When the leaves return to their roots, I belong to you

Chapter 161 I Love You at First Sight

Chapter 161 I fell in love with you at first sight

After all, they said that they don't know English, if you don't care about their three meals a day, then if they starve to death in a foreign country, An Xia will be to blame.

However, seeing Nangong Yi's tired face, An Xia guessed that Nangong Yi would still be asleep when he knew everything and could come back.

After An Xia left the hotel, the expression on his face was not as gentle as before. Instead, he had a mature and stable temperament. Because the building of the No. [-] terrorist organization is not far from this hotel, An Xia walked there step by step. When she reached the gate of the No. [-] Terrorist Organization building, An Xia raised her head to look at the roof, but the building was too high for her to see, so she had no choice but to give up.

Not everyone in the No. [-] terrorist organization can enter, and the higher the floor, the more difficult it is to enter, but An Xia has no worries about this. Although she is only Ye Kelan's assistant, she looks no different from other high-level assistants on the surface. But her status is obviously much higher than other assistants, just because she can go to places where they can't go, there is still no hindrance.

The first thing An Xia did when she came back was to find Jing Nan and ask about the cause of the matter. But when she heard that this matter was related to Suzaku, who was also Wen Jing, An Xia was naturally shocked, but after hearing When Suzaku jumped down from the upstairs and her body was not whole, she felt very relieved.

Shouldn't you be relieved?Suzaku was the biggest suspect in the matter of Ye Kelan's death, and as long as there is evidence to prove it, it would be considered cheap for her to die so easily.

If it wasn't because she had a good sister, if it wasn't because Ye Tianyu loved her, then even if she didn't die now, her life would be worse than death.

But when she heard that Suzaku was still kept by Ye Tianyu even though there were no bones left, An Xia clenched her fists tightly, her nails digging at the tender flesh in her palm, even though she had told herself countless times that Ye Tianyu didn't love her For himself, he loves someone else, so he must be forgotten and let him be happy with others.

But now when he hugs the body of the enemy who killed her only sister every night, her heart still hurts. She thinks that besides not being able to design guns, other things, whether it is appearance or skill, knowledge, and personality, are still very painful. There is nothing in quality that can't compare with Suzaku, but why did I lose to someone who is inferior to me in the end?

Although she hated Suzaku, An Xia was also rational. Since Ye Kelan's relatives did not pursue the culprit, what right did she have to pursue it?

And don't you know that Ke Lan is still alive?Except that Ye Tianyu didn't love herself but fell in love with Suzaku, she really didn't seem to have anything to hate by herself.

It's just how she can continue to stay in such a No. [-] terrorist organization. The longer she stays, the more her heart will hurt. She has loved Ye Tianyu for more than ten years, and she always thought that as long as she can wait, he will one day see her. , but in the end he fell in love with someone else.

Although Suzaku is dead now, she knows the character of the Ye family, so why bother to cause trouble for herself and Ye Tianyu, it's better to let go.Now that she has decided to let go, why is her heart still hurting so much? An Xia squatted down, hugging her knees and crying.

No one knew that it was because she finally decided not to love Ye Tianyu anymore, and they all thought that she was crying so painfully because of Ye Kelan's death. After all, she and Ye Kelan had the best relationship in the No. [-] terrorist organization. Yes, it is understandable to cry like this now.

An Xia was crying sadly when she saw a pair of black leather boots in front of her. Based on her understanding of Ye Tianyu, An Xia knew that the owner of these shoes would definitely belong to Ye Tianyu. When I went to see it, I saw Ye Tianyu standing in front of me with a gloomy face.

When Ye Tianyu saw An Xia raised his head to look at him, he stretched out a hand, and looked at An Xia silently, presumably without him saying, An Xia would know what Ye Tianyu meant.

Looking at Ye Tianyu's outstretched hand, An Xia thought that there would be no chance to shake his hand from now on. This should be the last time. Slowly, An Xia slowly stretched out her hand, Gently put it on Ye Tianyu's hand.

Ye Tianyu's hand was warm. Although it was covered with calluses, An Xia felt that this hand could bring her enough warmth. She slowly clenched this hand and stood up suddenly. Throwing into Ye Tianyu's arms, he continued to cry loudly regardless of his image, but Ye Tianyu just silently raised a hand and mechanically patted An Xia.

I don't know how long I cried, but finally An Xia raised her head and looked at Ye Tianyu with dim eyes, and said in tears: "Tianyu, can you keep Ke Lan's room forever? Even if she is really gone, I hope we You can not forget her existence, and don't erase the traces of her existence, okay?"

Ye Tianyu nodded, his voice was not loud, but he said without ups and downs: "No, no one can take her place in my heart, and no one can take her place in Ye's family, let alone anyone else. I will keep her status in the No. [-] terrorist organization, and everything she has in the No. [-] terrorist organization. I know you are also feeling bad, so I can give you a vacation, you go to relax, and then come back to help me. I have no sister and love, and I can never live without another sister."

Although Ye Tianyu's voice didn't fluctuate, An Xia was still very happy. Not being a lover can only mean that they have no fate, but if they become relatives, it is another kind of fate, and An Xia will naturally accept it.

After talking to Ye Tianyu a few more words, the two separated. After separating from Ye Tianyu, An Xia went to Ye Kelan's room, carefully looked through Ye Kelan's room, almost every corner Ye Kelan was everywhere, which made An Xia want to cry.But now that she knows that she is still alive, but she can't be with them, she still feels that it doesn't matter even if they live apart, at least there will be a day when they will see each other again, but there will never be a day when they will see each other again after death.

So An Xia also wanted to understand, even if this matter had something to do with Suzaku, even if Suzaku did all of this, but now Suzaku is dead, but Ye Kelan may still be alive, then she has nothing to hate her that's it.

About who Ye Tianyu loves is Ye Tianyu's matter, it has nothing to do with Suzaku, it is Ye Tianyu's own decision, she An Xia will not lose her reason for a man who doesn't love her.

Besides, she, An Xia, who is beautiful and smart, is afraid that she won't find a good man?

(End of this chapter)

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