When the leaves return to their roots, I belong to you

Chapter 159 I Love You at First Sight

Chapter 159 I fell in love with you at first sight

Since she can't stand it, she can't stop him from loving others, let alone make him love himself, so instead of watching them love her and suffer, it's better to hide away, relax her mood, and then fall in love with others, and see them again like this , she won't be so heartbroken.

I just confessed my heart to the woman I fell in love with at first sight, and they didn't have any emotional basis, and they only met once, and they didn't know anything except An Xia's name and phone number. What should I do if I forgot?In other words, if she fell in love with the prosperity of the United States and the people there, who would he cry to when he was short of money and money?

So Nangong Yi thought it over, even if An Xia was leaving now, no matter whether she went to the sky or the sea, Nangong Yi would go with her, and she must keep a close watch on her future daughter-in-law. Don't give her a chance to climb the wall!
"Are you going to the United States? I just want to visit the United States too. I don't have a companion anyway. Otherwise, let's go together. I just happen to have a companion!" Fearing that An Xia would reject him, she pointed at An Xia. Tell the truth: "I'm just afraid that you will run away halfway, or if you are fascinated by other wild men, then I will have no money and no wife, what should I do if I end up with nothing but money?"

An Xia was startled by Nangong Yi's thick skin so much that she couldn't laugh or cry, but this shameless little appearance really resembled Ye Kelan sometimes.Besides, if he is with him, maybe he can use his thick skin from time to time to make her temporarily forget her troubles.

Therefore, An Xia agreed to Nangong Yi's request to go to the United States with her, but the ugly words should be said first: "I can agree to your request, but you must also agree to my request. If you don't agree If you don't, then don't expect you to really follow me, because I will throw you off at any time."

It's not that An Xia threatened Nangong Yi. If they didn't have the ability to dump people, wouldn't they have been imprisoned in the anti-terrorism organization long ago? How could it be possible to play in the world here?
Hearing that An Xia agreed to her request to go to the United States with her, although An Xia still has requests, it's nothing. In Nangong Yi's heart, as long as he can go to the United States with An Xia, he can watch An Xia, no matter how many requests he has, he can agree.

"Just say what you want, as long as you are not with other people, as long as you remember to fall in love with me slowly, I can promise you anything."

An Xia clapped her hands, "Okay, since this is the case, then you should listen carefully. First: I will arrange you to stay in a five-star hotel when you arrive in the United States, but then you will have to stay in the hotel alone. You will not live in a hotel; second: because you live in a hotel, you are not allowed to come and follow me when I am working, and you are not allowed to find me for any reason during the period; third: if I am free , but I can come over to have a meal with you or something, but I guess I should be free every day; Fourth: You are not allowed to ask me what I don’t want to say, and you are not allowed to let me do what I don’t want to do Do. Got it?"

Nangong Yi looked at An Xia and shook his head in a daze. Of course he disagreed. What was his purpose for going to America?Isn't it just to look at An Xia all the time and keep her at a certain distance from all the people she wants to contact. If you want him to go to the United States just to have a meal with her every day, isn't that meaningless at all? .

But as long as he can get closer to her, it's okay. Besides, if he doesn't agree to An Xia's request now, he will definitely not even be able to touch An Xia's fingers.

Not only that, but if An Xia left secretly, where would he go to find his wife, why not agree now and go to America with her, and then talk about it later.

Therefore, due to the helplessness of never seeing An Xia again, Nangong Yi could only nod and agree to An Xia's conditions.

Seeing that Nangong Yi nodded, An Xia nodded in satisfaction and said, "In this case, you should go and pack up your salute now, and remember to bring your visa and so on!" It seemed to be a casual reminder, but An Xia I don't think Nangong Yi would go to the United States in normal times, after all, he is the boss of that group of gangsters.

Facts have proved that even the boss of a gangster is not forbidden to go abroad, and it is even more impossible not to have a visa to the United States, so all this is just too beautiful in An Xia's imagination.

Finally, when Nangong Yi packed up and saluted, An Xia called Qiao's mother, saying that it was a temporary matter, and now she had to go to the United States immediately. As for when she would come back, it was to be determined...

Mother Qiao naturally gave An Xia a good word of advice, and all the reluctance in her words during the period was even more expressive. She wished she could go to the United States with An Xia, but finally agreed under An Xia's persuasion. , but An Xia had to call back every day to report his safety, otherwise even if he agreed to let An Xia go to the United States, he would bring An Xia back.

But when An Xia hung up the phone, he saw Nangong Yi packed up and saluted, standing aside and staring at him. At the same time, he twisted a small notebook with his two fingers. An Xia knew that it should be Got a visa to the US.

However, An Xia was still a little puzzled. When will the gangsters in this country prepare visas and prepare to go abroad at any time?But now that she has a visa in hand, she is too embarrassed to say anything else, so she got up with a smile on her face and pulled Nangong Yi's sleeve and left.

Now Nangong Yi has a visa, but An Xia's visa is still at Qiao's house, so even An Xia, who just called Qiao's mother on the phone, had no choice but to go back to Qiao's mansion. As for why An Xia didn't take a private jet or It was because he forged a visa at will because he went with Nangong Yi this time, so he couldn't expose himself, so he spent some more time going back to Qiao's mansion to get his visa and other documents.

Fortunately, when An Xia came back, Qiao's father and Qiao's mother invited friends to have afternoon tea, so they went out early in the morning. When An Xia called Qiao's mother just now, they were already chatting.And Qiao Junting is busy with business and is currently busy with the company, so it is naturally impossible to appear in Qiao's mansion.As for that woman, Qiao Hanwan, after seeing An Xia being taken away by a group of gangsters, she probably didn't know where to go to be happy, so naturally she couldn't see her now.

(End of this chapter)

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