When the leaves return to their roots, I belong to you

Chapter 162 I Love You at First Sight

Chapter 162 I fell in love with you at first sight

An Xia sat on the sofa in Ye Kelan's room, recalling the past with Ye Kelan over and over again in her mind. She didn't know when the next meeting would be, but no matter how long it took, she would wait for Ye Kelan Lan came back, and he would stay in the No. [-] terrorist organization.

I don't know how long it took, but the sky gradually darkened, An Xia got up slowly, and when she left Ye Kelan's room, she turned her head and took a closer look, then turned off the light, and left here reluctantly .

An Xia who left Ye Kelan's room did not leave here immediately, but went back to her room, took a shower, changed her clothes, and then left the room, and then left the No. [-] terrorist organization. Anyone in the organization should speak up, because Ye Tianyu personally approved her vacation, so there is no need to tell others.

An Xia, who left the No. [-] terrorist organization building, went straight to the hotel where Nangong Yi was staying. At this time, the lights of the United States had already begun to shine, and she also knew that Nangong Yi didn't eat much on the plane, although he was extremely sleepy. But now he should be able to wake up from hunger, so An Xia couldn't help but quicken his pace.

Taking Nangong Yi to eat outside, because she was worried that Nangong Yi would not be used to western food, so An Xia took Nangong Yi to the restaurant she used to go to with Ye Kelan, although the taste was not very good, But at least it is the taste of hometown, which is much more delicious than any western food, and it is only a ten-minute walk from the hotel they stayed in.

Nangong Yi could see that An Xia was not in a good mood, so she kept coaxing An Xia to be happy. Fortunately, now An Xia would reply to him when she saw Nangong Yi making herself happy, so she didn't just hang out like that He, let him sing a one-man show by himself.

After eating, An Xia paid the money, but Nangong Yi returned the money to An Xia when she came out. An Xia also knew that a man has self-respect, so he accepted it.

When they went back, the two of them walked slowly along the side of the road, but Nangong Yi still held An Xia's hand with a faceless face, but when An Xia wanted to take back her hand, she didn't want to be told that it was not safe in a foreign country , You have to hold hands to rest assured.

Holding An Xia's hand and walking for a while, Nangong Yi, who had been holding back for a whole day, finally couldn't help but stop, turned to look at An Xia, and asked, "Xia Xia, is the reason why you returned to the United States because you have always loved me?" the man from?"

An Xia didn't speak, but nodded lightly. She did return to the United States for the man she loved, but that man didn't love her, but only loved another person.Even if that person is dead now, he is only willing to hold his mutilated corpse.And although she, a living person, has no love, at least she has family affection for her.

Besides, she loves him and has never told him. He is not a roundworm in your stomach, so why doesn't he know what you think?So if you miss it, you miss it, and you can't blame others, let alone yourself, so let it be.

Seeing that An Xia nodded, with a disappointed expression on her face, Nangong Yi knew that it must be because of him that she lifted her foot a step closer to An Xia, and then raised the other hand that was not holding An Xia to hold An Xia. gently lifted An Xia's face up, forcing her to look into her eyes, while he looked into An Xia's eyes and asked, "Then, did you tell him you love him? Or did he Didn't tell you?" He loves you?Want you to stay by his side?
An Xia shook her head, with a bitter smile on the corner of her mouth, looked up at Nangong Yi, and asked lightly: "If he really said those things to me, do you think I won't tell you?"

After saying this, she took a step back and pulled her hand away. As for Nangong Yi's hand on her face, she naturally avoided it without a trace. She looked into the distance and took a deep breath. Then he continued in one breath: "I didn't tell him that I liked him, and he never knew it. When I thought I could tell him, I didn't think that he had already fallen in love with someone else. Since he has already fallen in love with someone else, I Why bother to pester me any longer, besides, if you want to be with him, besides being his lover, you can also stay by his side as a younger sister, and he will certainly not treat me badly, will he? " Said In the end, the smile on the corner of An Xia's mouth gradually changed from bitterness to relief, and only in this way can she not continue to be wrong and hurt.

Nangong Yi's hands were empty. Ever since he met An Xia for the first time, he was reluctant to let go of An Xia's hand. Why didn't he know that An Xia didn't love him? Will you take care of yourself?
But it doesn't matter, because a good girl is afraid of pestering her husband, so he doesn't believe that he has been brazenly asking her all kinds of cares and showing love to her, so he won't be moved!And I'm not bad looking, although I still only have a car and a house, but now I have someone I like, so I won't continue to fall like this, I must work hard to make myself worthy of An Xia !

Nangong Yi clenched his fist silently in his heart, and proposed to An Xia on the day he was worthy enough to marry her. As for now, try to get into her heart first, and then Fa Fu will never come out!
Nangong Yi took two steps forward in An Xia's direction, and hugged An Xia into his arms with one hand, while gently patting An Xia's back, he said in a gentle tone: "It's okay, Wouldn’t there be me without him? I fell in love with you at first sight, and you were the only one not to marry. As for him, you would treat him as one more relative, and you are so kind, I guarantee that he will treat you well in the future. You see Look, you are not bad, and you have another family member, so don't be sad anymore. Do you know how uncomfortable it would be for me to see you, my beloved, sad for another man! So you can take my feelings into consideration, okay? Well?"

The more she spoke, the more coquettish her voice became. Although An Xia knew that Nangong Yi was expressing her dissatisfaction in front of her face, it was only natural.If it were her, she would probably have to hide alone and sulk, and dare not be known by the person she likes after it's over, pretending to be okay.

Therefore, for Nangong Yi's courage to speak out, An Xia also raised his hand and patted Nangong Yi's back symbolically, and said in a pretendingly relaxed tone: "I know, but you also need to know, if you want It really takes time to forget a person I have loved for so many years and define him as a relative. And you also said that before I have completely classified him as a relative, you will not force him to My, you can't count your words!"

(End of this chapter)

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