When the leaves return to their roots, I belong to you

Chapter 149 I Love You at First Sight

Chapter 149 I fell in love with you at first sight

It's just that they obviously didn't wait for her to sit up and question them, so they directly yelled at her: "Hey! Are you Qiao Anxia?!"

I have to say, the voice was too loud, and An Xia, who had just sat up, shuddered uncomfortably, and then suddenly felt that if her ears were deaf in the future, it would all be due to the person who yelled at her just now. When the time comes, she will definitely not let him go.

Why are you yelling so loudly?Is she deaf!
Because An Xia was half a body shorter than them, and his back was facing the sun, so from An Xia's angle, he could see the spout of saliva.

At that time, An Xia was thinking, fortunately, he was still far away from her, otherwise he might be splashed with saliva. An Xia is a bit of a clean freak, if the man's saliva really splashed on her, she would Definitely throw him in the sea to feed the sharks.

Since it didn't spray on An Xia's body, An Xia still sat upright with her back straight. Although she was looking up at them at this time, she didn't give people that she was looking up at them, but just felt She is equal to them.

The man who just yelled saw An Xia and ignored him at all, he just thought she was scared by them, also, a group of gangsters surrounded a little girl, if other girls would definitely cry and make trouble, otherwise they would look like With the appearance of the little white rabbit, there is no one like An Xia who looks at them quietly without crying or fussing, and looks at them with an inquiring expression, not to mention, this is really the first one.

The man standing in the middle looked straight at An Xia with his hands in his pockets. If anyone paid attention, he could see that An Xia was also looking at that man.

The man who yelled just now saw that An Xia ignored him at all, and looked straight at his boss. He knew that his boss was handsome, and usually there were many women who threw himself into his arms, and even more willingly. He gave money to his boss, who is still a beautiful woman, but she is a beautiful woman with a long ****.

Since the beauties came to the door, they still voluntarily posted them. His family's boss would naturally not refuse anyone. Although he was only 21 years old now, he could be counted as having countless girls.

So now when he sees An Xia, he also looks at his boss directly, thinking that An Xia, like those women, is attracted by the handsome appearance of his boss, knowing that although the boss does not refuse women, But he also didn't like women looking at him straight, so he immediately yelled at An Xia: "I'm asking you something, it's fine if I don't answer, what are you looking at? We all know that our boss is handsome , but you don’t look like a nymphomaniac, do you?” After speaking, he turned his head and yelled, but a group of gangsters behind him also followed him, and immediately laughed.

An Xia frowned, cast a disgusted look at this group of vulgar and rude people, let out a breath of air, and then stood up. An Xia was the last person she wanted to contact with these low-level hooligans.

And how could she have looked at that man in a nympho just now?It's obviously expressionless, okay?Think she's that superficial?Do you think that as long as you see a good-looking woman, you will be like the group of stallions behind them?They all had the urge to tear off her clothes, which made An Xia feel a chill.

Is this the difference between a punk and a member of a terrorist organization?That's too big, it's the gap in the entire Pacific Ocean!

Besides, the reason why she looked at him was also because he was their leader. Only after seeing the man's thoughts clearly could she know what kind of character he was, and it would be easier to handle things that way.

And it's not like she hasn't seen men who are prettier than him, there are more than one or two, and it's also the same that she hasn't stared at him with a nympho like he said!

It’s okay to be superficial and nympho, but now you still think that other people think the same as him, you are really sick, if you are sick, you can take medicine, don’t come out for nothing, otherwise you will beat you even your parents Don't know me, don't beg for mercy on my knees then!

For some reason, Nangong Yi, who seemed to treat women like nothing, somehow had a good impression of this girl whom he met for the first time. When he saw her frowning because of the vulgar words of his brother, he had a feeling The urge to reach out to smooth her out, he really didn't like to see her frowning, although her frowning was also pretty, but he thought it would look better if she smiled.

And shouldn't girls at her age smile beautifully?

Nangong Yi raised his hand up, and the people behind him consciously held back the ridicule towards An Xia, walked a few steps towards An Xia, curled his mouth, and asked, "Are you Qiao Anxia?" His voice was very gentle Magnetic, nice to hear.

An Xia's eyes drooped and she looked at Nangong Yi's chest. Her voice was not loud but calm enough for everyone present to hear clearly and verbatim, "If you're not sure With my identity, I don't think you will bring a group of younger brothers around inexplicably."

This is an indirect acknowledgment that she is Joan Anxia, ​​can't it be that she can't see it?They obviously confirmed her identity before they came to trouble her.

Even if you are a gangster, if you see a tall and beautiful woman with some crooked thoughts, your first sentence will not be to ask if she is so-and-so, but you will ask what is your name and so on!
Therefore, An Xia had reason to suspect that these gangsters were written by Qiao Hanwan, and it was really hard for Qiao Hanwan to collect them one by one.

Let me just ask, what will happen when a group of men and a beautiful woman like a flower, or a group of men like a wolf and a tiger get together with a big beauty? She looked like she wanted to eat it alive, but she didn't expect Qiao Anxia to admit that she was Qiao Anxia in a calm manner, which was really stupid.

In fact, An Xia is not as stupid as they imagined. Since she dared to admit it, then she has the ability to be safe and sound. As the saying goes, if you don't have diamonds, don't do porcelain work.

Moreover, An Xia also believed that it was impossible for punks like them to have guns. If she was pushed into a hurry, with her skill and marksmanship, they might be the ones who would suffer.An Xia still had this confidence.

Hearing An Xia's words of neither denying nor admitting, Nangong Yi suddenly felt conflicted. On the one hand, he regretted agreeing to the man's conditions, otherwise he would not have left a bad impression on An Xia; on the other hand, he was grateful He agreed to the man's condition, at least he could get to know An Xia.

 Happy Valentine's Day to those who have a lover, and happy Valentine's Day to those who have no lover!

(End of this chapter)

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