When the leaves return to their roots, I belong to you

Chapter 147 You Gave Me A Big Surprise

Chapter 147 You Gave Me A Big Surprise
Seeing that the one who answered him was still silent, Gu Yunmo could only sigh. It's not that he didn't think about continuing to threaten Ye Kelan with Wen Jing and Lin Lin, but he really didn't want to see the hatred in Ye Kelan's eyes again. The thicker it gets, he's afraid that he won't be able to help telling Ye Kelan all the truth, but then Ye Kelan will leave him. He doesn't want Ye Kelan to leave him, so he can only watch her hate him .

Kissing the corner of Ye Kelan's mouth, Gu Yumo retreated a little. As expected, Ye Kelan closed his eyes and did not look at himself. Although his expression was calm, Gu Yumo knew that Ye Kelan's heart So much so that her body must hate his contact very much, but why doesn't he hate himself like this?

For Gu Yumo, it doesn't matter what he does, but at least Ye Kelan will still love her, but if even Ye Kelan doesn't love him and hates him, then Gu Yunmo, who is hated by Ye Kelan, will Even he himself hates it.

But even if he is going to hell, Gu Yumo will drag Ye Kelan with him, and he will never be separated from Ye Kelan in this life!

"Lanlan, you stay here well. Whatever you want to eat and drink, there is a refrigerator in the kitchen next to the living room, all of which you like, so you don't have to bother to go outside. I'm going to work now , you stay at home and come back to accompany you as soon as I get off work, huh?" Gu Yumo said, and kissed Ye Kelan's forehead.

Is Gu Yumo going to imprison Ye Kelan pervertedly?But Ye Kelan doesn't care anymore, isn't everything that Gu Yumo does is to keep her here, so here or outside, it's not all the same, isn't it all locked up?
Rather than being locked in a place where Gu Yunmo's shadow is everywhere and Gu Yunmo's smell is everywhere, it is better to stay in this quiet place that is not polluted by Gu Yunmo, at least here Gu Yunmo's shadow and his The smell is not so much, and staying here may not make her so sick.

Gu Yumo finally left here to go to work after nagging, this is what Ye Kelan wished for, she needs to cry a lot, needs to vent the anger in her heart, and the last thing she wants to do when she is doing all this It was because Gu Yunmo saw it that when she was crying just now, she suppressed her crying.

Now that Gu Yumo is gone, Ye Kelan bent her legs, hugged her knees with her hands, and cried with her head buried in her head. She cried so loudly that she had no image at all. Fortunately, it is all soundproof here, otherwise I don’t know Could it be because of the crying of this inexplicable woman that it is haunted?

I don't know how long she cried, but Ye Kelan finally stopped crying. She stood up and was about to go outside. She knew that she was a 'dead person' now, but even so, she had to figure out what was going on. thing.

Although she couldn't see through Gu Yunmo, she couldn't see his feelings for her. Not only were they there, but they were also very deep and true.It's just that Ye Kelan doesn't know why, why does Gu Yumo clearly promise that she won't hurt them, and now he wants to hurt them?

Ye Kelan doesn't believe that Gu Yumo did this just to keep her by his side, there must be other reasons, she must find out.

But when she was about to open the door, she found that the door had already been locked. Even if she could pick the lock, she was not even given a keyhole on the door, and she had no way to do it.

Ye Kelan now feels that she is really stupid. Gu Yumo made it clear that he wanted to imprison her, so how could he let her go out?Not to mention she was going to find out the truth of the matter.

But why didn't Gu Yumo think about it, he loves her, but she also loves him, why can't he explain everything to himself?Why didn't he know, as long as he said it, as long as he explained it, she would believe it, even if he lied to her!
Ye Kelan finally sat down weakly against the door, is this going to restrict her freedom?Or do you intend to lock her up here for the rest of your life?

Gu Yunmo, you didn't even give me a chance to find out the truth, you are so heartless, it's fine to be so heartless to me, but you are so heartless even to yourself!

Although Gu Yunmo said in front of Ye Kelan that he did those things and threatened her with Wen Jing and Lin Lin, Ye Kelan didn't believe it at all. Yun Mo could kill her when she knew part of it, so why keep her until now?

No matter what, Ye Kelan never believed that Gu Yumo would have no feelings for her. She could clearly feel that Gu Yumo loved her, but she didn't know why he could do it while talking about loving himself , while doing something that hurts herself, without even an explanation, if this is Gu Yunmo's love, then she doesn't want it anymore, and she dare not want it anymore.

Since you refuse to explain to me, I can only hate you.

Ye Kelan slowly closed her eyes, allowing the tears to flow silently on her face, and her heart had long since locked the door, restricted her freedom, and prevented her from contacting the outside world. I've completely given up on him.

When Gu Yumo walked out of the hanging garden he built for Ye Kelan, he locked the door. There is a button outside the door that is specially used to lock the door. After pressing the button, the door will be locked. The Taoist door can't be opened no matter what, even if it is bombed, it is impossible, let alone relying on one's own strength.

Gu Yumo faced the door and murmured to Ye Kelan who was inside the door: "I'm sorry Lan Lan, I'm sorry, no matter whether you hate me or not, I can't allow you to leave me. Do you know? Gu Yumo without Ye Kelan is a walking dead, so you can't leave me, even if you stay by my side because you can't leave, you still hate me, and you want to kill me to avenge them, I don't care. You are allowed to leave me. Absolutely not!"

Seeing Ye Kelan crying so hoarsely, Gu Yunmo was naturally very distressed, but so what?No matter how distressed he is, there are certain things that he cannot tell Ye Kelan. He cannot do things like breaking his promise.

But he also promised Ye Kelan that he would not take action against the No. [-] terrorist organization, but in the end he broke his promise to her, and hurt her so deeply that she hated him completely.

If he had known that one day he would love Ye Kelan so much, he would never have agreed to Fei Di to help him with this matter, but now that everything has been done, it is already too late, and for the rest of his life, he can only love Ye Kelan well Kelan, as a little compensation for Ye Kelan's injury.

(End of this chapter)

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