When the leaves return to their roots, I belong to you

Chapter 156 I Love You at First Sight

Chapter 156 I fell in love with you at first sight

Although Gu Yumo did not give a clear answer, he did not say that Ye Kelan was dead, but only said that from now on Ye Kelan would belong to him alone.But didn't Ye Kelan die in a plane crash?Wouldn't that mean that there were no bones left? How could it be like what Gu Yumo said, that Ye Kelan would belong to him alone from now on?

So An Xia also has a doubt in her heart, that is, Ye Kelan is not dead, but if Ye Kelan is not dead, why didn't she tell us, and make us sad for losing her?
But no matter what, An Xia only needs to know that Ye Kelan may still be alive, but she doesn't know why Ye Kelan chose to use death to completely eliminate her traces in this world.

But no matter what, An Xia thought that since Ye Kelan did this, there must be a reason. Since everyone thought Ye Kelan was dead, what else could she say?And Gu Yumo also said just now that if she said something, she would not be able to bear the responsibility in case of a catastrophe, so at this time she can only be a turtle, hiding in her heart that everyone is not Know a secret.

At this time, Nangong Yi had already brought the water over. It was a transparent glass cup. He originally thought he would use a disposable cup to pour water for her, but he didn't expect it to be a glass cup. I don't know how many people have used it before. An Looking at it, Xia felt a little disgusted and turned away from looking at the glass of water. No matter how thirsty she was, she didn't want to drink from that glass.

Nangong Yi seemed to see that An Xia had that concern. Girls, especially beautiful girls, would have the habit of cleanliness. He was not annoyed, but said with a slightly curved corner of his mouth: "This cup is new. I have used it, and I sterilized it before pouring you water, so you can drink it with confidence."

Hearing what Nangong Yi said, An Xia felt relieved, turned her head and stretched out her hand to pick up the cup, and drank it clean after a few sips.

Hmm~ After drinking a glass of water to rehydrate, An Xia felt much more comfortable all over her body. She guessed that she had cried for so long today, and the tears she shed must not be less than the water in the glass, right?
Seeing that An Xia was really thirsty, Nangong Yi drank quickly, but seeing her drinking water was really cute. When looking at An Xia, the corners of his mouth involuntarily curved wider and wider.Seeing that An Xia drank it all at once, she was afraid that she would still want to drink water, so she asked gently, "Do you still want to drink water?"

An Xia stared blankly at Nangong Yi's expression, then rolled his eyes, what's going on with them?It wasn't that he kidnapped himself, and then even if he didn't rob sex, he would rob money. How could he be so afraid that he was thirsty like now, and asked himself if he wanted to drink more water?
And when she woke up from a faint, it seemed that his clothes were still covering her body, and when she was crying inhumanely, he still hugged herself to comfort herself, and even hugged herself when getting on, off, and upstairs, An Xia She said that she really couldn't figure out what the person in front of her was thinking.

But the soldiers came to cover up the water and soil, since people asked questions, she just answered, and there would be no loss of meat.

An Xia pursed her lips, and said lightly, "Thank you, I'm not thirsty anymore."

Nangong Yi looked at An Xia with a soft 'um', and then asked, "Are you hungry, do you want to eat something?"

An Xia shook her head, "Thank you, I'm not hungry, I don't want to eat now." This is true, although she knew that Ye Kelan might still be alive, but An Xia was a little worried, so now she couldn't even eat.But if An Xia is hungry, she will definitely eat, and no one will suffer herself if she suffers.

Nangong Yi nodded, the two of them suddenly became quiet, and he didn't dare to ask An Xia why she was crying so sadly, what should he do if he mentioned her sad things and cried again later?
Nangong Yi tried hard to find something to talk to An Xia about, and what he wanted to know the most was something he had to ask. He remembered that he hadn't told An Xia what his name was, so he smiled dryly and turned his head to look at it. Said to An Xia: "By the way, I don't know your name yet? My name is Nangong Yi, shining brilliantly. What about you?"

An Xia reached out to brush her hair, turned her head to look at Nangong Yi, and said with a corner of her mouth, "Hi Nangong Yi, I'm An Xia." After speaking, she stretched out her right hand to shake hands with him.

Naturally, Nangong Yi would not give up this opportunity, and almost immediately stretched out his right hand to shake An Xia's hand. Originally, according to the etiquette, it is enough to hold for three seconds at most, or if the other party is a woman, one touch and one release, but Nangong did not expect Yi held An Xia's hand and was reluctant to let it go. This was nothing, but what Nangong Yi had to say next really surprised An Xia.

Nangong Yi held An Xia tightly and refused to let go, his eyes were focused on Ye Kelan's face, just when An Xia couldn't take it anymore and wanted to take back his hand, Nangong Yi finally said: "Xia Xia, do you have a boy?" Friends, or anyone you like?"

An Xia asked "Huh?" in confusion, then looked at Nangong Yi with a confused face, waiting for his next words.

Nangong Yi still held An Xia's hand, but when she saw An Xia's puzzled face, she was relieved for some reason. An Xia's expression should mean that she hadn't touched the relationship aspect. So there is no one you like anymore?

Wanting to hit here, Nangong Yi sat a little towards An Xia's direction, and then said with a pious face: "I know it's rude to say this when we first met, but I still want to say it. I like you, No, I love you! Maybe you won't believe it, but I didn't believe it before, but I really fell in love with you at first sight. You don't have to give me the answer now, I can give you the answer Time to think about it, but I just hope you don't reject my affection, okay?"

Nangong Yi was still waiting for An Xia to give him an answer, but only saw that An Xia was still looking at him with a puzzled face. Maybe An Xia didn't know that his current puzzled expression was in Nangong Yi's eyes. How cute, Nangong Yi couldn't bear the dry mouth any longer, so he approached An Xia directly and kissed An Xia's lips.

Because An Xia's expression was puzzled when she looked at Nangong Yi, so she even opened her mouth slightly, so Nangong Yi took advantage of An Xia's moment of daze and went directly to kiss An Xia, prying her tongue skillfully Kai An Xia's teeth stuck in, licking every corner of An Xia's mouth, and then gradually deepened the kiss.

(End of this chapter)

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