When the leaves return to their roots, I belong to you

Chapter 148 I Love You at First Sight

Chapter 148 I fell in love with you at first sight

Gu Yumo turned around and left, tidied up all the leftovers on the table, the dishes were washed clean, not a drop of water was wiped, but he didn't take a bite of his meal.

After washing the dishes and chopsticks, Gu Yumo buttoned the sleeves and collar, and put on his coat. The buttons were buttoned up meticulously, and even his expression was meticulous, carrying the briefcase Step by step, he walked out of the door, but the moment the door was closed again, Gu Yumo suddenly took out a handkerchief from his pocket, covered his mouth and coughed a few times, then glanced at the filthy thing he had spit out, his face Expressionlessly raised his head and pressed the elevator.

He has always been rigorous in his work, and Ye Kelan will definitely not let Ye Kelan find out what he doesn't want Ye Kelan to know, unless someone deliberately told Ye Kelan about it, so as to achieve a certain purpose.

No matter who it is, Gu Yumo will never let him go, because he let Ye Kelan know what she shouldn't know, and the heartbroken appearance of her after knowing it made him feel very distressed, and then she knew that she would treat him very badly. The hatred is also getting stronger and stronger, so he deserves to die, and he must ask for life or death in order to eliminate the little bit of hatred in his heart!

After going down to the first floor, Gu Yumo threw the handkerchief in his hand inside, opened the car door as if nothing had happened, started the car and drove away.

No one saw the glaring bright red on the handkerchief that Gu Yumo had discarded.

Since the end of that evening party, An Xia has become a household name in the high society of S City. She is even more famous than the original Qiao Hanwan. The son's lady, Xiao, thought that her son could marry An Xia back as his daughter-in-law, so that in the next few days, the Qiao family would receive posts from different people's homes every day, but they were all rejected by Mrs. Qiao. Withdrew for various reasons.

An Xia was also slightly surprised by these warm invitations, and naturally felt warm in her heart for Madam Qiao's thoughtful rejection, and immediately hugged Madam Qiao with sweet words, making Madam Qiao laugh heartily.

Originally, it was already enough for her daughter to be happy by her side, but this daughter was even more caring and made her feel that she was the happiest mother in the world.Of course, An Xia's position in Qiao's family was not very stable, but An Xia can talk and behave, and her current position in Qiao's family is unique, and compared to Qiao Hanwan at the beginning, it is only worse No less.

An Xia's position has risen, and it has gradually become solid. Naturally, some people are happy and some are worried. The one who worries the most is Qiao Hanwan. After the party that day, she became uncharacteristically, and her attitude towards An Xia became more and more agreeable. , and often share their own things with An Xia.

But An Xia is not a fool, she knows that according to Qiao Hanwan's temperament, it is impossible to accept her fate so easily, and she will definitely trip her up, but An Xia doesn't know exactly what tripped her up, so she can only let Qiao Hanwan Hanwan was making a fuss, and she tried to let her do whatever she wanted.

After all, a fox's tail can only be revealed after a long time.

Sure enough, Qiao Hanwan is not a slow person and doesn't know how to act backwards and forwards, so her fox tail was quickly exposed. An Xia has always been a person who hits snakes and hits seven inches. Since you provoked me and angered me, Then you have to bear the consequences well.

The weather was sunny and sunny that day, so Qiao Hanwan went out early, and after guessing that An Xia had finished her breakfast, she called An Xia and asked her to go see the sea. Of course, An Xia knew that Qiao Hanwan was With malicious intentions, because the days in S city were really boring, so he agreed to Qiao Hanwan's invitation and accepted the invitation alone.

The reason why An Xia is so courageous and dares to go out alone is because she is very confident in her own skills. Although she is defeated by Ye Kelan every time, she has to deal with Qiao Hanwan, who has no power to restrain her. Girls are no problem either.

An Xia drove here by herself. When she arrived at the beach, she happened to see Qiao Hanwan waving at her with a smile on her face, waiting for her like a good sister. In fact, An Xia also walked over with a smile on her face, and then Then Qiao Hanwan chatted a few words.

Because the weather is too hot, they have been blowing the sea breeze here for half an hour, Qiao Hanwan said very intimately: "Xia Xia must be thirsty, I know there is a canteen nearby, I will go buy water now Here you are." After finishing speaking, without waiting for An Xia's response, she ran over by herself, but when she turned around, the malicious smile at the corner of her mouth completely exposed her.

Hmph, just wait, wait well, wait until you lose your innocence to see if your parents will want you, I am afraid that even if your parents will want you, you will die of shame Bar?Haha, let you compete with me for my parents and elder brother, let you compete with me for the property of Qiao's family, let's see if you still have the face to continue to appear in everyone's sight after today.

An Xia watched Qiao Hanwan bouncing away with obvious easy steps, she thought she should be in a good mood at this time, but she didn't know what idea she came up with to deal with herself, but no matter what it was, she would still return it. Give back to Qiao Hanwan double!
Today's weather is good, the sun is bright, and there is a gentle breeze blowing from time to time, because she is not afraid of heat, but she thinks it is good to bask in such a bright sun.

Not too tanned, just to enjoy the feeling of basking in the sun. When they were with Ye Kelan before, whenever they had time, they would go to the beach or a villa with their friends, the one with a swimming pool, swimming, Basking in the sun or something.

Speaking of swimming, An Xia hasn't been swimming for a long time, and she misses the feeling of freedom in the water, but the clarity of the sea water is not very good, and she is not wearing a swimsuit, so she can only close her eyes Lie on your back basking in the sun.

It's just that she just lay down and closed her eyes. It didn't take long for something to block her sunlight. This area is very empty, and it can't be Qiao Hanwan, because as long as Qiao Hanwan is ten meters away from her, she will You can smell the pungent smell on Qiao Hanwan's body.

Although these people will also have a taste, most of them have some tobacco taste, of which the taste of low-quality smoke accounts for the majority.

An Xia is naturally very upset when someone blocks the sun from shining on her, but An Xia can tell from the smell that there are quite a few people in this group, but so what, no matter how many people you have, it blocks my sun I just can't stand it.

(End of this chapter)

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