When the leaves return to their roots, I belong to you

Chapter 155 I Love You at First Sight

Chapter 155 I fell in love with you at first sight

They all spoke up by themselves. Nangong Yi, who wanted to enjoy the warmth and nephrite in his arms, coughed uncomfortably, then put An Xia down steadily, and took out the key from his pocket to open the door. Opened it, and then turned sideways in a gesture of invitation, motioning for An Xia to go in.

An Xia is also a big-hearted kid, and he is very confident in his skills. He said that he has no pressure to knock down the man who is a head taller than him in front of him, and since he is sad right now, he must not take advantage of his danger.

It's just that what An Xia didn't expect was that since he was a gangster, or the leader of a group of gangsters, he would naturally do what gangsters would do.Although An Xia is very confident in her own skills, how could she have never imagined that there is still a thing called a drug in this world. It doesn't matter if you are a black belt in Taekwondo or the number one killer, it will still make you unconscious. It's really naive to think that people won't take advantage of others' danger.

In fact, An Xia also thought about it, but she had been in a coma for four hours, and at that time there were other gangsters besides the gangster in front of her. She had nothing to do, so now only this gangster in front of her was there. When she was there, she thought she would be fine, so she walked in.

When walking into an unfamiliar place, most people would observe the pattern first, and An Xia was naturally one of those people, so she forgot to cry at this moment, instead she began to appreciate the pattern inside.

The door on the right hand side of entering the door is closed, and the area is not big, An Xia guessed that it should be the bathroom, the left is an open kitchen, opposite the kitchen is the dining room, and the opposite of the dining room is naturally the living room.There is an aisle between the living room and the dining room, and there are two closed doors next to it. You don't need to think about it, you know that both are rooms or one of them is a study.

However, according to An Xia's observation, the layout here is very warm, but Nangong Yi should live alone.Although he is just a big man living here, the cleaning is very clean and the items are neatly arranged, which makes people feel very comfortable.There was no particularly unpleasant smell in the air, the only fly in the ointment was the faint smell of tobacco in the air. An Xia didn't like the smell of smoke very much, so she frowned slightly when she smelled it.

Nan Gongyi was very happy that An Xia admired her family. Although she didn't speak, at least she wasn't crying.Is it disgusting that he didn't arrange it well?

But since An Xia didn't say anything, he didn't ask, he just said softly, "Go and sit on the sofa first, and I'll get you some water. What do you want to drink?" After speaking, he continued jokingly: " Let's drink water, after all you have been crying for so long, you need to replenish water."

An Xia was walking slowly towards the sofa, and just wanted to tell him that she wanted to drink plain water after she sat down, but who knew that he would answer for her directly, or that she had been crying for too long and needed to drink water!
An Xia admitted that she really needs to replenish water, but she shouldn't say it in front of her, after all, girls are shallow-skinned, so it's not good to say that!
If An Xia used to block him back, but today An Xia really didn't have much energy to talk, so he just took out a phone number in his heart and played it. Although he knew that it was around [-]:[-] in the morning in the United States, this call must be made. It will disturb others, but An Xia obviously can't take care of so much at this time.

The phone was picked up after only a few thoughts. The voice on the other side of the phone was not loud. Although it was just a soft 'Hi', An Xia felt a sense of relief. She was afraid that the other party would hang up and hurry up. He opened his mouth and asked directly: "Is Ke Lan with you?!"

It was so quiet over there, so quiet that there was not even a sound of breathing. If it wasn't for the 'Hello' when the phone was answered just now, An Xia probably thought that no one was listening to her call at all.

"It's none of your business." There was no emotion in his voice, as if nothing had anything to do with him, and he was so cold that he didn't seem like a person in this world.

An Xia took a deep breath, suppressed the prehistoric power in her body, gritted her teeth and said, "I know you love her, and she loves you too, although she will only be with you. Jing Nan called me this morning to tell me that she is gone, I don't believe it, so I want to ask you. And I have no other intentions, I just want to know if she is safe now, I assure you, this matter Only God knows, you know, I know, I will definitely not tell others, please tell me, how is she now. "

At the end, An Xia's tone was full of pleading. She really didn't believe that Ye Kelan would leave so suddenly. After all, Ye Kelan now has family, love, and friendship, so how could she be willing to leave them? Woolen cloth?
But since so many people have seen the picture of her with no bones left, it is impossible for someone as powerful as Gu Yunmo not to know, but since he knows, why didn't he appear in front of the No. [-] terrorist organization? It can only show that this matter is strange.

Since there is something strange about it, then An Xia must know it clearly. ?
And the only person Ye Kelan met before returning to the No. [-] terrorist organization was Gu Yumo, so if An Xia wanted to know something, he had to ask Gu Yumo.

"Is she okay, what does it have to do with you?" Gu Yunmo's voice was always faint, and he looked up at the photo of him and Ye Kelan on his desk, and then said ambiguously: "It doesn't matter if she How was the relationship with you before, but from now on, she belongs to me alone, and has nothing to do with you!"

An Xia lost control and retorted loudly: "How could it be unrelated? Ke Lan's relatives and friends are all here. Her family and friendship are given by us. They are indispensable to her. She cannot rely on The love you give will last a lifetime!"

Gu Yumo snorted coldly and said, "Heh~ Only you know about the fact that Lan Lan and I met and fell in love, but if you dare to let the second person know, believe it or not, Lan Lan will hate you forever!"

After saying this, Gu Yumo hung up the phone, put the phone casually on the desk, reached out to pick up the photo that he had been looking at in front of him, and stretched out his hand to caress the extremely bright smile in the photo. The beautiful Ye Kelan, it's just that if he wants to see Ye Kelan like this again now, I'm afraid it's his extravagant wish!
(End of this chapter)

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