When the leaves return to their roots, I belong to you

Chapter 137 You Gave Me A Big Surprise

Chapter 137 You Gave Me A Big Surprise
In order to make the castle in the air more stable, Gu Yumo also bought the house opposite him on the same floor, but the account name of that house is not his, and there is also a place to enter the castle in the air from the opposite house , but only Gu Yumo knew about the entrance.

Although the decoration styles of the living room and the room of this castle in the sky are really quite different, but fortunately, Ye Kelan likes it very much when viewed separately. Besides, it is really true to build a house like this at such a high place from the ground. It's not easy, and from the outside, it looks like there is nothing here, but some poor birds accidentally bumped into it when they flew past here.

Gu Yumo took Ye Kelan's hand and made her lie on the bed, then he picked up the remote control by the bedside and turned off the lights in the room without leaving a single light.

Ye Kelan originally thought that after turning off the lights, the whole room would be pitch black, and he couldn't even see his hands clearly. Even if he could see the light, it was just the light from the neon lights outside. Ye Kelan Obviously forgetting that the floor-to-ceiling windows of this room have been covered by thick curtains, so there is no light at all.

There is a fully enclosed balcony outside the floor-to-ceiling windows, which is completely transparent from floor to ceiling, with a 280-degree wrap-around panoramic room. You can also drink afternoon tea on the balcony when you are free, not to mention how comfortable it is up.

The expected darkness or the light from the outside did not come in, because Ye Kelan was lying on his back on the bed, so the roses on the ceiling naturally caught his eye, but before the lights were turned off, there were roses, and after the lights were turned off, the sky was full The flying stars are shining and very beautiful.

Ye Kelan opened his mouth wide unconsciously, staring intently at the shining stars on the ceiling, from opening his mouth wide in surprise to now smiling happily, it can be seen that Ye Kelan is in a good mood at this time.

Ye Kelan stared straight at the stars on the ceiling. Although she knew that these stars were not real, Ye Kelan was still as happy as seeing real stars, and her head moved slowly like Gu Yunmo In the past, it was definitely not silently telling Gu Yumo that she was happy.

Gu Yumo felt that Ye Kelan was approaching him, the corners of his mouth curved, and he turned his head to look at Ye Kelan. When he saw that the distance between her head and his was no more than five centimeters, the smile on the corner of his mouth became wider, and he spoke softly. Asked: "Baby Lan Lan, do you like this place?"

Ye Kelan hummed, and then replied softly: "I like this place very much, and I will live in this room from now on." In other words, she likes it very much.

But Gu Yumo understood it as: I like this place because I prefer the people who built it for me!

The degree of narcissism is comparable to that of the Ye family, maybe even worse!

Gu Yumo replied arrogantly: "Well, I knew you liked..." I would have loved me, otherwise I would not have been willing to be kissed by me again and again, and I have kissed so many times.Although he was bitten by the first forced kiss and bled, but fortunately, the reward was good, and he finally got the beauty back.

If he had known earlier that he would be able to embrace the beauty with just one bite, it would be better if he had been bitten by Ye Kelan earlier, so that he could hold Ye Kelan into his arms earlier.But if it was earlier, there would be no sky garden for Ye Kelan today, but there are only roses in it, so it can barely be regarded as a sky garden.

Since the two slept for so long in the afternoon, the two of them were not very sleepy even in the early morning, but Ye Kelan would still be sleepy when she was beside Gu Yumo, so Ye Kelan squinted her eyes at five o'clock in the morning After taking a nap for a while, Gu Yunmo kept looking at Ye Kelan and didn't fall asleep.

Ye Kelan only slept for an hour, and Ye Kelan woke up at six o'clock. When she opened her eyes, she saw Gu Yumo's magnified face very close to her. Ke Lan smiled slightly, and said in a lazy tone with a hint of coquettishness: "Ah Mo, I'm hungry, get up and cook something for me."

Gu Yunmo reached out and touched Ye Kelan's stomach, and found that her stomach was flat and firm.He remembered that when other women ate, they only ate a lump of rice the size of an egg, and the dishes were all bland dishes like cabbage.But Ye Kelan ate three bowls of rice last night, plus more than half of the meat and vegetarian dishes, and didn't exercise much at night, and now he's actually hungry again.

Gu Yumo couldn't help being a little puzzled, where did all the food go?Gu Yunmo didn't think Ye Kelan ate too much, he wished Ye Kelan could eat more, but he was worried that she would accumulate food if she ate too much, but seeing Ye Kelan's refreshed look now, it was obvious that this didn't happen The situation of food accumulation.

So after confirming that Ye Kelan won't accumulate food, Gu Yumo got up and cooked for Ye Kelan. Well, even if Ye Kelan ate a lot, she couldn't stop eating for her because of this, after all, she wanted He won't be distressed when he's full, well, he just needs to eat a little more, and it will be more perfect if he grows a little more flesh on his body. Although she is thin where she should be thin, she is also fat where she should be fat.

The breakfast is green vegetable porridge, the rice is boiled glutinously, and it tastes like the unique fragrance of green vegetables, which is very delicious.The dishes are basically meat dishes, such as braised pork, kung pao chicken, boiled beef slices, stir-fried shrimp, baby dishes in soup, and a yam and corn ribs soup, except that baby dishes in soup are compared with yam and corn ribs soup Except for the light, the rest of the dishes are spicy and heavy.

There is a common saying used to describe three meals a day: the emperor’s breakfast, the civilian’s lunch, and the beggar’s dinner. Although their breakfast is not the emperor’s breakfast, it is at least the minister’s breakfast. The lunch will be richer, and the dinner Basically the same as breakfast.

Although it is said that eating less at night is good for your health, it does not mean that Ye Kelan is not allowed to eat even [-]% full, so in order to make Ye Kelan eat more happily, Gu Yunmo gave Ye Kelan a variety of tricks. Ke Lan's cooking is basically non-repetitive.

Ye Kelan is naturally very willing to be pampered by Gu Yumo without integrity like this, just like being at home, being pampered by the whole family.

Gu Yunmo naturally has to go to work today. Today is his first day in office, so he cannot be absent. After all, punctuality is still very important, and he also needs a decent job like this, although it is not very Safe, but still very safe with his ability.

(End of this chapter)

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