When the leaves return to their roots, I belong to you

Chapter 132 You Gave Me A Big Surprise

Chapter 132 You Gave Me A Big Surprise
Even after returning to the country, not only did she not go back to Ye's house, even Ye Tianzong was not allowed to take her back to Ye's house. Cheng Anya missed her grandson, so she could only secretly go to the neighborhood where they lived to see Ye Tianzong.

Although it is Ye Tianyu's fault on Wen Jing's matter, no matter what, the crime is not as good as his relatives. If you hate Ye Tianyu's Ye family, you will have nothing to say, but you hate his whole family indiscriminately. , That's a bit too much, I don't even think about you marrying into the Ye family, you are also a member of the Ye family, if you want to hate the people of the Ye family, why don't you add yourself by the way?

I have to say that Wen Nuan is too selfish in this matter, and I don't even think about why things turned out like this. If it wasn't because all the evidence points to Wen Jing, then because Ye Tianyu loves Wen Jing so much, and How could she have the heart to hurt Wen Jing even the slightest bit?If it wasn't for Ye Tianyu's deep love for Wen Jing, why would he only shoot four times at her after all the evidence points to Wen Jing after it was confirmed that she killed Ye Kelan instead of killing her? life?

Now the Wen family only knew that Wen Jing was dead, that the Wen family's second young lady was gone, they had no daughter, no younger sister, so why wouldn't they think about Ye Kelan who died because of her?

Could it be that only Wen Jing is the second young lady of the Wen family, who is delicate and fleshy, has parents and sisters who love her, so her life is very precious?Could it be that Ye Kelan, the only little princess of the Ye family, is not delicate and expensive, she is not loved by her parents, loved by her grandparents, and protected by her brother, so her life is not precious at all?

It's good now, the Wen family blindly blamed the Ye family, and didn't think that the Ye family had just lost a child, and they were all in a state of grief and indignation, but the Ye family still stood in a low place, in the same way as Wen Wen. Jing apologized, for what?Isn't it because Ye Feimo loves warmth, otherwise, with a petty family like the Wen family, what qualifications do they have to climb up to an in-law like the Ye family?And what qualifications does the Wen family have to be dragged to the sky in front of a wealthy family like the Ye family?
You must know how domineering the Ye family is. If anyone dares to slap the Ye family, the Ye family will definitely cut off the hand of the person who slapped the Ye family and teach him a bloody lesson! ?
I don't even think about who rescued Wen's Group when they were dying, and let them have their current status. Now that they really have capital, it's a drag!

And when Wen Jing joined the No. [-] terrorist organization, she should have known that this bowl of food was not tasty, and she was ready to lose her head at any time. Now that she accepted it, since she joined the No. [-] terrorist organization, she was dead now, and started blaming this and that again. , is really weird enough. ?
In addition, Xu Nuo fainted on the spot when he knew that Ye Kelan was gone, but there was nothing serious, just take a good rest for a while, although his body recovered, the pain in his heart would never be possible obliterated.

Ye Ningyuan recalled that Ye Hailan died by himself at the beginning, and now even his only daughter died because of him. He can cry bitterly, but he can't fall down. He must remain calm to comfort Xu Nuo and his family.

If Ye Hailan's death could be attributed to Ye Ningyuan, but the death of 'Ye Kelan' really had nothing to do with Ye Ningyuan.But Ye Ningyuan still blamed himself, if he didn't let Ye Kelan go to the No. [-] terrorist organization, perhaps the tragedy today would not have happened.

The Ye family lost Ye Kelan, but the Mo family also suffered heavy casualties. Chu Nanfeng suffered a heart attack and became a vegetative state. He didn't even know when he would wake up. Lin Lin was also involved in this scuffle. disappeared.

Ever since the plane exploded, Gu Yumo, who was standing on a high place, hadn't moved his feet. Instead, he held up his binoculars and watched the actions of the No. [-] terrorist organization for an instant. He didn't move until half an hour later, turned around and left. Thinking that he had been away from Ye Kelan for a long time, he felt a little uncomfortable, and he would feel better if he wanted to see Ye Kelan soon.

Gu Yumo didn't intend to tell Ye Kelan what happened to the No. [-] terrorist organization and the mafia. Although he knew that he couldn't hide it, he still didn't want Ye Kelan to know so soon, even if it took a few more days.

Gu Yumo didn't know the behavior style of the No. [-] terrorist organization. This time they suffered heavy losses, how could they let it go, and they will definitely investigate carefully.

And just when he returned to the apartment, he received a call from Fei Di. He told Gu Yun that Mo Wenjing was by his side now. Although the injury was serious, it was not fatal, and he would heal Wenjing. Yes, it will make Wen Jing forget Ye Tianyu forever. From now on, Ye Tianyu will never know that Wen Jing is still alive. There is no such person as Wen Jing in this world anymore. Other than him, he is the only insider, so Gu Yumo must keep this matter a secret.

Gu Yumo snorted coldly, without a trace of emotion in his voice: "I know what to do, and you don't need to remind me. But I still want to advise you, you are so terrific, beware of retribution in the future!"

Fei Di sneered, and replied: "To each other!"

Both of these two people have something in each other's hands, so no one dares to touch the other.Moreover, the two are also suffering from the same disease, and they both fell in love with a woman. For that woman, they even lost their basic rationality. Even if it hurts that woman in the end, they can't stop.

It's just that the only thing that Gu Yumo is better than Fei Di is that he is never willing to make fun of Ye Kelan, and it is even more impossible for her to suffer a little physical injury, except for clones. This is exactly why he can treat Ye Kelan The reason why the cloned person has no emotion is also why he can feel no pain when he sees the plane that 'Ye Kelan' is riding on destroying in front of him.On the contrary, he is very happy, because he knows that his Ye Kelan finally belongs to him alone, and no one can snatch it from him anymore, because they saw Ye Kelan buried in the sea of ​​fire with their own eyes, in their eyes, Ye Kelan is already a dead person, who would rob him of a dead person?

Both Gu Yunmo and Fei Di have already got their beloved woman, and the matter should come to an end. The data about cloning Ye Kelan has also been completely destroyed by Gu Yumo. If he didn't have time to deal with it, Ferdy would take care of it himself. He didn't need to and didn't want to intervene.

At this time, Gu Yumo just wanted to go back and hug Ye Kelan, he didn't think about anything, just hugged Ye Kelan.

(End of this chapter)

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