When the leaves return to their roots, I belong to you

Chapter 131 You Gave Me A Big Surprise

Chapter 131 You Gave Me A Big Surprise
But one thing is the same as Ye Kelan, that is, his affection for his family is equally deep, so the moment Ye Kelan got on the plane, he had a sense of determination, as if he would never see him again. It's not like it's face to face.

It happened to be two days later when she got on the plane, and that day also happened to be the wedding of Chu Nanfeng and Mo Wushuang. If she couldn't leave because the first organization was busy, Ye Kelan's personality that likes to join in the fun must be She went to Italy early, and she must earn a bridesmaid's position to have fun.She can drink a lot, so being a bridesmaid to help the bride hold back alcohol is perfect, and Mo Wushuang is already pregnant at this time, so it is necessary to have a bridesmaid with a particularly good drinker like Ye Kelan.But fortunately, all the people who attended their wedding were relatives and close friends. Chu Nanfeng and Mo Wushuang knew about their physical conditions, so they all made up their minds to drink less alcohol.

Ye Kelan's plane had two assistants besides her, but after the plane took off, the communication on the plane was cut off for some reason, because this time the action was well thought out, and it can be said that there was no harm. It was unfavorable, so Ye Kelan didn't care too much about it, and she was confident that she could get away with it.

After all, she has experienced this kind of thing before, and even more dangerous ones can escape completely, so Ye Kelan thinks that she can escape completely this time, and I'm afraid she won't even lose a single hair .

It is precisely because of this kind of self-confidence that the catastrophe of losing life will be caused.

Because there is a problem with the communicator on the plane where 'Ye Kelan' is, and there is a self-destruct device in the body of 'Ye Kelan', it is very unfortunate that the leader of the other party is Gu Yun ink.

Ever since Ye Kelan destroyed their entire house that day, and Gu Yunmo had worked hard to clean up the house all by himself, but it was only after this cleaning that they found that basically everything in the house had been destroyed by Ye Kelan. Ke Lan was smashed to pieces.

Because Ye Kelan said that he would let Gu Yumo clean up the smashed furniture himself, and then buy the furniture as it was and rearrange it.

In fact, Ye Kelan didn't really want Gu Yunmo to do these jobs, she was just talking about it, not taking it seriously.

Ye Kelan knew that he was just talking, but Gu Yumo didn't think so, so besides calling someone to deliver the furniture, he put it in the same position as before. , as if he had never encountered Ye Kelan's crazy warm-up.

Most of the furniture is back, but there is still a small part that has not been finished yet. Gu Yumo went out on the grounds of supervision, and he went out this time to help them in the first terrorist organization. Tips off.

To put it more simply, Gu Yumo promised Ye Kelan that he would not let the First Organization have any trouble, so he went to report to the First Organization this time, but he would not foolishly come to Ye Tianyu and tell him that this was the case. It's a conspiracy, stop it now!

And all of this was already arranged when he brought Ye Kelan to him, and he also knew that the plane that 'Ye Kelan' was on was only meant to take off and never landed. For the sake of it, unless it is to burn jade and stone together!
Gu Yumo stood at the highest point, holding a telescope in his hand, and when he saw the plane Ye Kelan was on flew to the position he expected, he said softly to the Bluetooth headset: "It's done!"

As soon as this sentence was said, 'Ye Kelan' immediately activated the plane's self-destruct device, and the two people on the same plane as 'Ye Kelan' had no idea that no 'Ye Kelan' would commit suicide like this road thing?
Just when they were still wondering, Ye Kelan suddenly shot those two people in the forehead quickly, the bullet hit the center of their eyebrows, and both of them died before they could react.

And 'Ye Kelan' also watched the number on the self-destruct device getting smaller and smaller, until the countdown reached 15 seconds, 'Ye Kelan' raised his hand and stretched out his hand to Xuan'er on top of his head, and stayed there for ten seconds She pressed it lightly when it was time, then stood up and looked in the direction of City A with a smile on her lips.


The one on the plane was his only sister, the one who was joking with him just a moment ago!How could he accept that it suddenly disappeared so unexpectedly?

After a while, Ye Tianyu stood up, grabbed the collar of the person beside him and asked uncontrollably: "Tell me, the person on that plane is not Ke Lan, but other people, and Ke Lan's plane is fine! Tell me !" Ye Tianyu roared out the last sentence at the top of his lungs.

The man was tightly grabbed by the collar by Ye Tianyu, and he was almost out of breath, but even so, he didn't intend to tell a lie to Ye Tianyu.He faltered and said: "Little Black J, the only one flying there...is her plane, so...it can't be someone else!"

At this time, Jing Nan ran over in a hurry, and before he ran in, he shouted loudly: "We are ambushing, but we have lost contact with Ke Lan's plane, so it may be that there is no contact for a while. Come to us, afraid that we will risk our lives, that's why..." Jing Nan couldn't bear to say the last sentence.

He really couldn't think that such a lovely girl as Ye Kelan would die in such a tragic way in front of them. If he had known earlier, he would have the cheek to stop Ye Kelan this time, even if it was Ye Kelan in the future. Lan will still bully herself, and even assign herself to that whoever does not lay eggs or shit, at least she is still there!
As soon as Ye Tianyu's hand was released, the man who was being held by the collar heaved a sigh of relief. Even though his throat was sore, he resisted not making a sound.

Ye Tianyu took a few steps towards Ye Kelan's plane with heavy steps, and stretched out his hand to grab something, but there was nothing.He originally planned to wait for Ye Kelan to fly to a certain position before boarding the plane, but he didn't expect that there was a trap there, and Ye Kelan detonated the plane to save him...

If he had known this would happen, he would have said nothing to let Ye Kelan get on the plane, but now it is too late, the only thing he can do is... Ye Tianyu slowly raised his head, looking at In a place where black smoke is still rising, the voice does not have a trace of emotion
Said affectionately: "Not one left!"

(End of this chapter)

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