When the leaves return to their roots, I belong to you

Chapter 133 You Gave Me A Big Surprise

Chapter 133 You Gave Me A Big Surprise
The apartment was completely new, as if Ye Kelan hadn't smashed it at all.In fact, Ye Kelan thought about smashing it again when all the furniture was ready, but she felt that it would be more face-saving to smash it in front of Gu Yunmo, so she sat on the sofa and waited. Watching Gu Yunmo come back.It's just that Ye Kelan didn't have a good rest these days, so now he was sleepy, so he leaned on the sofa and fell asleep slowly, not even knowing that Gu Yumo was back.

Perhaps it was because she had absolute trust in Gu Yunmo and believed that he would not hurt herself, so Ye Kelan slept peacefully this time. Ye Kelan looked so weak and harmless in her deep sleep, but she didn't think that this person who hadn't yet A full little girl can actually kill without blinking an eye, and her skills are even comparable to the world's number one killer, Mo Wushuang!

Gu Yumo took off his shoes, approached Ye Kelan slowly with light steps, then slowly bent down and kissed Ye Kelan's forehead, but Ye Kelan did not respond.Gu Yumo was worried that Ye Kelan would feel uncomfortable after sleeping on the sofa for a while, so he hugged Ye Kelan lightly. He hugged Ye Kelan very firmly, as if the person in his arms was his rare treasure. There must be no harm.

He put Ye Kelan on the bed and covered her with a thin quilt. It stands to reason that his big movements would definitely wake up according to Ye Kelan's level of vigilance, but I don't know why Ye Kelan seemed to be Really deep sleep, no sign of waking up at all.

Gu Yumo lowered his head and kissed Ye Kelan's lips again, and said softly, "Lanlan, I'm sorry." After saying this, the room became a bit terribly quiet, even a speck of dust could fall on the ground. As if hearing it, Gu Yunmo sighed slightly. He still couldn't feel like he didn't take a shower after going out for so long, so he got up and went to the bathroom in Ye Kelan's room to take a shower after tucking Ye Kelan in the quilt.

When Gu Yumo closed the bathroom door, Ye Kelan, who was sleeping soundly, suddenly opened his eyes, and his eyes were clear.Although I don't know what provoked Gu Yumo to apologize to her, but Ye Kelan only imprisoned herself here as Gu Yumo, and felt sorry for herself, so she apologized to herself. As for the others, Ye Kelan I can't think of it, and I don't want to think about it.

Ten minutes later, Gu Yumo came out of the shower with only a towel around his waist.In fact, Gu Yumo's figure is really good, even his skin is particularly good, although it is not as white and tender as Ye Kelan's skin like a baby's, but it can also be called white and delicate.

There is not a trace of fat on his body. Gu Yumo is the type who looks thin when he wears clothes and takes off his clothes. The pectoral muscles, abdominal muscles, and perfect inverted triangle on his body are as if they were grown after precise measurement. What's on his body, plus he is handsome himself, otherwise Ye Kelan would not be tempted by him, isn't it because he has a perfect skin.

If Ye Kelan opened her eyes and took a look at Gu Yumo, she would definitely not be able to resist going forward to tease Gu Yumo, because Gu Yumo in this appearance is really good-looking, Ye Kelan, who loves beauty How could you not like it?
Gu Yumo didn't care whether Ye Kelan was asleep or not, he opened the door of the room openly and went to his own room, took a pair of boxers and went back to Ye Kelan's room, shamelessly In Ye Kelan's room, he took off the bath towel, elegantly put on the pure black boxer pants, then approached Ye Kelan, lifted a corner of the quilt and went to bed, stretched out his hand, and hooked Ye Kelan directly. In his arms, he hugged her tightly and closed his eyes and fell asleep beautifully.

When Gu Yumo was doing all this, Ye Kelan didn't open his eyes, nor did he resist, just lay there obediently and let Gu Yumo do whatever he wanted.

Ye Kelan put down all his defenses in front of Gu Yumo, and Gu Yumo naturally did the same, so when he hugged Ye Kelan, he fell asleep very quickly.Different from the usual light sleep, this time beside Ye Kelan, he really entered a state of deep sleep.

Gu Yumo is asleep, but Ye Kelan is not in the mood to sleep anymore. The tip of his nose is full of the smell of Gu Yumo's body. It smells faint, but it smells good. Ye Kelan likes this smell very much, so she keeps carefully smelling it. smelling.

I don't know if Gu Yumo fell asleep, but I don't feel sleepy anyway, so it's better to wait for Gu Yumo to fall asleep and eat his tofu. It's not worthwhile for Gu Yumo to eat her.

So Ye Kelan waited for Gu Yumo to fall asleep, and counted a few hundred in her heart, and only after she felt that Gu Yumo had really fallen asleep did she stretch out a white and flawless finger to poke Gu Yumo's chest cautiously.

Well, it's a nice touch, but I don't know what it feels like to take a bite.

Ye Kelan thought this way, but in fact she did so, she opened her mouth to the part where her finger poked just now, and directly took a bite, smashing Gu Yunmo, who had just fallen asleep, on her chest. The pain on the bed woke me up.

Opening his eyes, Ye Kelan was still biting the piece of flesh on his chest and didn't let go. Ye Kelan bit hard. Although Gu Yumo was in pain, he didn't resist and let Ye Kelan bite. Own.

You don't need to look at Gu Yumo to know that the blood is bleeding, and you don't know if Ye Kelan wants to leave a mark on her body that belongs to her alone, that's why she bites so hard?
Ye Kelan has long felt the sweet smell in her mouth, she doesn't like this taste very much, but in order to make Gu Yumo more painful, she still bites her mouth, when Ye Kelan really can't bear this taste Ke Lan pushed Gu Yunmo away, quickly got up and jumped off the bed, rushed to the bathroom and closed the door with a bang, and then began to rinse her mouth.

But it's not because she dislikes Gu Yunmo, it's just because she hates the smell of blood.

After rinsing her mouth, Ye Kelan slowly opened the door and came out, while Gu Yumo was standing at the door, Ye Kelan bit her chest with eight red tooth marks that were bleeding, and the blood flowed down Gu Yumo's mouth. His chest was flowing down, and a trace of blood even flowed onto Gu Yunmo's abdominal muscles.

Ye Kelan raised his eyes and cast aside Gu Yunmo, and found that he was still smiling, and he was smiling very happily.Ye Kelan couldn't help slandering, is this person stupid? He is really seiless after being bitten and bled, but he can still smile so brightly.

In the end it was my own fault, who made me bite someone directly because I couldn't stand the temptation?So she could only bow her head and beg Gu Yumo's forgiveness, but before she could say anything, she heard Gu Yumo speak shamelessly.

(End of this chapter)

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