When the leaves return to their roots, I belong to you

Chapter 140 You Gave Me A Big Surprise

Chapter 140 You Gave Me A Big Surprise
Even if he finds out Ye Kelan's identity in the future, it doesn't matter. After all, he has already fallen in love with him, and he knows that Ye Kelan has cheated him, so even if he meets him at that time, I'm afraid he won't treat his ex Girlfriend be merciful!
Thinking of this, Adele couldn't help admiring her own ingenuity, and Adele believed that as long as Ye Kelan saw these things in her hands, she would definitely leave Gu Yunmo, and it would be done easily without her having to do anything. Ye Kelan's rival in love.

After thinking of a perfect plan, Adele got up and walked out of the office. Because of her special status, and people who are engaged in this kind of work can go out to work at will, so now that Adele has gone out, no one will ask her What to do, or to report to the superior or something.

Adele walked out of the office building and went directly to the parking garage. The road from CAI to Gu Yumo's house could go backwards to the neighborhood where Gu Yumo lived if Adele was so obsessed with Gu Yumo.

An hour later, Adele arrived at the high-end apartment where Gu Yumo lived. Adele stood erectly at the downstairs of the building where Gu Yumo lived, raised her head and looked towards the highest floor, with a smug smile on her lips, Thinking of Ye Kelan's expression after seeing these materials for a while, Adele couldn't help but want to laugh.

Don't ask Adele why she knows that Ye Kelan is in Gu Yunmo's apartment now, after all, she had several boyfriends before, and they will naturally live together when they are deeply in love.For young people, the hormones in the body are too active, so it's normal to need to vent. Adele expressed her understanding, and naturally she wouldn't love Gu Yunmo less because of this kind of thing.

After watching for a full minute, Adele walked in slowly. After getting on the elevator, she silently counted the higher and higher floors in her heart, and at the same time, the smile on the corner of her mouth became wider and wider.

After arriving at the floor where Gu Yumo lived, Adele came out of the elevator, not in a hurry to ring the doorbell, but took a leisurely look at the corridor, as long as she thought that she could go out with Gu Yumo from here in the future. The one who got it right couldn't help laughing happily, even though she had been laughing all morning.

After seeing enough, imagining, and being happy, Adele stretched out a slender finger and rang the doorbell of the apartment, then crossed her arms, waiting proudly for Ye Kelan to open the door for her.

After Gu Yumo left, Ye Kelan didn't go back to the room, nor went to the study, but turned on the computer and searched for a bloody and violent horror movie to watch. There were all kinds of snacks on the coffee table in front of her. , Shaking her head and complaining while eating, to her, this horror movie is not scary at all, it is the level of kindergarten!

Only halfway through, the doorbell rang. Ye Kelan knew it couldn't be Gu Yumo's, he always had the key, or he would call her even if he forgot to bring the key, never The person who rang the doorbell, although Gu Yunmo never forgot to bring the key, Ye Kelan knew it.

Because she knew it wasn't Gu Yunmo, Ye Kelan didn't care. He would naturally leave when the people outside knew that there was no one inside, so Ye Kelan didn't plan to get up and open the door for him. I don't know you, what are you going to say when you open the door?And Gu Yunmo doesn't allow her to have contact with outsiders, so it's better to just watch movies and eat snacks!

After Adele rang the doorbell and waited for ten seconds, no one came to open the door for her. She thought that someone hadn't heard, so she raised her hand impatiently and rang the doorbell again, but this time, no one came to open the door for her. .

Adele was naturally even more dissatisfied with Ye Kelan, but she also knew that Ye Kelan must be inside, but for some reason she never came to open the door for her.

Well, since you won't open the door for me, I'll yell. Anyway, this floor knows this household, and I'm not afraid of disturbing others.

Adele yelled at Ye Kelan who was inside the door while stretching out her hand to ring the doorbell without bothering: "I know you are inside, if you dare to be inside, then come out for me, don't be a shrinking turtle inside !"

Ye Kelan paused for a moment with the hand holding the blueberry, then glanced at the closed door again, snorted coldly and fed the blueberry into his mouth, and looked at the computer screen, not taking the person outside the door seriously at all. thing.

Although he ignored him, Ye Kelan could still hear that person's voice. Isn't this the aunt who was attracted by Gu Yunmo's beauty, but it sounded like she was here to find her.

But who cares about her, she doesn't want to meet her, let alone quarrel with her, even though she knows she won't be able to quarrel with her, but people who are too young and too old to quarrel with her lose their value for nothing.

Adele yelled and rang the doorbell, but the people inside didn't care about her yelling at all, and knew that they didn't want to see her at all, so they gave up this barbaric walk.

Adele curled her mouth and explained with a malicious smile: "I know you're inside, but you don't want to open the door for me. Maybe you think I'm here to meet Colby, or to let you Leaving Colby, but it’s not. In fact, I’m here for you, don’t you want to know what happened to the No. [-] terrorist organization during the days you left?”

If the words Adele said before, Ye Kelan could go in his left ear and out of his right ear, but since it was about the No. [-] terrorist organization, Ye Kelan couldn't calm down anymore, stood up all of a sudden, and walked to the door in three or two steps , pulled the door open.

It was Adele's malicious smile that caught her eyes. Although she knew the strength of the No. [-] terrorist organization, Ye Kelan was at least surprised that Adele knew her identity, so her heart was very worried at this moment. Uneasy, but nothing showed on his face.

Although Ye Kelan was surprised, she also wanted to know how Adele knew her identity, but Ye Kelan didn't ask Adele, she knew that if she asked, she would lose, so look at Ye Kelan, who was looking at Adele, had a faint smile on her face and she was not in a hurry to ask, because she knew that since Adele was here, even if she didn't ask, Adele would be eager to tell her.

Sure enough, Adele saw Ye Kelan open the door with a faint smile on her face, that smile seemed to be mocking her, but she was not angry because she knew that after a while she knew the purpose of her visit, she She will be even angrier than her, and then she can watch a play about Ye Kelan, and when the time comes, the fisherman will benefit, so don't be too happy.

(End of this chapter)

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