When the leaves return to their roots, I belong to you

Chapter 158 I Love You at First Sight

Chapter 158 I fell in love with you at first sight

Of course, the 600 million is nothing to An Xia, but it is a huge sum of money to Nangong Yi now, so it is not difficult to get money, Nangong Yi will naturally agree to go He did it, but what he didn't expect was that before the money was in hand, his heart had already been handed over.

An Xia sneered, looked down at Nangong Yi, gritted her teeth and asked, "So you agreed to her to destroy my innocence just because of that mere 600 million?"

Nangong Yidu nodded, "Yeah, I'm short of money, so I agreed." Afraid that An Xia would get angry because of this matter and ignore him, he quickly continued: "But that's just My plan before I saw you, when I saw you, I never thought of hurting you, even if it was a penny. And think about it, if I want to hurt you, the four of you who fainted When I was young, I could have done everything I wanted to do, and then as soon as I walked away, you would lose your most important thing without anyone knowing." After finishing speaking, he still rushed An Xia blinked.

An Xia actually felt a little regretful, but suddenly knowing such a big bad news, how could she be like a normal person.Although she knew what Nangong Yi's purpose was for approaching her, but if it wasn't for him, maybe she really didn't know how miserable her end would be at this time.

Therefore, meeting Nangong Yi in that situation was a blessing for An Xia, so even if Nangong Yi wanted to do something to him for a mere few million, in the end he was also because of his Existence will survive, so in the end An Xia is still very grateful to Nangong Yi.

"Thank you. If it weren't for your compassion, I might really not know how to face myself. Thank you very much." An Xia said sincerely.

Nangong Yi sighed disappointedly: "Since you know that I don't even want faith, and I will return the 100 million I got to others in a while, I feel distressed when I think about it. If you feel sorry, why don't you just promise me with your body?" Go! Although I know that I have nothing now, I will work hard and definitely give you a life where you can get what you want."

An Xia felt like crying, why did she bring up this topic again?

But after all, he has saved her no matter what, so even if An Xia is angry, she will not lose her temper at him, but she must explain this matter to him clearly, so as not to cause a catastrophe in the future up.

Thinking of this, An Xia looked at Nangong Yi seriously and said, "I don't want to fall in love yet, and I still have other people in my heart, and I don't want to be with other people before I forget him, so you want me to date you? I really can't agree. If you feel that you have lost because of me, I can compensate you for all the losses. "

As soon as An Xia's voice fell, Nangong Yi said eagerly: "I don't need your compensation, nor do I want any compensation. Since you said that you have someone else in your heart, then I can wait for you to forget him, But you must promise me that the person who can enter your heart after you forget him must be me, can you do it?"

Nangong Yi looked into An Xia's eyes, and murmured, "Look into my eyes and tell me, is that okay?" As if wanting to see her heart, to know if what she said to him was true minded.

An Xia lowered her eyes, nodded slightly after a while, and said nothing.

But An Xia's silence doesn't mean that Nangong Yi stopped talking, but Nangong Yi didn't kneel and wrap his hands around An Xia's waist like before. He stood up slowly and sat beside An Xia, It's just that he kept holding An Xia's hand tightly, as if An Xia would suddenly disappear in front of his eyes the next moment.

"I'm really glad now that the person who wanted to hurt you came to me. If it was someone else, I would really go crazy." Nangong Yi clenched his fist, and the other hand holding An Xia also widened Li Qi, he was really angry at this time, but fortunately, he met her and fell in love with her, so now she is sitting in front of him properly, he is very lucky.

It's just that he will never let go of the person who wants to hurt An Xia. Although he doesn't know who he is, he only knows that she is a woman and hates An Xia's existence, but he will definitely find out.At that time, he will return to his body in his own way, and let her enjoy such a vicious end, but he will never tell An Xia about this.

If it was really someone else, then he and she would have no chance to meet at all, and in that case she would have no face to continue living, but as long as she still has a breath, she will definitely let the hurt Those who lost her will pay back double!

She has never been a good person, nor will she fear them because of their identities, and she has always known that she has the strongest backing in the world behind her, even if she died before she took revenge, she still believes that Someone will avenge her.

An Xia was still thinking about it, when she heard Nangong Yi laughing in a low voice, "Actually, I am also very grateful to her, because without her, I might not know you, let alone fall in love with you And you will not suffer any harm because I fell in love with you at first sight when I met you today, can this be regarded as her matching us?" When he said the last sentence, Nangong Yi's expression suddenly became A little cautious, because he didn't know if An Xia would agree with his idea.

But no matter whether he agrees or not, no matter whether what An Xia said next will make him feel disappointed, Nangong Yi will not regret knowing her or telling her that he loves her.

"Originally, I wanted to treat you to a meal, but I'm going to the United States right now, so I can only treat you to that meal after I come back from the United States." An Xia's face was light Sad, although she knew that Ye Kelan might still be alive in this world, she still needed to know how this happened.

And the number one terrorist organization is bound to make her go back, but the number one terrorist organization without Ye Kelan is undoubtedly a hell on earth for her.This is not a big deal, what's more important is: without Ye Kelan's No. [-] terrorist organization, the man she has loved for more than ten years and other women showing affection in front of her, this is undoubtedly not a cold hell for her Or the [-]th floor of hell, which is even more unbearable for her.

(End of this chapter)

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