When the leaves return to their roots, I belong to you

Chapter 157 I Love You at First Sight

Chapter 157 I fell in love with you at first sight

But even if An Xia was given by Nangong Yi... it was a forced kiss, but she didn't resist from the beginning to the end. It wasn't that she didn't resist, but she was so completely stunned that Nangong Yi stuck out her tongue When it came into my mouth, I didn't react yet, I just widened my eyes, and I was surprised there.

When An Xia finally came to her senses, Nangong Yi also kissed her beautifully. Although she was still lingering on her lips and traced the shape of her lips with the tip of her tongue, An Xia came back to her senses now, and immediately kissed her. Nangong Yi, who was still immersed in the beauty, was pushed away.

Nangong Yi was unsteady, and was directly pushed off the sofa by An Xia. He knew he was in the wrong, so he also knew that he half-kneeled close to An Xia, laying on An Xia's lap, with his hands tightly wrapped around An Xia's waist, Anxiously apologized: "Xia Xia, I'm sorry, I just couldn't help it for a while, don't be angry, and don't leave, okay?" After speaking, she looked at An Xia with big wet eyes, how pitiful she looked. It seemed that if An Xia didn't want to forgive her and wanted to leave her, it would be a big mistake.

An Xia raised her hand and wiped her mouth. This was her first kiss. She just gave it to a man she had just met for no apparent reason. Even her name was just now known. Although a kiss is nothing, it was a kiss. first kiss!first kiss!It is a very meaningful kiss!

Although she has had many men chasing after her since she was a child, no man has ever kissed her like Nangong Yi. It was her first kiss. When An Xia looked into Nangong Yi's eyes, it was obviously very tender. not happy.

But helplessly, the hug was too tight, and she really couldn't break free for a while, so she could only give up, looked at Nangong Yi angrily and said loudly: "Let go of your hands!"

Nangong Yi bit her lip, looked up at An Xia with wet eyes, didn't say anything, just shook her head in disapproval, and tightened her arms around An Xia. She looked like she was afraid of being caught by her husband-in-law. She looks like an abandoned daughter-in-law.

An Xia raised her forehead, and couldn't help but want to be rude. She really didn't know where Qiao Hanwan found such a strange thing, and she didn't know how she was so unlucky to meet such a strange thing, and she didn't know if it was I owed him in my previous life, so I started asking her to repay the debt the first time we met in this life! ?
In the end, An Xia could only say helplessly: "Can you get up first, I really can't communicate with you like you are."

Nangong Yi raised his head, looked at An Xia with wet eyes, shook his head, and said in the pitiful voice of a little daughter-in-law: "I don't want to let go, if I let go, you will leave, so I will never let go of my hand. Unless you agree to be with me now, or I will hold you like this until you agree to associate with me." Added another sentence: "It is for the purpose of marriage Contact, the kind that will never leave for the rest of your life!"

An Xia: "..."

An Xia took a deep breath, closed her eyes, and then said earnestly: "Today is the first day we meet, and we don't know each other well, so it's too early to talk about being together now? And you also took advantage of me just now, and took my first kiss, and the one who suffers is that I am not you, so can you let me go?"

Nangong Yi lowered his head and blinked, nodded in agreement, looked up at An Xia again, and said sincerely: "Since I took advantage of you, then I will be responsible to you, you must not give me this opportunity !" Well, he even threatened An Xia.

Isn't this typical of getting cheap and being good?An Xia is speechless and helpless towards this kind of person, but if she wants to make her agree to date a man whom she meets for the first time, no matter if he is sincere or not, An Xia is really incompetent in agreeing.

An Xia looked down at Nangong Yi, gritted her molars and said, "I'm warning you, don't take advantage of it and act good. If you don't let me go, don't blame me for being ruthless!"

"Falling and ruthless?" Nangong Yi was overjoyed when he heard this sentence, raised his head and said with a playful smile: "Look, you even admitted that you have feelings for me just now, so you just follow me! No, you can do it if I agree!" After speaking, he begged his master to love him like a pug.

An Xia was on the verge of collapse. She had never seen a man with such a thick skin. It simply broke her lower limit for creatures like men.

An Xia clenched her fists and looked up at the sky... The ceiling, I just can't stand it anymore, is there any reason?This person is simply shameless, is there any reason?She was originally a very calm person, but now she is so angry with him that she doesn't know what being calm is. Is this really okay?
"Can you let me go? It's really inconvenient to talk like this. You sit down. If we have something to discuss, can't we discuss it?" An Xia looked down at Nangong Yi with a smile on his face, trying to show affection Reasonable.

Nangong Yi blinked, thought for a while and shook his head and said, "I feel very comfortable holding you and talking like this. It's not troublesome at all, but very comfortable. And you smell really good, but it shouldn't be perfume. smell, but I like it very much." After speaking, in order to prove that I really like it, I took a deep breath.

An Xia was about to vomit blood angrily by this thick-skinned man who was thicker than the city wall, but she really couldn't break his hand if he didn't give her away, so now she could only change the subject.

"By the way, I remember you saying that you knew I existed because someone asked you to hurt me, didn't you?" An Xia seemed to mention this matter inadvertently, and she only hoped that Nangong Yi could temporarily and forever forget about it. things with her.

Nangong Yi nodded, and Nangong Yi, who was talking about business, was no longer as cute as he was at the beginning, but said in a gentle voice with a smile on his face: "Yeah, in fact, she found me and gave me 100 million as a deposit, just to let me and My brothers ruined your innocence, and then gave her the evidence. She said that she would make you regret going back to Qiao's house for the rest of your life, and rob her of everything that belonged to her. After that, she will come back again. Give me 500 million."

Originally, An Xia suspected that Qiao Hanwan was behind the scenes, but now that she heard Nangong Yi's words, she became more certain, but her innocence was only worth a mere 600 million, and she was so angry that her teeth itch.

But this Qiao Hanwan is really playing tricks, she sees that Qiao Hanwan has been with her parents for so many years, and she will keep her in Qiao's house to continue to eat and drink well. Who knew that she would desperately want to ruin her reputation, this time it must be to let her know how powerful she is, and there will be no turning back!

(End of this chapter)

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