When the leaves return to their roots, I belong to you

Chapter 151 I Love You at First Sight

Chapter 151 I fell in love with you at first sight

"I..." Before Nangong Yi could say anything, he heard a melodious ringtone. Naturally, Nangong Yi and the gangsters behind him would not be able to use this kind of voice that girls like. It is estimated that other than Nangong Yi were present. No one else knows what the song means.

An Xia, like Ye Kelan, has both a work account and a personal account, and the work account is known to almost everyone in the No. [-] terrorist organization, but the private number is only the top level of the No. [-] terrorist organization and she has a close relationship. There are many people, such as the second elder of the Qiao family and Qiao Junting.

The call is from Jing Nan. According to the time in the United States, it should be late at night. Jing Nan is a night owl. Almost all people of their generation are night owls, so the reason why I called her at this time is because I couldn’t sleep. Sing a lullaby or something, because it's not like Jing Nan has never done this kind of thing, and he always finds long and beautiful girls to sing to him.

And the relationship between An Xia and Jing Nan is also very good. Although he didn't punish Ye Kelan with him, he often helped Ye Kelan to punish them, causing them to say that An Xia and Ye Kelan grew up wearing a pair of pants of.

So now when An Xia saw Jing Nan's name, the expression on his face softened a lot, and the smile at the corner of his mouth was not the same as when he looked at Nangong Yi just now, but warm and comfortable to look at.

Nangong Yi is about a head taller than An Xia, so he can clearly see that the caller ID on An Xia's mobile phone is a man's name and a picture of a man, and An Xia's expression suddenly becomes so weak, The smile on the corner of his mouth was also so sweet. At that time, Nangong Yi was so angry that his teeth were itching, wishing to beat up that man severely in front of An Xia to relieve his hatred.

In fact, Ye Kelan has a habit, that is, no matter the number in the address book in the private number or the work number, there are photos of real people, so that no matter who calls, you can know who is calling by looking at the photo without looking at the name coming.

An Xia and Ye Kelan have a very good relationship, so An Xia has also learned this habit of Ye Kelan, so at this time, as long as there is a number saved in her mobile phone, there will be a photo, this is Nangong Yi also The reason why I saw Jingnan's photo.

An Xia picked up the phone, and regardless of whether there was anyone else listening, she said jokingly in a brisk tone, "Hey, you can't sleep again, do you want to hear me sing you a lullaby?"

In the past, Jing Nan would definitely answer with a playful smile: "Yes, yes, it's been a long night of sleepless nights. It would be best if you could come to my room and sing for me. If you don't want to, then you can sing on the phone. I just listen to it as much as I can." At the end, he was still very disappointed and let out a big sigh, as if no one else could hear his loss.

But this time Jing Nan's voice sounded rare and serious, with sadness in it, only one sentence: "Xia Xia, Ke Lan is gone."

An Xia was taken aback, and the smile on the corner of her mouth froze. She thought it was because she didn't hear clearly or Jing Nan was teasing her again, or it was truth or dare?So she still kept the smile on the corner of her mouth, but her voice didn't have the lightness just now, but there was obvious trembling, "What did you just say? Tell me carefully again."

Jing Nan took a deep breath, then looked up at the ceiling, and said with a choked voice, "I said, Ke Lan is gone. The plane Ke Lan was on exploded the day before yesterday. There were three people on the plane, including Ke Lan. The eyelids are lowered, and there are no bones left!" As he spoke, a seven-foot man in Jingnan did not cry, but his face was covered with tears, how he wished that Ye Kelan could be as unaware as before. Jumping out and pointing at him to make fun of him, and then hooking his shoulders again, the eldest sister said loudly: "Tell sister, who bullied you, we will find someone to bully you back!"

An Xia gritted her teeth and squeezed out a few words from her back molars: "You're lying! I won't believe you!" Although she said she didn't believe it, tears still flowed down her cheeks, one drop at a time. Then a drop.

In fact, she also knew that Jing Nan had no morals, but even if she had no morals, she would not make fun of their lives like now, so An Xia said she didn't believe it, but it wasn't that she didn't believe Jing Nan, she just didn't believe that Ye Kelan would be willing. Make such a big joke on them.

"I don't want to believe it either, but this is the truth. You and Ke Lan have such a good relationship, I can't keep you from knowing this fact!" Jing Nan said seriously.

Oh, fact!If possible, An Xia really hoped that this was just a bigger joke they played with her.

An Xia didn't want to hear what Jing Nan had to say, so she gritted her teeth and hung up the phone. Although she was still crying at this moment, she didn't cry from the beginning to the end. She just gritted her teeth and her eyes were dull looking ahead.She wanted to break free from Nangong Yi's hand, but for some reason, she had no strength in her whole body at this time, not only did she not break free from Nangong Yi's hand, but her eyes went dark, she passed out directly, and her phone fell directly on the beach .

Fortunately, Nangong Yi was quick and caught An Xia. He didn't know what the man on the phone had said to her, but just looking at An Xia's pale, almost transparent face, his heart ached.

Maybe Nangong Yi didn't believe in love or love at first sight in the past, but now seeing An Xia's sad and helpless look, his heart hurts too much. If it wasn't because she was in his heart, he probably wouldn't look at her sad It looks like my heart hurts so much.

Seeing that An Xia had fainted, the yellow-haired man laughed triumphantly: "I didn't expect this girl to be so fragile. She passed out after answering a phone call. If we let us have a good time, we don't know if we can survive a round." ?" After finishing speaking, the yellow-haired man, the man who yelled at An Xia at the beginning, and a group of gangsters behind them all laughed.

If it was any other woman before, Nangong Yi would probably just bend the corner of her mouth, shake her head and pass by, but now her partner is An Xia, Nangong Yi is reluctant to let someone think badly about her, An Xia who rubs her lips lightly With some reluctance, he raised his head and shouted at the people behind him without looking back: "Throw all the dirty things in your minds out of the sky, if I hear or see you say If you have that kind of expression on your face when facing her, then don't blame me for being ruthless!"

(End of this chapter)

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