unhappy."

Father Qiao originally wanted to introduce An Xia and Zhao Ziming to each other, but he didn't want An Xia and Zhao Ziming to chat directly. It turned out that his daughter knew Zhao Ziming, a playboy, early in the morning. The corners of Mother Qiao's mouth twitched tacitly.

Seeing that An Xia was so familiar with everyone, Qiao Hanwan became very angry. The last Gu Yumo was also fascinated by her good friend, but now she wants to take away brother Ziming too. Beautiful!

Qiao Hanwan held Zhao Ziming's arm affectionately, and warned An Xia very possessively: "An Xia, brother Ziming is my boyfriend? I don't care what your relationship was like before, but from now on he It's your brother-in-law, you'd better control the scale when you talk to him in the future, otherwise I will definitely teach you a lesson like my sister!"

An Xia didn't even frown when she said this, but Qiao's father and Qiao's mother were very angry, but because there were so many outsiders here, it was not easy to get angry on the spot. Qiao Hanwan was shameless, and the old couple still wanted to face.So Father Qiao and Mother Qiao just stared at Qiao Hanwan one after another, then turned and left, out of sight and out of mind.

But Zhao Ziming frowned. He disliked women who made their own decisions, especially those who talked nonsense without his consent. Although he had plans to go further with Qiao Hanwan, he didn't I like the kind of woman who speaks without thinking, which will lower his son's IQ.

Zhao Ziming pulled out his hand without a trace, and looked at Qiao Hanwan coldly from the side. Although he still had a smile on his face, his eyes still made Qiao Hanwan shudder.

"Wanwan, I remember that what I don't like with you is the kind of self-assertive woman, why can't you remember? Maybe I did have that kind of thought about you before, and I treated you better than other women There are many, but this does not mean that you can dictate my affairs. I can talk to whoever I want to talk to, and it has nothing to do with you."

Speaking of this, the smile on the corner of Zhao Ziming's mouth became brighter, and he stretched out his hand to close Qiao Hanwan's non-existent hair, and said softly: "Wanwan, I hope you will stop being like this in the future, because you are really like this. It’s very ugly, I still like your gentle and considerate appearance, you are the most beautiful like that.” Looking back at An Xia, she then said in the tone just now: “Xia Xia is also your sister, you As a sister, you must protect your sister well, otherwise if Xia Xia doesn't want you as a sister, you will have no place to cry."

Although Zhao Ziming's words sound nice, the meaning of defending An Xia and linking Qiao Hanwan's honor and disgrace to An Xia is also obvious.

This made Qiao Hanwan not angry. Why did she let An Xia make decisions in her life? What qualifications does she have?
At this time, Qiao Hanwan was very wronged, she wanted to cry, but she couldn't cry in front of Zhao Ziming, otherwise the makeup would be so ugly, so she could only bite her lower lip and sob softly , as if someone bullied her.

After Zhao Ziming finished speaking, he didn't care about Qiao Hanwan's pear blossom and rainy appearance, he just turned around and looked at An Xia, as if he was a different person, with that warm smile on his face again, and raised his arm slightly , motioning for An Xia to hold her arm.An Xia didn't hold back, she just put her arms on her arms generously, and then Zhao Ziming took An Xia and left the place where Qiao Hanwan was.

Qiao Hanwan suddenly felt that she was really wronged. Over the past few years, because of An Xia, her quality of life had plummeted. Finally, there was Zhao Ziming who had only one layer of window paper that was not pierced, but she did not expect that Zhao Ziming also knew An Xia. , and it seems that their relationship is pretty good, it's really maddening.

The fist was clenched unconsciously, her nails were a little long, but she didn't seem to feel it when the nails touched the tender flesh in the palm of her hand, and when she looked closely, she could see that her hand was already bleeding, but she seemed to feel it. It's not like it hurts.

That's right, after being separated by the same person for three years, even if they are real sisters, Qiao Hanwan probably can't let it go, and at this time, Qiao Hanwan probably only has hatred for An Xia in her heart, even if she was raped by her hand How can you still feel the pain in your hand when the buckle is bleeding?
An Xia and Zhao Ziming had already walked to the center of the stage at this time. Zhao Ziming first gave An Xia a gentleman's salute, and then said with a smile: "Beautiful lady, can I invite you to dance?"

An Xia didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but she still agreed to Zhao Ziming's invitation. She gently put one hand on Zhao Ziming's hand and the other on Zhao Ziming's shoulder, and slid into the dance floor with him.

Their dance steps are coordinated very tacitly, and every turn is so graceful and colorful. Qiao's father and mother were originally chatting with the mayor, but they didn't want to hear what the people next to them were saying, "Miss Qiao's family." It's such a good dance, it's only after seeing that it was An Xia who was dancing with Zhao Ziming.

Just looking at An Xia's skillful dance steps, it's not difficult to know that An Xia's aristocratic etiquette is also learned very well, otherwise she wouldn't be able to dance so well.

After a few minutes, the song ended, and at this time there were only the two of them in the center of the stage, and the others had already stopped when they entered the arena, wanting to take a look at another young lady from the Qiao family How well the dance is performed, the result is naturally unexpectedly good.

After dancing, Zhao Ziming and An Xia sat down to rest in a corner. In order not to chat dryly, Zhao Ziming brought two glasses of champagne so that they could moisten their throats when they talked.

(End of this chapter)

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