When the leaves return to their roots, I belong to you

Chapter 152 I Love You at First Sight

Chapter 152 I fell in love with you at first sight

Nangong Yi kissed An Xia's forehead after roaring, put An Xia's phone that fell on the ground in An Xia's arms, and then hugged An Xia cherishingly, fearing that if he hugged An Xia lightly, he would drop An Xia , and was afraid that An Xia would feel uncomfortable if he hugged him heavily for a while, anyway, he was very uncomfortable in the hug.

This yellow hair is quite good at observing words and expressions. Hearing Nangong Yi's obviously possessive tone, he guessed that this woman is not simple, otherwise he wouldn't let his boss hold him so carefully. You must know that those women in the past just hit her directly. If you get dizzy, let them resist, or else just let them insult you with words.

Nangong Yi spoke to stop it, and this was the first one, and she was also the first one who hugged her dearly.If a man wants to do this to a woman he met for the first time, it can only mean that the man is interested in this woman and has plans to be with her.

So when he saw Nangong Yi holding An Xia up, he quickly followed behind Nangong Yi, but it was not the car they drove that Nangong Yi went to, but a red car that had parked beside them a long time ago. Next to Ferrari.

Through the car window, you can also see that the key is being inserted into the keyhole, and the door is opened with a light pull.It's just that this car is high-end, people like Huang Mao who have never touched a car before changing it to a [-]-square-meter house or a well-decorated house are naturally happy and don't know where to put their hands and feet.

In the end, Nangong Yi roared impatiently, Huang Mao regained his thoughts, quickly opened the door of the back seat, let Nangong Yi sit in with An Xia in his arms, then closed the door, and sat in the driver's seat by himself.Fortunately, he can drive. Although he has never driven a luxury car, this luxury car is driven in the same way as an ordinary car, so he still drives the car very well, at least it is very stable.

Of course, this does not rule out that this car is driving, so there is no vibration at all when driving, and it is very stable even when turning. In a word, this car is very good.

After Nangong Yi got into the car, he let An Xia lean on his shoulder, and he also reached out to hold An Xia in his arms. If he didn't know it, he would think that An Xia and Nangong Yi were the same when he saw the picture of them. A pair of lovers who are in love, how can they think that they are just meeting for the first time.

Nangong Yi naturally knew that it was very impolite to look at other people's mobile phones, but he couldn't help picking up An Xia's mobile phone and looking through it. While looking at it, he would kiss An Xia's forehead from time to time. It gave the yellow hair sitting in the driver's seat a feeling of goosebumps all over his body.

Since when has the boss been so gentle with a woman, and took advantage of her when the girl fainted?Where did the boss who used to regard women as clothes go?Was it taken away by the Taishang Laojun?

If Nangong Yi was not angry when he saw An Xia's phone screen saver, he was just a little jealous, because it was a photo of An Xia and other girls. They are all full of smiles, and their looks are equally beautiful.

But it was because their smiles were so pretty and the smiles in their eyes were too strong, that's why Nangong Yi was angry. Why did she have to smile so brightly with a young girl?
But after thinking about it, at least it's good that she doesn't smile so brightly and seductively with a man, what else can he do?What if that girl is her sister?Isn't it time to curry favor with others?But even if it's not the younger sister, they should still be very good friends, otherwise they wouldn't use the photo of the two of them as a screensaver, and they wouldn't be the same to curry favor by then. ?
But if An Xia's screensaver had a picture of her and a man on it, Nangong Yi probably wouldn't be able to accept it!So it's good to just use this one, um, they're all beautiful, but An Xia's is prettier and has a better figure.

Sigh, this is the first time we met, An Xia didn't even know his name, and he had already started to look towards An Xia like this, and he really had a cute personality.

After looking at An Xia's screen saver, Nangong Yi pressed the dial button again, pressed eleven numbers with his fingers, and then dialed, but hung up after a ringing sound, as if he was afraid that An Xia would not He seemed to know his name, and thoughtfully added his own name, but there was no photo.

After doing all this, Gu Yumo looked through An Xia's address book again. There were not many phone numbers in it, and he had no more than [-] numbers, but each of these numbers had a card belonging to them. name.

Of course, he also saw another girl on the screen saver, her name was ranked first, but Nangong Yi didn't mind.The rest should be her relatives and friends, but most of the numbers belong to foreign countries, but Nangong Yi has no interest in continuing to look through it, so she backed out.

Nangong Yi clicked on An Xia's photo album and checked them one by one. Whether it was An Xia's single photos or her group photos with others, they all had a sweet smile on their faces. Even if she is not smiling in some photos, her eyes are full of smiles, and it can be seen that she is very happy when taking these photos.

There are not many single photos of An Xia, most of them are group photos, among which the most are group photos with Ye Kelan, and there are photos of the two of them kissing each other mouth to mouth. How much Nangong Yi wishes to kiss An Xia at this time The other person is him, not the little girl.

Of course, there are some photos of An Xia and some men. Although they all smile the same, they are at most with their arms around their shoulders. There are no more intimate photos, which makes Nangong Yi secretly heave a sigh of relief.

To say that this Nangong Yi is really a strange existence, after looking through other people's photo albums, he uploaded the photos of An Xia alone to his mobile phone, but fortunately, An Xia didn't wake up, otherwise he would definitely go crazy right?

No one would be happy that their photos were 'collected' by a strange man, what if this man used her photos to do illegal things?

Although what she herself did was also illegal, it was all voluntary, and no one had the ability to make her obey the law, so if she did it, she did it, it didn't matter.

You can do whatever you want with your own face, but others can't. You must get it back twice as much. This is in line with her aura of being a core member of the No. [-] terrorist organization.

(End of this chapter)

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