When the leaves return to their roots, I belong to you

Chapter 129 You Gave Me A Big Surprise

Chapter 129 You Gave Me A Big Surprise
"You just said that you are the daughter of the Qiao Group. I was the second person to know about it. Who was the first person?" Zhao Ziming asked casually after sitting down.

An Xia covered her mouth uncomfortably and coughed. In fact, she should know Zhao Ziming even if she didn't mention it, so why did she have to ask more?Is this trying to make yourself unhappy or want to know her recent situation from the side?

In fact, Zhao Ziming and An Xia got to know each other because of Ye Kelan. At that time, Zhao Ziming was studying at Cambridge University, but he didn't want to meet Ye Kelan one day. Just like that, his heart had already been captured by Ye Kelan.

At that time, Ye Kelan and An Xia happened to experience the life of college students at Cambridge University, and they happened to be in the same class as Zhao Ziming, so they kept in touch with each other often.

And when Zhao Ziming met Ye Kelan for three months, it was like Ye Kelan confessed, but at that time, Ye Kelan already had someone in his heart. Although they were not together, it would take time to forget, and she didn't have that kind of thought. , just wanted to get a degree certificate quickly, so he rejected Zhao Ziming's pursuit.

So Ziming Zhao fell out of love unexpectedly, and went to the bar that night to get drunk, Ye Kelan heard the news, because it was not convenient for her to come forward, so she asked An Xia to go to the bar to watch Zhao Ziming, after all, she likes long There are not no men with thin skin and tender flesh.

That's because An Xia and Zhao Ziming drank all night, so their revolutionary friendship was established like this, but both parties knew that they were just buddies, and it was impossible for them to develop into lovers.

That night, An Xia naturally tried to persuade Zhao Ziming not to give up the whole forest for a tree with a crooked neck. Perhaps it was because of An Xia's persuasion that Zhao Ziming was surrounded by beautiful women when he returned home. , as long as he is good-looking, he will not refuse anyone!
After coughing dryly, An Xia said seriously: "Actually, the answer is already in your heart, why do you need to ask more?"

Zhao Ziming smiled sadly, and said as if asking himself: "Yes, I know who you are talking about, why do you ask again?" Isn't it because I can't let her go in my heart!

Zhao Ziming brought the champagne glass close to his mouth, tilted his neck, and drank the golden yellow liquid in the glass in one breath.

An Xia doesn't know what it's like for the person she loves to love someone other than herself, so she is also a fallen person.An Xia felt that she and Zhao Ziming were really similar, the only difference was that she was more rational and knew what was the last thing for her.

Looking down at the golden yellow liquid in the wine glass, he suddenly wanted to taste the taste of drinking heavily, so he followed Zhao Ziming's example and drank it in one breath. It was just a glass of champagne, which was not enough according to An Xia's drinking capacity. You might get drunk, but drinking too much will only hurt you.If a man is gone, you can find him again, but there is only one healthy body, and you can't lose it for the sake of a man who is gone.

At this time, City S is completely dark, but unfortunately there are many neon lights outside, so even if it is completely dark, there are still dim lights everywhere, otherwise they can go out to see the many long-lost lights in the sky up the stars.

But even if there are no neon lights, there will be no stars when you go out now, because it has started to rain outside at some point, and there is even a moon, let alone stars.

But this time in the United States is a good time for the sun to shine. Ye Kelan and Gu Yumo have been fighting for a day, but this is only Ye Kelan's unilateral cold war, because Gu Yumo told her that "she" has gone back , so she is not allowed to contact her family.

Why are you not allowed to contact me?Your family doesn't live by the sea, so it's really lenient!

But there was no way, she couldn't beat Gu Yumo, and then her mobile phone was confiscated by Gu Yumo, and he said that he would return it to her when things were almost done, and then cut off the internet.

She can bear not letting her go home, she can still bear not letting her call home, but she can't bear to cut off the Internet and isolate her from the world. She is not a primitive person, so why should she live a primitive life? !

But Gu Yumo threatened her with the number one terrorist organization, so she had no choice but to agree, but she agreed, but she never looked at Gu Yumo in the eye again, let alone talked to him. ?
Ye Kelan has had a hard time these two days, so naturally Gu Yunmo didn't think about it, and staying in the house was really hard, she urgently needed to find something for herself to do.

For example, she smashed everything she could in the house, including the kitchen, living room, room, and study. She even went in and destroyed the toilet.Although everything that should be smashed was smashed, there was one place where nothing happened, and that was her room.

After all, it is not so easy for her to destroy this high-end apartment of Gu Yumo, because Gu Yumo likes to be quiet, so when she bought the house, she bought the whole floor. not small.

Moreover, Ye Kelan doesn't like to rest in particularly dilapidated places, such as dilapidated living rooms and rooms in this place, so her room has been preserved and not destroyed, and it can be regarded as her own. A place of peace.

After Ye Kelan finished smashing, he stood on the sofa and pointed at Gu Yunmo, and said arrogantly: "Clean up this place for me immediately, and then go buy a new one. You must restore this place to its original state. Then I can continue smashing! Hurry up and clean it up, and go buy it when it's over!"

After finishing speaking, he jumped off the sofa without hesitation, Gu Yunmo wanted to stretch out his hands to protect Ye Kelan, lest she be hurt by the debris under her feet, because she only wore a pair of socks on her feet.

Ye Kelan originally wanted to avoid Gu Yunmo's hand, but she thought that she was too crazy just now, she didn't know where her shoes were thrown, and there were so many debris on the ground, in case she accidentally stabbed herself Well, at that time, the only one who will hurt is myself, and it will definitely be inconvenient to cause trouble for Gu Yumo, so let him hug him as hard as he can, anyway, it won't lose a piece of meat.

Gu Yumo hugged Princess Ye Kelan, lowered his head slightly and asked softly: "Are you going back to your room? I just saw that you smashed up all the other rooms except your own. Did you not smash your own room because you were afraid that if that room was smashed, you would have no place to rest, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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