When the leaves return to their roots, I belong to you

Chapter 160 I Love You at First Sight

Chapter 160 I fell in love with you at first sight

This also saved time, and An Xia's eyes were still swollen, if they saw it, maybe it would be enough to ask the bottom line, now only the servants are at home, and there will be less trouble.

So An Xia can directly go back to the room and change into a powder-blue three-piece sportswear, a pair of white sportswear on her feet, her hair tied into a ponytail, then she puts on her bag and leaves here without looking back. .

An Xia's relevant documents are all in her bag, and she hasn't taken them out since she returned to S City, so this time she can pick up her bag and leave so conveniently. As for changing clothes, they are available in the United States, and she also I don't have the habit of memorizing so many salutes, so it's so convenient to go directly to buy a new one when the time comes.

Nangong Yi sat in the driver's seat of Anxia's bright red Ferrari. He knew that it took time for a girl to dress up, so he was not in a hurry at all. The yellow-haired boy at the bottom, let him buy more delicious food and send it to the airport, but not too spicy food, because An Xia didn't eat lunch, he was afraid that An Xia's stomach would feel uncomfortable after eating spicy food.

In Huang Mao's eyes, Nangong Yi, who was so careful, was like a thunderbolt from the blue sky, and he almost didn't blow him up, but since the boss ordered him, he just did it, and he didn't ask any extra questions.

Of course, it’s not that he doesn’t gossip, but because he doesn’t dare to ask, so if he wants to know something, he has to rely more on his own eyes and a few ears. As for how much he can know, it can only be Look at his good fortune.

Nangong Yi originally thought that he would have to wait for half an hour or more, but he didn't expect that he would only wait for less than 10 minutes, and the difference between An Xia and going in was that she just changed her clothes and tied her hair up. When I got up, I even carried a bag when I was done, and nothing else.

It's just that Nangong Yi still thinks that An Xia, who is wearing a skirt and has loose hair, is the prettiest and most beautiful, and he also likes it the most, but such a refreshing An Xia looks different, so he naturally likes it very much.

After An Xia sat on the co-pilot seat, before An Xia could put on her seat belt, she saw Nangong Yi leaning over and gently put on An Xia's seat belt for An Xia. smile slightly.

An Xia just glanced at Nangong Yi, and didn't say a word, and An Xia didn't want to say a word on the way to the airport, but she couldn't hold back Nangong Yi who had been talking to her tirelessly, so she still answered a few words from time to time , or a sentence, but it’s not too enthusiastic.

Nangong Yi also knew that An Xia was feeling uncomfortable, so he didn't mind, but spared no effort to make An Xia happy. It didn't matter to him whether An Xia was hot or not during the period, as long as An Xia Even just giving him a look is enough to make him happy all day.

Finally arrived at the airport amidst Nangong Yi's enthusiasm and An Xia's nonchalant answers, and Huang Mao naturally wanted to keep up with the latest news, so he came alone, and he could still take a taxi, because Nangong Yi He said that he would come by car, so Huang Mao would need to drive the car back later. As for where to drive back, it would naturally be their base camp warehouse.

It's just that Huang Mao was really surprised when he saw his boss and the girl from this morning together, and he also saw that his boss was like a pug who wanted to help others with their bags, and he was not discouraged and kept going to her. When he leaned, his jaw almost dropped in surprise.

But these were all before they came to him. Huang Mao put away the surprise on his face when he was ten steps away from him, and handed the packaged food to Nangong Yi, Nangong After Yi took it, he said directly to Huang Mao: "Hurry up and call sister-in-law!"

Huang Mao was stunned, staring blankly at An Xia, then bowed [-] degrees, during which he respectfully shouted: "Hello, sister-in-law!" After straightening up, he introduced himself: "Hello, sister-in-law, I Call me Huang Xiaoqiang, my sister-in-law can call me Xiaoqiang or Xiaohuang in the future, and the boss will call me Xiaoqiang."

An Xia just looked at Huang Mao and didn't answer.It was Nangong Yi beside him who spoke: "Your sister-in-law is thin-skinned, she will naturally talk to you when she gets used to it."

An Xia rolled her eyes. It's not that she is thin-skinned, she just thinks it's okay for him to be thick-skinned, and she doesn't intend to laugh at him, but there's no need to bring her along, right?
It's not suitable to stay here for a long time. After rolling her eyes, An Xia turned around and left this wrong place. She wondered if her skin would be as thick as Nangong Yi's if she stayed any longer.

Seeing that An Xia turned and left, Nangong Yi didn't talk to Huang Mao anymore, but just handed him the keys in his hand and asked him to drive the car back, while he carried the big and small bags of food and followed An Xia's direction all the way He trotted over, looking like he was afraid that An Xia would abandon him.

The plane tickets were bought by An Xia, two first-class tickets to the United States, because the plane will take another hour to take off, and they bought first-class tickets, so they are waiting in the VIP room at the airport airplane.

Now Nangong Yi hurriedly put the food bought by Huang Mao in front of An Xia, telling her to eat some no matter what, An Xia also knew that the food on the plane was really not very tasty, and she was hungry right now So I started to eat big mouthfuls. Although she ate very quickly, her movements were smooth and flowing, and she didn't look rude at all. It also made Nangong Yi who was sitting by the side suddenly have an appetite. Xia began to eat together with big mouthfuls.

When they have eaten enough, they can get on the plane. Now it is the off-season, and they are flying in first class, so there are not many people on the plane. In addition, Nangong Yi and An Xia are only seven or eight people. It is empty.

Perhaps An Xia started to feel sleepy because she was full. Since she and Nangong Yi were seated next to each other, Nangong Yi offered to let An Xia lean on his shoulder, and even covered her with a blanket.

An Xia didn't tell them when they came to the US, so no one came to pick them up after they arrived in the US, so they took a taxi directly to the hotel where Gu Yumo stayed last time to check in for Nangong Yi. He held An Xia's hand tightly all the time, euphemistically saying: I'm not familiar with the place and I don't know English well, so I'm afraid I'll get lost.

An Xia was helpless, so she could only let Nangong Yi hold her hand, so An Xia was solely responsible for the check-in procedures and other communication needs. In order to prevent Nangong Yi from going to the wrong room, she personally Send Nangong Yi into the room, and tell him to take a shower before resting, and call her if there is anything to do.

(End of this chapter)

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