When the leaves return to their roots, I belong to you

Chapter 138 You Gave Me A Big Surprise

Chapter 138 You Gave Me A Big Surprise
Gu Yumo said softly to Ye Kelan while eating the dishes: "Lanlan, I'm going to work today, you have to promise me that you can't leave this door. If you're bored, you can watch TV or I won’t disconnect from the internet when I go back to my room to play on the computer. But, you must remember that you are not allowed to go out!”

Ye Kelan paused, not letting her go out, is this imprisoning her for sex change?

Ye Kelan is such a person who yearns for freedom, how could he willingly agree to Gu Yumo's stay here and not go out?
Therefore, Ye Kelan naturally rejected Gu Yumo's proposal of asking her not to go out when he was at work, without even thinking about it: "It is impossible for me to agree to you." Her voice was very calm , and reached out to pick up the vegetables, but they didn't pick them up.

Seeing the dishes slipping from the chopsticks, Ye Kelan finally couldn't help but put the chopsticks on the table, and at the same time took a deep breath and looked at Gu Yunmo, her voice was no longer as calm as before, "Why should I be like you?" Like your pet, you will be kept here when you go to work or go out?"

Gu Yumo looked at Ye Kelan, put the chopsticks in his hand on the table, and reached out to hold Ye Kelan's hand, but Ye Kelan dodged it.

Gu Yumo sighed, then withdrew his hand, and then explained: "Lan Lan, I didn't mean to treat you as a pet, but the current situation outside is very chaotic, and I don't want you to be hurt, so I let you The reason you don't want to go out is not to treat you as my pet. Besides, you are not as obedient and cute as those pets, and I don't like keeping pets. "

"The current situation is chaotic?" Ye Kelan sneered and said: "The current situation is chaotic, isn't it caused by you people who keep clamoring for anti-terrorism? While talking loudly about anti-terrorism to the whole world, you are like us behind your back. Reaching out to buy arms and win us over is really shameless for being double-faced."

Gu Yunmo looked at Ye Kelan and sighed softly. In fact, what Ye Kelan said was not wrong, but the current situation is really chaotic. It is impossible for the Ye family to believe that 'Ye Kelan' is dead. So after some investigation, if it is found that Ye Kelan is still alive, then all these efforts will be for naught, and Ye Kelan will not belong to him alone like now Maybe because of this matter, I will never be with myself again.

Without Ye Kelan, Gu Yunmo would be like a walking dead, so how could he allow the Ye family to know that Ye Kelan was still alive?

But Gu Yumo agrees with what Ye Kelan just said about the anti-terrorist organization. Anti-terrorist organizations are like this. They do one thing in front of the first terrorist organization and another in front of the public. In short, he is a good person in both anti-terrorist organizations That's it.

This kind of lie is okay for ordinary people. If it is like those old fritters in terrorist organizations, it will definitely be useless. At most, it is just a relationship of mutual benefit and reciprocity.

Only business, no friendship!
"Lanlan, will you listen to me?" Gu Yumo said earnestly: "I know you yearn for freedom, but you really can't do it now. I'm also thinking about your safety. You should know that if you get hurt, I will definitely hurt ten times and a hundred times more than you. Lan Lan, I promise you, after a while, I will take you abroad for vacation, and we will go to any country you want, okay? ?”

Now that Gu Yumo has already talked to himself in such a low voice, it is impossible for Ye Kelan to have any rebuttals.She hasn't forgotten how Gu Yumo threatened her two days ago, she naturally can't piss off Gu Yumo, otherwise what if he gets upset and makes her brother unhappy for the rest of his life?She doesn't want to be a sinner!

It's just, "Ah Mo, did you say that the chaos outside is because something happened to the No. [-] terrorist organization?" Ye Kelan stretched out his hand to hold Gu Yunmo's arm, and asked anxiously.

Gu Yumo smiled and took Ye Kelan's hand back, and squeezed it lightly, before he said, "Lanlan, don't worry, it's just a small thing that happened to the No. [-] terrorist organization and the Mafia. It's okay, if you don't believe me, you can check it with your computer later to see if I lied to you."

Use a computer to check this, it's not obvious that it's something to reveal, but since Gu Yumo asked Ye Kelan to check it, it means that all of this is in Gu Yumo's hands, and Ye Kelan wants to check it naturally It was Gu Yumo who let Ye Kelan know. As for things that Ye Kelan shouldn't know, it was impossible for Gu Yumo to let Ye Kelan know anything.

In Ye Kelan's perception, since Gu Yumo had already said that, she would naturally believe Gu Yumo.She loves Gu Yumo, so she naturally believes that Gu Yumo will not deceive her, so she will not investigate.

Ye Kelan withdrew her hand, pursed her lips and nodded lightly, then picked up the chopsticks and continued to eat, but she didn't say a word after that.

After eating, Gu Yunmo cleaned up the bowls and chopsticks, washed the bowls and chopsticks, and then went back to the room to change his clothes, but he was only wearing a dark shirt, and the suit was casually draped over his arm, and the other hand held Wearing a tie, he approached Ye Kelan slowly, handed the tie in his hand to Ye Kelan, and moved a little closer to Ye Kelan, exhaling hot air, and said in a magnetic voice: "Lan Lan , help me fasten my tie, will you?"

Ye Kelan raised her eyes and glanced at Gu Yunmo. Although she was a little reluctant, she had never done anything like tie a tie for the opposite sex.Although Ye Kelan had never done it before, she often saw Xu promise to tie Ye Ningyuan. At that time, Ye Kelan felt that the scene was very warm, and she made a decision in her heart. The tie is as gentle as Daddy's.

Thinking about it, Ye Kelan reached out to take the tie from Gu Yumo's hand, and Gu Yumo also bent down cooperatively to let Ye Kelan tie the tie for him. Feel the sweet thoughtfulness.

Although he had never worn a tie for the opposite sex before, Ye Kelan still knew how to wear a tie, so when he tied a tie for Gu Yumo, it was done very quickly, and the technique was quite skillful, so Gu Yumo was naturally very satisfied.As for the reward after being satisfied, she leaned close to Ye Kelan and pecked her in the face, and then looked at Ye Kelan with a shameless smile.

Ye Kelan looked at Gu Yumo very calmly, then raised his hand and wiped the place where Gu Yumo kissed just now quite calmly, the eyes looking at Gu Yumo were still calm, but slightly rolled up The corner of her mouth added a hint of playfulness to her eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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