When the leaves return to their roots, I belong to you

Chapter 136 You Gave Me A Big Surprise

Chapter 136 You Gave Me A Big Surprise
After entering this door, here is a very cozy living room. In the living room, only red and black roses are placed in the center of the place where it can be placed. The floor here is also completely transparent. But Gu Yumo obviously didn't think this was the point, so Ye Kelan couldn't see it.

There was another room inside. Gu Yumo led Ye Kelan to the room, and stopped when he reached the center of the room.

After feeling the stop, Ye Kelan felt that she should have arrived at her destination, so she involuntarily took a breath, and there was a faint fragrance in her nose. Although the smell was not so strong, Ye Kelan still kissed it out This is what it took.This is a kind of flower that all women like. It is the flower of love that symbolizes love. Ye Kelan also likes this kind of flower very much.

In fact, the light inside had already been turned on as soon as the door was opened, but Gu Yumo did not rush Ye Kelan to open his eyes to take a look, but took her a few steps forward, the voice As gentle as water, she said: "Lan Lan, you can open your eyes and take a look now." Slowly put down her hand, but she was still standing behind Ye Kelan, without moving her footsteps.

Hearing Gu Yumo say that you can open your eyes, Ye Kelan didn't rush to open them, but took a deep breath first, and then slowly opened them.

With the opening of her eyes, Ye Kelan saw that there was a large bed in the center that five people could sleep on without being too crowded. Although the quilt on the bed was red, clusters of black roses were dotted on the quilt. Flowers, each cluster of roses is printed on it as it was originally painted by myself.

The bed is surrounded by black and red tulle. If you look at it yourself, it is not difficult to find that there are roses embroidered on it that are exactly the same as those on the quilt, but these roses are the same color as the gauze.

On the bedside tables on both sides, there are two pots of beautiful black and red cross roses. In addition to the roses on the bedside tables, there are also roses on the piano, small table, TV cabinet and other places in the room. There are roses of these two colors, so many roses, although the fragrance is not strong, but Ye Kelan can smell it very clearly, which is why she smelled the roses when the door was opened just now The reason for the taste.

The walls and the roof are all red, and the roses on it are exactly the same as the roses on the quilt, but they are a little smaller, but they still look good.

Although she didn't see the stars, Ye Kelan turned her head and gave Gu Yumo a knowing smile, then walked to the big bed in the middle, reached out and stroked the roses on the quilt, and found a little surprise after touching it.

It turned out that the roses on this quilt were embroidered with thin stitches. The stitches are so fine that you can't see them unless you look carefully. Ye Kelan also touched it before looking carefully, and finally found This rose was embroidered stitch by stitch, and it was exactly the same as the one she painted.

Ye Kelan happily stood up straight and ran towards Gu Yumo, hugged Gu Yumo all at once, with a big smile on her face, it could be seen that she was very happy and satisfied with what Gu Yumo gave her. The surprise, though she didn't see the stars.

The beauty sent herself into his arms, Gu Yunmo naturally would not refuse, he hugged the beauty consciously, the corners of his mouth curved upwards, he was also in a good mood at this time, I really hope that time can stop at this moment forever, then His happiness can last longer.

Ye Kelan originally thought that this was the surprise that Gu Yumo gave her. Although it was a bit vulgar, she was also very happy, but she didn't expect that it was only a part of it.

Gu Yumo put Ye Kelan's ear in his mouth, and breathed hot air into her ear hole, which made Ye Kelan a little itchy. He wanted to leave Gu Yumo's embrace, but he didn't want Gu Yumo to let go at this moment The tender flesh on Ye Kelan's ears said softly, "Lanlan, look down." After speaking, she let go of Ye Kelan.

Ye Kelan looked at Gu Yumo in bewilderment, underneath, isn't there just a fluffy blanket?It's just that the whole room is dominated by red and black, but I don't want to throw a white blanket. This taste is really bad.

Since Gu Yumo asked her to look down, let's look down, okay, the white fluffy blanket, Ye Kelan raised her head and asked silently.

Gu Yunmo smiled, her smile was very beautiful and enchanting, Ye Kelan couldn't help drooling with this smile, she is not a pervert, it's all because Gu Yunmo's appearance is too evil, more than she has ever seen All are evildoers.

He took Ye Kelan's hand and walked to the other side of the bed, pointing at him casually: "Now lower your head and take a look."

Ye Kelan gave Gu Yumo a supercilious look, and then looked down, but he didn't expect that when he lowered his head, he saw himself standing on a piece of transparent glass. Although it was already early in the morning, he could still see those small things like Ant-like night owls.

Fortunately, Ye Kelan is not afraid of heights, otherwise she would definitely be a little weak in such a place. The floor they live in is the top floor, and it is still a bit challenging from here, but Ye Kelan is very like.

She raised her head to look at Gu Yumo excitedly, and her excited voice was a little hesitant, "Ah Mo, is this the surprise you gave me? I like it very much, I really like it." After finishing speaking, she directly voted It's unethical enough to hug her.

In the past three years when he was separated from Ye Kelan, Gu Yunmo's thoughts were other than cloning. This is a transparent glass room. The walls and ceiling are just covered with a layer of wallpaper by Gu Yumo. It is a 360-degree panoramic room, which looks very spectacular in the room.

It is really not cheap to build such a place, and this is also because Gu Yumo is indeed very rich. To build such a place where the inside cannot be seen from the outside is really not something that ordinary rich people can build. ?
It is such a house made entirely of glass, but it cost Gu Yumo a total of 30 billion pounds, which is why Gu Yumo didn't blink his eyes when he gave Ye Kelan a pink diamond worth [-] million US dollars. The reasons are as follows, rich and self-willed!
This house should not only make it impossible to see any scenery inside from the outside, but also ensure that it looks like it is hanging in the sky when looking outside, so that you can clearly see the scenery outside without any obstructions, which is indeed not easy.

(End of this chapter)

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