When the leaves return to their roots, I belong to you

Chapter 144 You Gave Me A Big Surprise

Chapter 144 You Gave Me A Big Surprise
After Gu Yumo cooked the dishes, he brought all the dishes and porridge to the table, then turned around and went to Ye Kelan's room to wake her up to eat. Just as he expected, Ye Kelan was really sad under the covers. Crying, although her voice was suppressed by Ye Kelan, Ye Kelan's body was still shaking because of her sobs, Gu Yunmo looked at Ye Kelan like this, and felt very distressed, but what can I do? Woolen cloth?

What caused everything today was not all caused by himself, no matter how much he felt sorry for Ye Kelan, he could only suppress the pain in his heart.

Gu Yumo patted Ye Kelan's shoulder lightly, and said in a soft voice: "Lan Lan, you were supposed to make lunch, but now I've already made it, you can get up and have lunch. "His tone was as if nothing had happened, but only Gu Yunmo knew that it was just a superficial calm.

Ye Kelan hadn't moved when Gu Yumo put her hands on her shoulders, not even the sobbing from her sad crying, just kept that posture motionless.He just ignored what Gu Yumo said, and treated it like Gu Yumo was singing a big show by himself, so he didn't even bother to reason about it.

And what happened to your meal?Even if you cook ten meals or one hundred meals, it still can't make up for the harm you did to me?So I will never talk to you!
Seeing Ye Kelan's body not moving, and ignoring herself, Gu Yunmo knew that Ye Kelan was playing a temper tantrum, and her attitude just now made her angry, so she is not willing to talk to herself now , not discouraged, and continued to talk softly to Ye Kelan.

"Lanlan, today's dishes are all your favorite food. If you don't get up again, it won't taste good when it's cold." The tone became more and more gentle, but Ye Kelan still went in with his left ear and out of his right ear, not at all. Pay attention to him.

Gu Yumo couldn't help laughing when he saw Ye Kelan's obvious unwillingness to talk to him, sighed helplessly, and said in a negotiating tone: "Lanlan, since you don't want to move, then I will hug you personally. You went out?"

You'd better get angry and never want to see me again, anyway, no matter what you say, no matter how you ignore your hurt to me.I just don't want to move, talk to you, see you, let alone have any physical contact with you. In a word, my sister doesn't want to talk to you, so just stay where you are cool!

Seeing that Ye Kelan still didn't move, Gu Yumo could only speak patiently and said softly as always: "Well, I'll count to three, if you still don't speak, then I'll take it as your acquiescence, and then I can I'm going to take you out to eat with my own hands, or should I eat in your room?"

This pious tone is close to kneeling and begging, but who told you to do such crazy things to hurt my family?Even if you kneel down and kowtow to me three times today, don't even think about saying a word to you!
Seeing Ye Kelan treat him coldly, Gu Yunmo felt even more depressed and hurt. Now he would rather Ye Kelan make trouble with him, at least she wouldn't hate him so much that way.Although he was very reluctant to think so, but helplessly, this was the fact before his eyes.

A fact that he was least willing to accept, his Ye Kelan...was finally destroyed by himself.

What he got again and again was Ye Kelan's ignorance. No matter how good-tempered Gu Yumo was, he couldn't bear the attitude of his beloved towards him, but even if he hurt the whole world, he She is also reluctant to hurt the person in front of her!
At this time, Gu Yumo did not speak, he lifted Ye Kelan's quilt, and when he saw Ye Kelan's face full of tears, his heart ached again. In order not to see those tears that made his heart ache, Gu Yumo stretched out his hand He wiped away the tears on Ye Kelan's face, and then directly embraced Ye Kelan into his arms, but when his hand touched the warm pillow covered in Ye Kelan's tears, his His hands seemed to be scalded, and the place where he touched the warm pillow was so painful that he was almost numb.

He hugged Princess Ye Kelan. Although Ye Kelan was hugged by Gu Yumo, Gu Yumo could feel that although Ye Kelan was in his arms, the hearts of the two were already ten miles apart. Thousands of miles away, you can't touch it, you can't see it.

Even if she was hugged by Gu Yumo, Ye Kelan still struggled symbolically. After all, she had already been hugged by Gu Yumo. If she struggled hard, Gu Yumo's hands would be unstable and she would be thrown down. What should I do?
So even if Ye Kelan was held in Gu Yumo's arms, he would still close his eyes, tilt his head, and refused to show Gu Yumo a positive look.

Gu Yumo knows that Ye Kelan is still angry, so it doesn't matter if he struggles a few times. Since he can hug Ye Kelan, he will definitely hold Ye Kelan firmly, even if she struggles. will throw her.

He only had this kind of self-confidence, and even if Ye Kelan tilted his head and didn't look at him, he wouldn't be angry, he just carried Ye Kelan into the dining room firmly, and gently put her on the chair.

During this period, Ye Kelan never opened his eyes to even glance at Gu Yumo. Although Gu Yumo gritted his teeth, he knew that he was wrong, so he sat on the chair beside him and held up the table. Serve the preserved egg and lean meat porridge at a suitable temperature, and use a spoon to feed it to Ye Kelan.

But the porridge has already reached Ye Kelan's mouth, and Gu Yumo also knows that Ye Kelan has already smelled it, but Ye Kelan just opened his eyes and cast a glance, then closed his eyes and turned his face away, making it clear Just don't eat.

Gu Yumo patiently coaxed softly: "Lan Lan, I know you blame me, but you have to eat. Even if you want to blame me, you have to eat enough to be strong, Lan Lan, Just eat something!"

Ye Kelan still maintains a poker-faced expressionless posture, unmoved, what's wrong with you?It's still light to blame you, why don't you tell me to hate you?
From Gu Yunmo's point of view, it doesn't matter if he doesn't eat once or twice, but Ye Kelan is different. Ye Kelan blamed herself, even hated herself, Gu Yunmo still had to force Ye Kelan to eat.

Gu Yumo brought the spoon to Ye Kelan's mouth, a cruel smile curled up on the corner of his mouth, but his voice was as gentle as ever, almost dripping water, "Lanlan, you can blame me, or... Hate me, but I don't allow you to make trouble with your body, let alone think of any tricks of hunger strike."

(End of this chapter)

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