When the leaves return to their roots, I belong to you

Chapter 135 You Gave Me A Big Surprise

Chapter 135 You Gave Me A Big Surprise
He seemed to have forgotten that it was he who made Ye Kelan close his eyes, but Ye Kelan also covered his face when he closed his eyes.

Gu Yumo sighed, took both hands away from Ye Kelan's face, continued to lower his head and buried it in Ye Kelan's shoulder, and slowly got up from Ye Kelan's body half an hour later.

When Gu Yumo got up, he saw Ye Kelan complaining pitifully, "I'm really hungry!"

Gu Yumo helplessly pulled Ye Kelan up, put his forehead against his forehead and said softly, "You know you're hungry now?"

Ye Kelan nodded lightly, but did not speak.

"After that, don't pinch me anymore, not anywhere else, or I really can't help it. Do you understand?" Gu Yumo's voice was as gentle as ever, and he stepped back a little, facing Ye Kelan's The lips kissed it.

After their relationship is established, kissing like this has become a common thing. As long as Gu Yumo wants to kiss, he will definitely kiss, and Ye Kelan will not refuse Gu Yumo's kiss. of.

I don't know how many kisses, for Gu Yumo, no amount of time is enough, but at this moment, a voice that destroys the atmosphere suddenly appeared.Gu Yumo opened his eyes and was obviously taken aback, while Ye Kelan blushed instantly and pushed Gu Yumo away from her body, then turned away from looking at Gu Yumo, avoiding seeing him laughing at herself .

After being pushed away by Ye Kelan, Gu Yunmo touched his lips uncomfortably, then laughed out loud and kissed Ye Kelan's cheek before saying with a smile: "Lanlan, you are so cute, Wait for me in the room for a while, and I'll make you something to eat." Then she got off the bed, put on her slippers and walked out of the room.

Seeing Gu Yumo go out, Ye Kelan was relieved to close the door for her, but her face was still flushed, and she stepped back, pulled the quilt over and covered her head completely. cover up.Um~ I was really ashamed just now.

Knowing that Ye Kelan was hungry, Gu Yumo made some simple and delicious food, fearing that Ye Kelan would wait for too long, so Gu Yumo's speed was very fast, and it took only half an hour to finish the meal. Four dishes and one soup are prepared, and the portions are very generous, and the rice has also jumped to the heat preservation level.

Gu Yumo brought the dishes into Ye Kelan's room one by one. Ye Kelan lifted the quilt and jumped off the bed when she smelled the aroma, took the chopsticks that Gu Yumo handed her and started eating, regardless of the smell. Gu Yumo turned back to serve the rest of the dishes, and ate first by himself.

Hmm~ As expected, it was because I was hungry that these dishes tasted extraordinarily delicious. In fact, Gu Yunmo's cooking skills were also very good, but Ye Kelan was too picky.

Gu Yumo went back and forth two or three times before he got the rice and dishes together, and filled a bowl full of rice for Ye Kelan. After Ye Kelan took it, he didn't say anything, and ate it with peace of mind.

Well, she was hungry a long time ago, and it was all because of Gu Yumo's pressure on her that made her hungry for so long, and finally her stomach growled in protest, which made her lose face, so don't give it now. He looks good.

Gu Yumo didn't mind either, although he didn't eat lunch, but when he saw Ye Kelan's food was so delicious, he couldn't help but give Ye Kelan some food and let her eat more.She is too thin, she needs to eat more to gain weight, and it will be more comfortable to hold her. ?
Because Ye Kelan had already slept for about six hours, so even though it was already twelve o'clock, she didn't feel sleepy. She just sat by the window and looked at the scenery in the distance. The neon lights dyed the outside colorfully. It looks very good-looking, but Ye Kelan is listless, as if those beautiful colors can't arouse her interest at all.

At this time, Gu Yumo had already washed the dishes, and as soon as he entered the room, he saw Ye Kelan sitting by the window in a daze. Gu Yumo didn't like Ye Kelan who was so quiet, he liked the one who was smiling and jumping around every day. Ye Kelan, that is the real Ye Kelan.

Lively and beautiful.

Gu Yunmo slowly approached behind Ye Kelan, stretched out his hand to hold Ye Kelan's shoulder, and asked softly: "Lan Lan, do you want to go see the stars?"

Ye Kelan raised his eyes, and there was a gleam of brilliance in his eyes for an instant, then turned to look at Gu Yumo, and said suspiciously: "I want to see the stars, but I don't want to go out now, so you can let me see the stars? "

Gu Yumo bent down to get close to Ye Kelan, raised his hand and touched Ye Kelan's straight nose, and said with a slight smile, "As long as you want to see, I will let you fly all over the sky without leaving home."

Ye Kelan nodded, said with a smile on her face, "Then I want to watch the stars now, and you take me to see the stars now."

Gu Yumo readily agreed, "Okay." He also made a small request: "But I will cover your eyes, so that it will be more mysterious, and you will be surprised when you see it. "

Gu Yumo's request is not a big deal to Ye Kelan. Looking at Gu Yumo nodding with a smile, she likes to see the sky full of shining stars, but she rarely has time to go outdoors to see them. of the stars.

There are a lot of neon lights in big cities, even if there are many stars in the sky, it is impossible for her to see them. Sometimes she can’t even see the most common moon. Now she can see it without leaving home. She is naturally very happy that's it.

Basically, there is no need for Gu Yumo to cover Ye Kelan's eyes, because Ye Kelan closed her eyes consciously, and promised not to open them to peek. Lots of surprises.

Gu Yunmo is a head taller than Ye Kelan, so while covering Ye Kelan's eyes, he can see the road ahead without any pressure, and follow Ye Kelan to walk forward step by step.

They actually walked into Gu Yumo's room slowly, and then walked into the cloakroom. There was an invisible door in the cloakroom. Gu Yumo reached out and pressed a button that was almost integrated with the wall, and the door suddenly opened. He went up by himself.

This is an aisle, Gu Yunmo took Ye Kelan a few more steps, the door behind him had already closed automatically, and there was another door in front of them when they were still three steps away The door opened automatically.

If Ye Kelan opened her eyes at this time, she would be surprised, because she was standing in a transparent place, fortunately she couldn't see them from the outside, otherwise she would exclaim why there are two people hanging in such a high place, It will definitely cause a worldwide sensation.

(End of this chapter)

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