When the leaves return to their roots, I belong to you

Chapter 145 Dead Chapter 156 You gave me a big surprise

Chapter 145 Death 150 Chapter [-] You gave me a big surprise
Speaking of this, Gu Yumo's voice paused, but what he said next really surprised Ye Kelan: "Lan Lan, my patience has never been very good, so you'd better not provoke me Me, don't play any hunger strike games with me, or I won't guarantee that Wen Jing can survive!"

Gu Yumo knew Ye Kelan's weakness, since she was unwilling to eat properly, he had no choice but to use his own method to make her eat.

Sure enough, when Ye Kelan heard Wen Jing's name, she immediately turned her head to look at Gu Yunmo, without any twists and turns, she just asked, "What did you mean just now? You mean that Wen Jing is still alive." ?”

Seeing that Ye Kelan couldn't wait to turn around and talk to him because of a woman who had nothing to do with her, although the words were all for others, at least she talked to him, right?This can be regarded as a relatively large achievement.

Gu Yumo looked at Ye Kelan with a slight smile, and then gently explained: "Yes, Wen Jing is still alive. I can create a clone of you and let 'her' return to the No. [-] terrorist organization instead of you. There is also a way to create a clone of Wen Jing, and let 'her' die instead of Wen Jing. But even if Wen Jing is still alive, she is seriously injured. Whether she can live or not is entirely up to you. "

"You threaten me?" Ye Kelan gritted her back molars, and popped out a few words from the back molars, "You actually use her to threaten me? Do you know what she means to my brother? My brother Love her so much, you actually let her 'die' in front of my brother, do you still have humanity?!"

Gu Yumo sneered, and asked back: "Human nature? Tell me what is human nature? If people were really human, my biological parents wouldn't have abandoned me back then, and I wouldn't have spent so many years being inferior to animals." So, now I only know that I must get everything I want, even at all costs!"

His voice was choked with sobs, maybe it was because of the unfairness of God to him, but it was more because of the repayment for Fei Di's life-saving grace, so even if it had nothing to do with him, he could only After all, he promised Fei Di that no third person should know about this matter.

So even if Ye Kelan looked at him with hatred in his eyes, Gu Yunmo couldn't tell Ye Kelan about it, he knew that if Ye Kelan knew about it, he would definitely tell Ye Ningyuan about it.

Ye Ningyuan is an old fox, very cunning, and with Fei Di's knowledge, he won't be able to make a few tricks with him. Maybe the loser won't even have any pants on, let alone return to him. I can continue to be with Wen Jing.

Even if Ye Ningyuan retires from this matter and refuses to intervene in the affairs of the younger generation, then Ye Tianyu is a fuel-efficient lamp?He beat Fei Di until his own parents couldn't recognize him, even if he showed mercy to his subordinates, if he didn't show mercy, he might use the power of the entire No. [-] terrorist organization to fight Fei Di.

Although this time the No. [-] terrorist organization and the Mafia were injured at the same time, it was only when the tiger was taking a nap, but if the tiger got angry, the consequences would not be what they wanted to see.

After all, the No. 30 terrorist organization has dominated the world's black world for about [-] years. Its foundation is stable, and it has an in-law who dominates the No. [-] mafia. When the time comes to attack, only Fei Di will suffer. Even anti-terrorism groups are well-tuned together.

Therefore, in front of Ye Kelan, he can only deceive Ye Kelan with his own desire for monopoly, and at the same time, he is also deceiving himself, and he does not hesitate to block all the sins on himself, just for that ridiculous repayment.

Seemingly remembering another thing, Gu Yunmo then suddenly realized: "Oh, by the way, there is one more thing I almost forgot to tell you. You have a nephew, Lin Lin, who is currently working in the anti-terrorist organization. In your hand, if you don't eat a meal, then he may not be able to eat for a day. So my Lanlan had better eat well, and don't miss a meal, lest Lin Lin will not have food one day. "

When he said this, he was very calm, as if Lin Lin was really in his hands.But in fact, he only knew that the people from the anti-terrorist organization had arrested Lin Lin, and he didn't even know where he was being held and what they were going to do.But he can also pay more attention to Lin Lin for Ye Kelan's sake. If he finds out where he is one day, maybe he can tell the people of the Mo family anonymously, which is considered a merit.

If Ye Kelan knew about it in the future, maybe she would be less heartless towards her because of Lin Lin's matter, and she might not even forgive her for hurting her.

And the reason why he told Ye Kelan Lin Lin's news now was only to let Ye Kelan have a good meal, and he never thought of doing anything against the mafia, his goal was only Ye Kelan from the beginning to the end And calm.

Ye Kelan looked at Gu Yumo as if she was looking at a stranger, and tears dripped down her cheeks one after another as if she didn't want money. She choked up and said, "Gu Yumo , Are you still human after all? Lin Lin is only nine years old, he is just a child, how can you have the heart to do such crazy things to a person? Ah?!"

Gu Yumo sneered, and said with some self-mockery: "I'm crazy, so what? Even if I am a devil, then I am your devil, your devil alone, you will never get rid of me in this life!"

A cruel smile appeared on the corner of his mouth again, "Did you know Lan Lan, that day happened to be your cousin's wedding day, it was such a festive day, but I didn't expect to use blood to make your cousin's wedding even more festive "He said slowly and told Ye Kelan that even if Ye Kelan didn't love him anymore, it was okay to hate him, after all, as deep as love is, there is as deep as hatred.I can't love anymore, I can't even hate, that's fine!
Ye Kelan couldn't believe her ears, she closed her eyes and tried to restrain her sobs, her tears were like broken pearls, there was no trace of emotion in her voice, it was as calm as if her heart had stopped beating on a heart monitor It is the same as the straight line after that, without any ups and downs.

She said slowly: "Gu Yunmo, I will never love you again, I will never love you again."

She said: "Gu Yumo, do you know? You gave me a big surprise!"

A surprise enough to destroy all my love for you!

(End of this chapter)

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