When the leaves return to their roots, I belong to you

Chapter 150 I Love You at First Sight

Chapter 150 I fell in love with you at first sight

Nangong Yi thought silently, as long as she works hard to get back his negative image from now on, will she be able to forget today's unhappiness, and then be friends with him?
Thinking of this, Nangong Yi smiled and apologized to An Xia with a gentlemanly look: "I'm really sorry, I was the one who was abrupt, I wonder if you would give me a favor and let me treat you to a meal , just take it as me apologizing to you for our rudeness."

An Xia lowered her head and covered her mouth with a sneer, then raised her head and looked at Nangong Yi with a smile. Although there was a faint smile on the corner of her mouth at this time, the words she said were as cold and heartless as ice, "We don't I don’t know you well, so your rudeness doesn’t matter to me at all. As for what you said about buying me a meal as an apology, I don’t think it’s necessary at all, and I don’t like eating with a group of strangers, so you guys It’s better to eat by yourself. I have something to do, so I’ll excuse you first.” After speaking, she smiled at Nangong Yi, and then she was about to walk past Nangong Yi, but she was caught by Nangong Yi just as soon as she took a step Lifting his arm, An Xia looked back at Nangong Yi impatiently.

Who is Nangong Yi, a playboy who plays games in the world, although he doesn't have any great family, he is just the leader of a group of gangsters now.But the advantage is that he is handsome, so many women will fall in love with him, not only that, even money will be rushed to give him.

It's just that although Nangong Yi has no money at this time, he is not the kind of little boy who depends on women to support him, so no matter whether it is for the rich or the poor, they only have sex and have no feelings for each other.

Although some of them pretended to be noble at the beginning, they were abducted into bed by Nangong Yi within a week at most, and they were definitely far from her innocent appearance.

Behind Nangong Yi was another man with yellow hair and pointing his finger at An Xia. With his attire, his words and deeds were undoubtedly not a real hooligan.He raised his head, looked at An Xia with his nostrils and said, "Our boss treats you to dinner, that's because he respects you. Don't toast and refuse to eat fine wine!"

An Xia just looked at the yellow hair coldly, and didn't say anything to block him. From An Xia's point of view, he was just a little bastard. Talking to him just lowered his style. It's better to save some saliva for teeth. cost-effective.

It's just that her silence doesn't mean that others don't want to help her. "Shut up!" Nangong Yi shouted in a low voice without looking back. Huang Mao and Nangong Yi have been together for a long time, so naturally they know Nangong Yi's A low shout meant that he was angry. Nangong Yi was angry, and the consequences would be serious.

Huang Mao was tremblingly waiting for Nangong Yi's punishment, but he didn't want Nangong Yi to just drink him up, then turned around and said to An Xia in a very gentle tone with a smile on his face: "Don't be angry, he is young and not sensible. If there is something offensive, I hope you can forgive me a little bit."

An Xia didn't speak, just looked at Nangong Yi's hand holding her arm, and after a while, she raised her head and said coldly to Nangong Yi: "The most important thing you should do now is to take your hand away from mine, Then let me leave here, it's your best apology." She hates strangers having physical contact with her the most, if it wasn't because she knew that Qiao Hanwan might be watching nearby, she would have made a fool of herself. Just beat this group of people to the ground, how can they let them chat so much here?
And I don't know if Qiao Hanwan has any other tricks, otherwise An Xia would not only want to get rid of these gangsters, but might also find Qiao Hanwan and beat him up.

Nangong Yi didn't take it seriously. He has been in love for many years, so he naturally knows women very well. Usually, as long as a woman wants it, she wants it, but if a woman says she doesn't want it, she still wants it.Now An Xia asked him to let go of his hand, that is to tell him not to let go of his hand, that's why he didn't want to let go of his hand.

Besides, this An Xia's hands are really delicate and smooth, just like a baby's skin, so he doesn't want to let go, and he is reluctant to let go.

This feeling is very strange. Nangong Yi has never experienced it before. Even though there are countless Yue and women, there has never been a woman who can bring him this feeling like An Xia.And he has always followed his own feelings. Since he wants to do this in his heart, then let's do it. After all, this Qiao Anxia is also delicate, and he doesn't have much strength to break free from his hands.

Nangong Yi leaned closer to An Xia's ear, inhaled lightly, and smelled the fragrance of orchids in the empty valley. Although the smell was very faint, Nangong Yi could smell it, and thought it smelled good.

It's just that Nangong Yi has never smelled such a fragrance before, but he instinctively feels that this should not be a perfume. Since it is not a perfume, it should be the body fragrance that An Xia carries on her body.

He murmured: "Xia Xia, I just want to make friends with you. Why are you so unfeeling? Besides, one more friend is one more reliance. If you need my help in the future, I will definitely not refuse." His voice was so low that only An Xia could hear what he said clearly.

But at the same time, his address to An Xia was unavoidably too intimate, which made An Xia frown involuntarily.

Maybe he noticed that An Xia frowned or maybe he didn't, Nangong Yi went on to say: "Besides, you are not always so lucky to meet someone who is as sympathetic as me every time you are framed. If other people see If you are such a beautiful girl, you will definitely not be able to resist tearing your clothes." Nangong Yi's words were a little blunt, but it was also the truth.After finishing speaking, he smiled slightly, and blew warm air into An Xia's ear.

Although she was provoking and teasing An Xia brightly, An Xia didn't care, but looked at Nangong Yi questioningly and asked: "You just said that the reason why you are here is that you will know who I am. Is it because someone wants to frame me?"

Nangong Yi nodded, he didn't deny it, and praised An Xia with a smile that was not a smile, "You are such a smart and beautiful girl." Speaking of this, he put away the smile at the corner of his mouth, and said with a little disappointment: "It's just that I don't know why? For a beautiful girl like you, how can someone who doesn't have long eyes be willing to hurt you even a little bit?"

"Reluctant to hurt you, isn't it helping others to do something that will hurt me?" An Xia stated the facts expressionlessly.

(End of this chapter)

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