When the leaves return to their roots, I belong to you

Chapter 141 You Gave Me A Big Surprise

Chapter 141 You Gave Me A Big Surprise
Adele looked behind Ye Kelan inquiringly, with the corners of her mouth curved into a beautiful arc, and asked superiorly: "Why, why don't you invite me in to take a look? Or sit inside, and we'll have a good time too." Talk!" After saying this, Adele made a gesture to go in, but was blocked by Ye Kelan's body, although Adele was impatient, she also restrained her anger.

Ye Kelan looked up at Adele with some disdain, she really didn't want to talk to such a shameless woman.Although she may know her identity, but seeing that she didn't want to say it, or that she came to Gu Yunmo for this reason, she was even less interested, and just said coldly: "He is not here, you have something to do." Go find him yourself." He was about to close the door, but Adele blocked it.

In fact, it would be very easy to knock Adele down with Ye Kelan's skills. Now Adele may just have doubts about her identity. If she really did something to Adele, Then Adele will definitely confirm her identity, and then do something to herself and Gu Yumo.

Therefore, in order not to reveal her identity, Ye Kelan could only look at Adele coldly, holding back the prehistoric power in her body.

But the facts proved that Ye Kelan was right in not closing the door, because if she really closed the door, maybe she would never know what kind of person Gu Yunmo is.

Fortunately, this time Adele knew that Ye Kelan really hated her, so she didn't go around in circles, and said straight to the point: "I didn't come here this time to find Colby, I came to find you .”

Ye Kelan didn't answer the conversation, but just gave Adele a supercilious look, and then turned away from looking at her.

Seeing Ye Kelan's disgusted eyes, Adele smiled and said: "I know something about you about the No. [-] terrorist organization, oh, yes, and about Colby. This is really a very good thing." Interesting thing, I believe, if you know it, you will be very... happy." The last three words are obviously a provocation to Ye Kelan.

Although Ye Kelan still didn't speak this time, she didn't roll her eyes at Adele anymore, and just looked at her coldly.

Looking at Ye Kelan's eyes, Adele knew that Ye Kelan was interested in what she said, so let her be more interested in it!

"The No. [-] Terrorist Organization suffered heavy losses yesterday. Although there were not as many people killed by the Anti-Terrorist Organization, it at least taught them a lesson. It is said that the reason for all this is the inner ghost in the No. [-] Terrorist Organization." Said here Adele paused for a moment, as if she just couldn't remember the name of the ghost, she tilted her head and said to herself, "What's the name of the ghost? Let me think about it!"

Adele tilted her head and thought about it, and said to Ye Kelan after a while: "It is said that the ghost is called 'Suzaku', but I don't know exactly what she did, but I have a document here, Maybe there are useful information in it." Then he took out a USB flash drive from his bag and handed it to Ye Kelan.

Ye Kelan just glanced at the USB flash drive in Adele's hand, but didn't reach out to pick it up, then raised her head and looked at Adele inexplicably, but didn't speak, because Ye Kelan felt that talking to Adele was a waste Drooling, who knows if Adele forged evidence to deceive her?

If Ye Kelan really believed it, then not only would he fail Gu Yumo's sincerity, but also make Gu Yumo heartbroken, and it would be Adele's profit at that time.

Then if she listens to Adele's slander against Gu Yumo, if Gu Yumo doesn't love her by then, won't she be sad to death!

She wouldn't be so stupid, not trusting the person she loves, but trusting the words of her rival!
Although Ye Kelan insists that she doesn't believe Adele's words, nor does she believe in anything Adele gives, but Ye Kelan thinks it's still possible to take a look at what Adele gave, after all, it's harmless, and you can still watch it Let's see how she framed Gu Yunmo, and also know how Adele is.

In other words, even if what Adele said today is true, even if Gu Yunmo really did something to apologize to her, she doesn't want to learn about Gu Yunmo from her rival in love. If it's not good, she still hopes that Gu Yunmo can tell herself, even if the facts are unacceptable to her, it's better than knowing it from others.

Seeing that Ye Kelan did not plan to take the USB flash drive, Adele still had a calm expression on her face, as if everything had nothing to do with her, but it is unknown whether her heart is the same as her appearance .

The corners of Adele's mouth curled up, she smiled brightly, and said provocatively: "Could it be that you don't dare to look inside? Or, you can't believe that your beloved Colby actually said he loves you, But it actually hurt you the most?"

Ye Kelan didn't know why, but she couldn't understand Adele's arrogance, and she didn't want to be silent anymore, and said sarcastically: "At least he is willing to lie to me, although I don't know how long it will be, But it's better than some people, Colby is not even willing to cheat, it's really sad!" After speaking, he didn't look at the wonderful expression on Adele's face, just smiled at her triumphantly, regardless of her hand U disk, took a step back and slammed the door shut.

Adele was so angry that Ye Kelan almost beat her up. In fact, she was planning to do that, but Ye Kelan slammed the door shut before she came. If she hadn't stood firm enough , maybe they will be blown upside down by the gust of wind that the door lifted.

Adele squeezed the USB flash drive in her hand fiercely, and threw it on the ground vigorously. This was not enough to relieve her anger, so she ran over and stomped her feet vigorously, then turned around and kicked the door a few times childishly, viciously He stared at the door, gritted his back molars, and spit out a sentence: "I'll wait to see what happens to you!" After finishing speaking, he pressed the elevator angrily, and left with gritted teeth.

To say that Ye Kelan shouldn't have believed what Adele said, but her curiosity tended to make her look it up.

Ye Kelan is a senior leader of the No. [-] Terrorist Organization. She knows all about the No. [-] Terrorist Organization's news network, and she still remembers it. So when she came back, she just turned off the movie and started to attack the No. [-] Terrorist Organization. Fortunately, Gu Yunmo said that if she didn't cut it off, she didn't cut it off, which saved her a lot of trouble.

(End of this chapter)

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