When the leaves return to their roots, I belong to you

Chapter 154 I Love You at First Sight

Chapter 154 I fell in love with you at first sight

Nangong Yi, who was holding An Xia, patted An Xia's back lightly, just like a mother holding her own baby, patting with great care, and just hoped that she would be a little more comfortable before leaning against her ear He said softly: "If you want to cry, just cry out loud, I will lend you my shoulder."

An Xia slowly closed her eyes. At this moment, she wanted to cry very much, and her heart ached. Although she and Ye Kelan were not biological sisters, and she was still Ye Kelan's subordinate in name, in private she and Ye Kelan Ke Lan's relationship is really good, even better than her own sisters.

But for some reason, now that Ye Kelan, whom she had always regarded as her own sister, was gone, she could only cry silently the moment she knew it, and then she couldn't cry anymore.

An Xia could feel that every breath she was breathing now felt a dull pain in her heart and lungs. It was so uncomfortable that she couldn't breathe. What also made her uncomfortable was this embrace that didn't know whether it was kind or purposeful.

"Let me go." An Xia said lightly, the arrogance at the beginning was gone in her voice, only a sense of grief was in it.

Nangong Yi was startled, although he was unwilling and reluctant, but he didn't want to take advantage of others at this time, so he still didn't want to let go of his hand slowly, looked at An Xia slowly, and asked eagerly: "You have slept for four hours. It is already two o'clock in the afternoon. Do you have anything you want to eat? I'll send someone to buy it for you."

Although An Xia is currently in an extremely sad time, the singular An Xia can hear and see that he is friendly to her, so even though An Xia doesn't want to talk at this time, she still shakes her head invisibly and said : "Thank you, I don't want to eat anything, and I can't eat it."

Nangong Yi sighed softly, and then persuaded softly: "Although I don't know what happened to make you so sad, but no matter what, I hope you can take care of your body. No matter what happened, Your body is the most important capital, if you don't have a good body, then everything else will be lost."

These words are so familiar, An Xia remembers that Ye Kelan said the same thing to herself before, life is the capital of revolution, and she has always listened to her words, but in the end, the person who said these words to her will never Not anymore, the Ye Kelan who she regarded as her younger sister but was more like her older sister was gone!

How could she accept this?

An Xia stopped talking, just bent her knees, put her hands around her knees, buried her head in her knees, closed her eyes and recalled every scene from the time she met Ye Kelan to the present, so many years had passed, An Xia Xia still can't forget it, she thinks she will never forget it in her whole life!
It is certain that I will not forget, but from now on, no one can treat her like Ye Kelan, and no one can treat others like I treated Ye Kelan.Thinking of this, An Xia couldn't help crying, choked up, although she was crying, but she just bit her lip to suppress the crying, the voice was not loud, but it caused her shoulders and body to tremble.

Nangong Yi looked at the helpless and sad An Xia, even crying was suppressed, his heart hurt like being pulled, but he didn't know what happened, and he didn't know how to persuade An Xia Xia, he could only sit by and watch An Xia crying sadly.

He thought that maybe she would be fine after she cried enough!
It's just that Nangong Yi didn't want such a fragile An Xia to be looked at by others, so he stood up and hugged An Xia, and then walked to the side of An Xia's red Ferrari. driving door.

This time Nangong Yi didn't let Huang Mao drive, but drove by himself, that's why he hugged An Xia and walked to the passenger seat, wrapping An Xia carefully, trying not to hurt her, and don't disturb her to cry, Then he closed the car door, strode to the other side by himself, opened the car door, sat in the driver's seat, and closed the door, all movements were done smoothly.

Although An Xia was crying very sadly, Nangong Yi leaned over to fasten An Xia's seat belt for An Xia's safety, and finally handed An Xia a pack of tissues. Visibly, he pulled a few sheets and blew his nose, then held a tissue and continued to cry, he didn't take Nangong Yi next to him seriously, as if Nangong didn't exist.

Nangong Yi, who was ignored by An Xia, was not too angry, but there was still some unhappiness. He also knew that An Xia was in a bad mood at the moment, so he just looked ahead and started the car.

Nangong Yi took An Xia to his home, a two-bedroom apartment with an elevator. Although the house was not very big, about [-] square meters, it was enough for Nangong Yi to live alone.

Because An Xia cried so much, she was carried by Nangong Yi when she got in the car, got off the car, and even went upstairs, but Nan Gong Yi didn't seem to mind the trouble, on the contrary, she was more than happy to hug An Xia. As if hugging him up and down, he thought so too, if he could hug An Xia like this for a lifetime, how wonderful it would be!
It is not very difficult to press the elevator or anything, but it is a little inconvenient when we get to the door, because the key is in Nangong Yi's pocket, but he is holding An Xia now, if he wants to get the key, he must ask for it. Just put An Xia down, and then open the door.But Nangong Yi didn't want to let An Xia go, so he knew he was standing at the door holding An Xia, thinking that he could hold him all the time, and he would come down when An Xia cried enough, so he could hold An Xia for a while longer.

Although An Xia was very sad at the moment, she thought about it when she was in the car, if something happened to Ye Kelan, then why didn't Gu Yunmo appear in the No. [-] terrorist organization?If he was in the No. [-] terrorist organization, then Jing Nan would have told her when he called!

Moreover, she intuitively felt that Gu Yumo really loved Ye Kelan, and at the same time, she also knew that she and Ye Kelan had a good relationship. If he knew that Ye Kelan was gone, he would be the first to call and blame herself. It is impossible to act as if nothing happened.

This can only show that there must be something strange about this matter, but she really doesn't know what's going on.

It has to be said that An Xia's brain has finally become smarter on this matter, but who would believe it?
So when she felt that Nangong Yi who was holding her stopped, An Xia cried out of breath and looked up, and saw him standing at the door like a door god holding her When looking down at herself, An Xia swallowed, and then said pitifully, still sobbing and full of tears: "Put me down!"

(End of this chapter)

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