When the leaves return to their roots, I belong to you

Chapter 143 You Gave Me A Big Surprise

Chapter 143 You Gave Me A Big Surprise
Gu Yumo's feet seemed to be filled with lead, every step was so heavy that he could hardly lift it up, but he still wanted to give Ye Kelan a shoulder, at least let her lean on him Cry, then he might feel that Ye Kelan won't hate himself so much.

But before he got close to Ye Kelan, he saw Ye Kelan looking at him with hateful eyes. Gu Yumo's heart ached even more when he saw that kind of eyes. He couldn't breathe because of the pain. He wanted to explain, but I didn't know what to say, so I could only look at Ye Kelan's eyes weakly, which made my heart hurt even more.

Ye Kelan couldn't remember how long she had been crying, but she shed more tears today than in her entire life, and she didn't know how long she had been crying. Ye Kelan finally felt that Gu Yunmo was back, no matter what Even Ye Kelan needed Gu Yumo to give her an explanation, so she raised her head and looked at Gu Yumo sobbing. Perhaps it was because of Gu Yumo's deception, so Ye Kelan looked at Gu Yumo with a smile on her face. Kind of hate.

Ye Kelan knew that although she was still tearfully beautiful in Gu Yunmo's eyes, even though her body was still sobbing uncontrollably, she was the most beautiful in Gu Yumo's heart. .

Ye Kelan knew what she looked like now, she must be ugly, so after taking a deep breath, Ye Kelan stretched out her hand and took out a few pieces of paper to blow her nose, then wiped away the tears on her face indiscriminately, To make himself look less sloppy, he raised his head to look at Gu Yunmo again.

"Aren't you going to give me an explanation?" Ye Kelan's voice was still nasal. Although she had wiped away her tears, her lacrimal glands seemed to be unable to control her tears and kept flowing out.

Although the video was not clear and shaky, it is obvious that it was a candid shot, but combined with the clones seen in the same place and the same computer last time and some information about the No. [-] terrorist organization, Ye Kelan did not Reason not to believe these are not true.

But even if these are true, all of these were done by Gu Yumo, Ye Kelan still doesn't want to believe it, she needs Gu Yumo to give her an explanation, as long as he gives her, she will believe it.

It doesn't matter if you say she is blind, or you say she is stupid, or you say she is heartless, as long as Gu Yunmo says it, she will believe it, because she loves Gu Yunmo.But she didn't expect that the answer Gu Yumo gave her would make her more and more disappointed in Gu Yumo.

Gu Yumo slowly approached Ye Kelan, looked at Ye Kelan and laughed out loud, although he knew that Ye Kelan was giving him a chance, but at this time Gu Yumo was not willing to lie to Ye Kelan anymore , even if she knows that she will hate herself in the future, as long as she still has a little love for herself, that's enough.

Gu Yumo raised his hand to hold Ye Kelan's shoulder, and looked at Ye Kelan with a faint smile, but his eyes gave people a very complicated feeling, his voice was so soft that it was almost inaudible, " Lan Lan, thank you for listening to my explanation at this time. But even if you hate me, I still want to tell you that what you see is true."

Seeing Ye Kelan's unbelievable expression, Gu Yumo's hand holding Ye Kelan's shoulder was pushed away by Ye Kelan as expected. At the same time, Ye Kelan took two steps back, looking at Gu Yumo's eyes seemed to be looking at a stranger, how could he do such a thing?
He clearly knew what the No. [-] terrorist organization meant to her, but why would he do such a thing?Ye Kelan pointed at Gu Yunmo out of control, and asked in a hoarse voice: "Why? Why did you do this? You clearly know how much what you did hurt me, why do you still do it? Why do you even I'm not even willing to lie to you?" The voice became louder and louder, and finally Ye Kelan couldn't help but cried loudly while leaning on the chair.

Just like that, Ye Kelan shouted loudly while crying: "Do you know, as long as you say it's not you, I will believe you, even if you are lying to me, I will believe you. But why do you even lie to me?" Don't you even want to lie to me?" She closed her eyes and let the tears flow down her face, her voice was soft but enough for Gu Yumo to hear clearly, "Gu Yumo, I hate you!"

Those six words at the end made Gu Yunmo panic. He strode in front of Ye Kelan, pulled Ye Kelan up who was leaning on the chair, and held her shoulders in front of him. , looking at Ye Kelan shaking her head cruelly, "No, you can't hate me, no matter what I do, you can't hate me, you can only love me, you know?"

No matter how unwilling Gu Yumo was, Ye Kelan always turned her head sideways and closed her eyes, refusing to look at Gu Yumo. Even if Gu Yumo pinched her shoulder and it hurt her, she didn't open her eyes, let alone Open your mouth and say a word of pain to Gu Yunmo.

At this time, Ye Kelan's face was so white that it became transparent, as if he might be unable to hold on in the next second and fainted. Gu Yumo naturally knew that the hand he was holding Ye Kelan's shoulder was strong, Ye Kelan I'm afraid his shoulders are bruised, but Ye Kelan gritted his teeth and didn't say a word. Gu Yumo was afraid that Ye Kelan would faint, so he could only let go of Ye Kelan's shoulders, and turned Ye Kelan Hug up.

During this period, Ye Kelan seemed to be numb, and let Gu Yunmo hug her without moving.

Gu Yunmo carried Ye Kelan into the room, put her gently on the bed, covered Ye Kelan with the quilt, and tucked her in.But Gu Yumo didn't go out, but turned around and went to the bathroom, fetched a pot of hot water to wipe Ye Kelan's face and hands, then bent down and kissed Ye Kelan's forehead, and then cleaned up Good stuff in a basin.

After doing all this, Gu Yumo turned around and left. After Gu Yumo left, Ye Kelan, who had been closing her eyes, raised her hand and wiped the place where Gu Yumo had just kissed in disgust. Turning around and covering her head with the quilt, she cried silently.

Gu Yunmo didn't leave, but went to the kitchen to cook. Even if he wasn't hungry at the moment, even if he knew Ye Kelan wouldn't eat, he would still make a good meal. Even if he was forced, he would force Ye Kelan to eat. Ke Lan ate the meal.

Knowing that Ye Kelan's appetite would definitely not be very good, Gu Yumo made a pot of salty and light preserved egg and lean meat porridge, and also fried a few of Ye Kelan's favorite dishes. Without a smile, he could hardly breathe because of the pain in his heart, but what can he do?
But since the game has already started, and it has already progressed to this point, then he can't and won't allow him to stop halfway!
After all, this is a matter that affects the whole body. If he and Ye Kelan were the only ones involved, he would definitely stop without hesitation, but the facts are often not what he thinks.

(End of this chapter)

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