When the leaves return to their roots, I belong to you

Chapter 139 You Gave Me A Big Surprise

Chapter 139 You Gave Me A Big Surprise
Gu Yumo looked at Ye Kelan and wiped the place where he kissed her just now with some distaste, feeling a little uncomfortable, stretched out his hand, handed out the suit, and motioned Ye Kelan to put it on for him.

Ye Kelan just glanced at Gu Yumo, then calmly took the suit from Gu Yumo's hand, put it on Gu Yumo resignedly, and then buttoned two buttons on the suit for Gu Yumo, last night After all this, Ye Kelan turned around and opened the door for Gu Yumo thoughtfully, before going out to press the elevator for Gu Yumo.

Gu Yumo didn't hesitate, and went straight to the door, but didn't go out, but played wall-dong to Ye Kelan.Due to the absolute advantage of height and strength, Gu Yumo pressed Ye Kelan against the wall and kissed her enough to make her dislike her just now, and now she will kiss you so hard that she dare not dislike her now.

Ye Kelan wanted to bite Gu Yumo like last time, but her hands were bound by Gu Yumo and she couldn't move at all, and her jaw was also pinched by Gu Yumo. She couldn't move at all, so she could only let Gu Yumo Qin Mo was happy and kissed Mei Mei and then let her go, but this Gu Yumo was really too beastly, it hurt her a little bit to kiss her.

After finally waiting for Gu Yunmo to kiss her happy and beautiful and let her go, he lowered his head and breathed hot air near his ear, which made his ears a little itchy before he said: "Lan Lan, I will come back for lunch at noon, There are dishes in the refrigerator, and I want to eat the dishes you cook."

After finishing speaking, he slowly let go of Ye Kelan, and stepped out of the room contentedly, but before entering the elevator, he turned around and said: "If I see that the meal is not ready when I come back at noon, I will I don't mind eating you."

Ye Kelan was still thinking that lunch must be eaten before Gu Yumo came back or after Gu Yumo left, but when she heard Gu Yumo's last blatant words, Ye Kelan He glared at Gu Yumo directly, and then with a strong wrist, the door slammed and Gu Yumo was isolated from the door.

Seeing Ye Kelan playing petty temper, the corners of Gu Yumo's mouth could not help but curl up, it was so cute, he couldn't help but want to eat Ye Kelan, but Ye Kelan was still too young, he didn't dare I can only bear with it. ?
Gu Yumo covered his mouth and coughed dryly twice. After the elevator came down, he stepped into the elevator and directly reached out to press down on the first floor. Before the elevator door closed, his eyes were always looking at the closed door, as if You can see through a hole in that door, and then you can see Ye Kelan hiding behind the door.

If it weren't for the fact that today was Gu Yumo's first day as the supreme anti-terrorist inspector, Gu Yumo would not have left Ye Kelan for more than four hours. Although he would come back for lunch at noon, as long as he and Ye Kelan To Gu Yumo, Lan's separation for four hours is like three autumns, and it is simply extremely difficult.

But even if he leaves Ye Kelan for too long, it will be difficult for Gu Yumo to get over it, but he really needs this identity now, maybe he will be targeted by the No. [-] terrorist organization at the beginning, but at least he can guarantee that he will not be discovered by Ye Kelan Ke Lan still lives in this world.And he won't leave any flaws for them, so even if he has to be separated from Ye Kelan for eight hours every day, Gu Yumo must persevere, as long as this period of time passes, everything will be fine up.

At this time, Gu Yunmo's face didn't show any expression. For him, there was no need to show good looks to passers-by A, B, and C who had nothing to do with each other.

Even when Gu Yumo was awarded the rank of Major and the Supreme Inspector of Anti-Terrorism, he had a cold expression, as if nothing had anything to do with him. It would take ten years for others to achieve what he is today. It's impossible.

I still remember that the youngest person who held the rank of major last time was only 27 years old. For such a high achievement at the age of 20, some of the anti-terrorism organizations have daughters, nieces, and younger sisters. Those people in front of him all started to play Gu Yumo's idea, and invisibly added a lot of rivals to Ye Kelan, but they were overwhelmed by Gu Yumo without Ye Kelan's knowledge.

In fact, besides Gu Yumo, there is another one who has the rank of major at the age of 20, and that is promise, but promise was two months older than the current Gu Yumo at that time, so Gu Yumo is the age of major in the United States The smallest one.

However, a girl can obtain such a high military rank at the young age of 20, which is indeed not to be underestimated.

It's just that what Gu Yumo didn't expect was that on the first day he came to the anti-terrorism, someone gave him a big gift, a big gift that he would never forget in his life!

Although Adele works in the CIA, but because she is beautiful, her family is also very good, and her father is a lieutenant general, so relying on these two points, Adele's aurora connections, coupled with Gu Yumo's The residence has never been a secret, so she knows it too.

And just yesterday, she also learned a shocking secret!
Adele's liking for Gu Yumo is basically something that the entire CAI knows. Even Adele's father is quite satisfied with Gu Yumo, his future son-in-law. He also knows that his daughter likes Gu Yumo very much, so he keeps letting him People pay more attention to Gu Yunmo's every move intentionally or unintentionally, but he doesn't like to take care of these things, and he only asks people to investigate and then hand over the information to Adele, but he didn't expect to let Adele know There are things I shouldn't know.

For example, the identity of the girl who came out of the movie theater with Gu Yumo a few days ago, for example, her identity is the high-level leader of the No. Yu Mo is now the top anti-terrorist inspector, but Ye Kelan is a member of the No. [-] terrorist organization, which indeed gave her a way to make Ye Kelan leave Gu Yumo forever.

As for why Gu Yumo was with Ye Kelan, Adele thought that Gu Yumo was only being fooled by Ye Kelan, so she was with her.And Ai Daier didn't want to hurt Gu Yumo, and she didn't want Gu Yumo to know that she did all of this, so she decided to go to Ye Kelan. She didn't believe that Ye Kelan wouldn't be afraid if she knew her identity. At that time, it will not be difficult for Ye Kelan to leave Gu Yumo on his own initiative, and Gu Yumo will never know Ye Kelan's identity.

After Ye Kelan leaves, Gu Yumo will definitely not be able to accept it. As long as she can play the role of a caring person, she will not believe that Gu Yumo will not have a good impression of her and fall in love with her.

(End of this chapter)

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