When the leaves return to their roots, I belong to you

Chapter 134 You Gave Me A Big Surprise

Chapter 134 You Gave Me A Big Surprise
"Is Lan Lan so impatient to want me? If you are really so impatient, you can tell me, I can satisfy you now, and you don't need to do it yourself!" Could it be that Gu Yumo used this kind of molestation with Ye Kelan? Said in a tone.

Ye Kelan turned his eyes away, took a deep breath before raising his head to look at Gu Yumo and said with the corners of his mouth: "I just want to bite you, to see if your flesh is thick, it turns out that your flesh is really It's very thick, just as thick as your skin, it makes my tooth hurt."

Gu Yumo was speechless, he was the one who was bitten, and the bite was bloody.He didn't even blame Ye Kelan for biting him, but Ye Kelan ran to the bathroom after biting, as if he really disliked him, annoyed him.

In order to make his wound look more terrifying, he also squeezed out more blood to make the wound look more serious. Although the words he said were not so pitiful, they were not so pitiful. After she came out and saw the wounds on his chest, she still felt disgusted. Is he easy?Don't you just want Ye Kelan's attention and love? Why do you still have to be rejected by others in the end?
Naturally, Gu Yunmo refused to follow, and stepped forward to hug Ye Kelan into his arms. Ye Kelan's chin happened to be on the front of the teeth marks bitten by him. If it wasn't for Ye Kelan's hard work Leaning back, maybe the bright blood had already stained her entire chin.

Ye Kelan's small move was completely noticed by Gu Yunmo, okay, you don't like me, right?Lifting his hand, he pressed Ye Kelan's head into his arms, Ye Kelan lost his balance, and his chin hit Gu Yunmo's chest straight.Well, now that the chin is already stained with blood, I'm not afraid of getting a little more, Ye Kelan pouted her mouth and thought in a self-defeating way.

After Gu Yumo felt that the wound was no longer bleeding, he let go of Ye Kelan. Seeing the bright red blood stain on Ye Kelan's chin, Gu Yumo felt much better. This is his blood, sticking to Ye Kelan's body. Ke Lan's chin is so damn good looking.

In fact, there is no need for Gu Yumo to tell Ye Kelan that there must be blood on her chin. She glared at Gu Yumo dissatisfied, then turned back to the bathroom to wash herself well, and took photos in the toilet. Looking in the mirror, seeing himself clean and beautiful, he snapped his fingers in satisfaction before leaving the bathroom.

But when she came out, she saw that Gu Yumo had already put on a pair of beige sweatpants at some point, but his upper body was still uncovered, the blood hadn't been wiped off, and the wound was exposed to the air of.

Just when she thought that Gu Yumo would come over and hug her into his arms, and then stain her chin with his blood, she never expected that Gu Yumo would look at her pitifully. Ye Kelan couldn't bear to see it.

It's just that this time Gu Yumo didn't use tough methods like before, but put on a pitiful look, looked at Ye Kelan with big wet eyes, pointed to his chest, and said with a pouted: "Lan Lan, I'm in so much pain here, can you give me a blow?"

Ye Kelan stared at Gu Yumo with wide eyes in surprise, and suddenly felt that Gu Yumo's soft and cute look was really cute no matter how you looked at it, and looked at the wound that Gu Yumo was pointing at. Can't help but go to Gu Yunmo's study to get the medicine box.

As for why Gu Yumo put the medicine box in the study, it is because Gu Yumo spends most of his time in the study except for sleeping time, and the study is also spacious, and there are not many things in it, so Gu Yumo Yun Mo put the medicine box in the study.

Ye Kelan is now more familiar with this house than Gu Yunmo, after all, she has smashed the house all over, so it may be hard not to be familiar with it.

Ye Kelan put the medicine box on the small round table, and asked Gu Yumo to sit on the rocking chair next to the small round table, while he went to the bathroom to fetch a basin of hot water and a pure white towel. It was there when Ye Kelan came here, because Gu Yumo likes things in solid colors, so the things in this room are basically in solid colors.

After Ye Kelan came, he added a lot of warm-colored objects, which made him look more comfortable.

Ye Kelan wet the veil, then wiped the blood stains on Gu Yumo's body very gently, bit by bit, very gently, and finally wiped the blood stains around the wound The water in the basin also turned red after it was cleaned. Ye Kelan put the handkerchief in the basin and asked Gu Yunmo to wait for her here. She had to replace both the handkerchief and the water in the basin with clean ones. Just went out.

Gu Yumo's gaze followed Ye Kelan all the time, and he never left. Even if Ye Kelan entered the bathroom, there was a wall blocking him, but Gu Yumo kept staring at it as if he could see through the wall. Looking at Ye Kelan, he couldn't bear to blink his eyes.

It took a while to see Ye Kelan coming out of it, the water in his hand and the handkerchief in the basin were clean as if they hadn't been used before.

The piece she bit into did not wipe it with a warm wet kerchief, but sprayed it with colorless and odorless disinfectant, then wiped off the disinfectant with soft cotton, and finally wiped off the thin piece. Put a thin band-aid on Gu Yunmo, this band-aid is not waterproof, if you put a waterproof band-aid on it, it will not be breathable, then the wound will fester.

After doing all this, Ye Kelan put the medicine kit in the cabinet under the TV, washed his hands with the water in the basin, wrung out the handkerchief, and wiped the clean cloth for Gu Yunmo just now. After the blood flowed, I cleaned up everything in the basin.

When she came out, she saw that Gu Yumo was still looking at herself as before, not even wearing clothes. Ye Kelan asked angrily, "Where are your clothes? Is it because you won't wear them until I remind you?"

Gu Yumo shook her head, looking at Ye Kelan with a playful smile in her eyes, and what she said made Ye Kelan feel that Gu Yumo was a rascal at all, but she hadn't noticed it before.

"Lanlan, my chest hurts, help me get dressed, okay?" After finishing speaking, she pouted and looked at Ye Kelan pitifully, as if she would be naked without dressing herself .

Ye Kelan was speechless and asked the sky, she just bit Gu Yumo's chest, and now that the medicine is on it, it shouldn't hurt, but now he actually complains that his chest hurts!Well, even if your chest hurts, it can't have nothing to do with your hand, right?This is not obvious to play tricks on her.

(End of this chapter)

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