When the leaves return to their roots, I belong to you

Chapter 153 I Love You at First Sight

Chapter 153 I fell in love with you at first sight

Although there are not too many photos in An Xia's album, and Nangong Yi will carefully observe the photos when looking at them, so the time will naturally be longer, and he will also post An Xia's photos in it, So halfway through the transmission, they had already arrived at their base camp, a semi-new warehouse.

Although this warehouse is not brand new, he bought it after all. Although it is not very valuable, it is also his hard earned money. It is his own property, and it is also the place where his brothers usually gather or settle down.

He doesn't have too many people under his command. Adding the twenty or so people he brought out today, there are only a dozen or so left in the warehouse. It's more than 40 to [-] or less, but they are better than them. All heartfelt to him.

Brothers are not many, but sincere!

He knew that Nangong Yi would bring people back, so someone was watching at the door early on. When they came back, he opened the door to let them in, and then had fun with his brothers.

It's just that when the boss got out of the car and carefully hugged the woman in the car, the younger brother who opened the door said that he must have read it wrong, but before he was surprised, he cherished the woman in his arms firmly. She carried it in steadily, and placed it on the sofa that only belonged to Nangong Yi.

Because An Xia was wearing an ankle-length floral skirt. Although the skirt was very long, the air conditioner was turned on inside. Nangong Yi was afraid that An Xia would be cold, so she took off her coat thoughtfully and gave it to An Xia. Xia Gai closed it, and then seemed to be afraid that An Xia would be dishonest even if he passed out, so he simply sat on the sofa and blocked the edge with his body.

This time, not only the little brother who opened the door was surprised, but also the gangsters present. When did their boss become so considerate? He even took off his clothes and covered them up for other girls. It’s okay to cover them up, because they are afraid that they will sleep He fell down dishonestly, sat on the edge of the sofa and guarded him, and treasured the broken hair on his face behind his ears. This is really rare!

The gangsters said: There is high energy here, accept incompetence!
Although they accepted their incompetence, they didn't dare to say anything, and then pretended that they didn't see anything, and continued to do what they should do. What if they stared at the girl for a long time and made the boss angry?
Although Huang Mao would like to remind his boss what their purpose of approaching An Xia is, but judging by the boss's attitude, if they want to implement their plan, it is estimated that it is impossible, and maybe they will piss off the boss, so it's okay not to get angry Impossible, right? !
Nangong Yi is sitting next to An Xia. Fortunately, his sofa is big enough, a full [-] centimeters. If he is sleepy, he will take a nap here, so now it is cheaper for An Xia, and it is also cheaper. own up.

Because when I was in the car just now, I only looked at the photos and address book in An Xia's phone, and there were some videos in An Xia's phone, so Nangong Yi opened it very bluntly and looked at it.

As far as he is concerned, since he already understands his own intentions and knows that he has a crush on An Xia, no matter whether An Xia agrees or not, she is his property, so now he has a look at what is in An Xia's phone Things are also normal.

But what Nangong Yi didn't expect was that most of the photos were photos of her and the girl on her screensaver. He didn't know until he watched all the videos on the phone that basically every video contained her. and there are quite a few of them.

Nangong Yi, who was angry at the moment, wanted to delete those videos, but he still didn't dare. He was afraid that An Xia would ignore him if he found out?

I have to say that Nangong Yi was really indecisive and indecisive about An Xia's affairs, but it was precisely because of this indecision and indecision that he didn't delete the video, so it wouldn't cause a catastrophe!
After all, An Xia just learned that Ye Kelan is gone. If Nangong Yi deleted this video, and An Xia didn't have a backup, it is estimated that when An Xia gets angry, Nangong Yi will not be able to bear it. up.

An Xia had been in a drowsy sleep for about four hours. The first thing she did when she opened her eyes was not to observe where this was or what her current situation was, but to search for her phone anxiously all over her body, and finally found I was wearing a skirt, and I was holding the phone in my hand when I fainted, so it was impossible to carry the phone with me.

Thinking of this, An Xia was finally willing to look up at Nangong Yi, and asked blankly, "Where's my phone?"

Nangong Yi didn't say anything, and directly handed the mobile phone in his hand to An Xia, and then looked straight at An Xia, without even blinking.

An Xia didn't bother to pay attention to Nangong Yi at this time, and didn't care about Nangong Yi's scorching gaze looking at her, she just opened her hand and pressed the number one button.Because her phone was pre-set, Ye Kelan ranked first, so naturally, she could press the number one button to directly dial Ye Kelan's number.

It's just that An Xia played it several times in a row, and all he could hear was a cold voice repeating the same sentence in bilingual over and over again: Sorry, the number you dialed is empty, please check and dial again!
An Xia didn't understand, why Ye Kelan's number was empty, why couldn't she cancel her number?At least that way, when no one answered her calls, she could still lie to herself that Ye Kelan was just busy, that's why she didn't answer her calls.

But even if Ye Kelan's phone number was empty, An Xia would tirelessly call it over and over again. She only hoped that she could call it once, even if it was broadcast to hell.

Nangong Yi looked at An Xia who had been broadcasting the same number like a demon, even he heard the cold voice coming from the phone, and he couldn't believe that An Xia didn't hear it.

Although Nangong Yi didn't know what the man on the phone said to An Xia, Nangong Yi really felt sorry for An Xia like this, so he snatched the phone from An Xia's hand without saying a word.

An Xia was about to make another call, but she didn't expect to be snatched away by a hand before she made the call. Out of instinct, An Xia naturally stretched out her hand to grab it, but just as she stretched out her hand, she was already snatched by a hand. The warm embrace was hugged tightly, and he was still talking softly in his ear.

Nangong Yi really couldn't stand it anymore, and finally snatched An Xia's mobile phone when An Xia No. 17 dialed the phone, and hugged An Xia tightly, although this was what he wanted to do a long time ago something happened.

(End of this chapter)

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