Chapter 163 I Will Remember You

Nangong Yi held An Xia's hands tighter, and leaned his head against An Xia's neck, moaning and moaning unhappily, but after An Xia raised his hand and patted his head, he calmed down, but But like a big cat hugging its owner and acting like a baby, its head restlessly arched against An Xia's neck, with a feeling of swearing to never give up.

Nangong Yi with this appearance made Anxia a little dumbfounded. She actually didn't like being hugged and acted like a baby by someone with a bad relationship. Even if she had a good relationship, she couldn't adapt to it.

Although Nangong Yi has always defined himself as a girlfriend now, but he doesn't have that kind of thought for him, not to mention the future, at least not now.

But she didn't know why, when Nangong Yi pestered her so shamelessly, the person who would eat her tofu whenever she had the chance, was just a man she had known not long ago, and she actually had a feeling that after pushing him away, she would eat her tofu. And he couldn't bear to let him look at him with pitiful eyes.

But it can't be like this on the street, so An Xia still looked at herself with wet eyes pitifully against Nangong Yi, and resolutely pushed Nangong Yi away with one hand, and when he used that kind of When he was looking at himself, he reached out to cover his eyes first, and threatened by the way: "I don't allow you to look at me, let alone talk to me, I'm not asking for your permission, I'm just telling you my Decided, if you don't agree, I will send you back to S city now, and I will never meet you, understand?"

She was going to never see him again, Nangong Yi could only nod reluctantly even though she felt wronged in every way.

Seeing that Nangong Yi nodded, An Xia withdrew her hand, then turned away like hiding, as if something terrible was chasing her behind.

Isn't there something terrible? Isn't Nangong Yi that terrible creature?Isn't Nangong Yi just chasing her?
After Nangong Yi regained the light, he opened his eyes and saw An Xia's back, and his heart immediately became cold, but he was thick-skinned, so he raised his legs and chased after him without blushing. Inevitably, we went back together hand in hand.

An Xia only booked one room in that hotel, but it was a suite with a living room, kitchen, dining room, and two rooms, which was enough for a family of three.

At that time, Nangong Yi had this feeling when he entered this room. Although he and An Xia hadn't written off each other yet, it didn't mean that he couldn't have a look.

But when Nangong Yi thought that they would be fine as long as they returned to the hotel, he saw An Xia answering a phone call, explaining some things to him, and then left quickly.

Ever since Ye Kelan was cut off from the world by Gu Yumo, she never said a single word to Gu Yumo, not even a single word, but Ye Kelan did not use a hunger strike to protest this move, and still ate according to her previous appetite .

And Gu Yumo may also know that it is wrong for him to imprison Ye Kelan in this place surrounded by walls, but as soon as he thinks that Ye Kelan will not belong to him after leaving this door, Gu Yumo suddenly He was relieved, he believed that as long as time passed, Ye Kelan would definitely forgive him.

In order to prevent Ye Kelan from staying at home all day doing nothing, Gu Yunmo also bought two treadmills,

Gu Yumo actually knew that Ye Kelan really hated him, although Ye Kelan never talked to him, didn't look at him, and completely ignored him no matter what he did, but Gu Yumo Still, as long as he has free time, he will accompany Ye Kelan, even if Ye Kelan doesn't want to see him, he will never leave Ye Kelan.Even when resting at night, Ye Kelan would definitely not let Gu Yumo into her room. Every night after eating, she would sprint back to the room as soon as she lost her chopsticks. What Yun Mo was concerned about was his unremarkable back, the sound of the door closing, and the leftovers on the table.

Gu Yumo naturally washed the dishes without complaint, and then came back here, condescending to sleep on the sofa at night, and several times when Ye Kelan was thirsty and came out to drink water, he would see Gu Yu Mo curled up and lay on the sofa in her living room in an extremely uncomfortable state, but Ye Kelan ignored it several times.

Tonight too, Ye Kelan went out to drink water as usual, and took some fruit to eat, usually only came out in the early morning, sometimes Gu Yumo was still awake, but it was only ten o'clock tonight, Ye Kelan I saw Gu Yumo lying on the sofa and sleeping with his eyes closed.

Ye Kelan originally wanted to ignore it, but seeing Gu Yumo frowning as if he was uncomfortable, and his face was obviously more flushed than usual, what Ye Kelan thought was that it had nothing to do with her, But his legs and feet were more honest than his heart, he walked over slowly, squatted down slowly, and put a hand on Gu Yunmo's forehead.

Sure enough, Gu Yunmo's forehead was very hot, he must have a real fever.It's just that Ye Kelan was a little surprised, Gu Yumo's body is as strong as a cow, how could he have a fever?

Even if I am myself, I don't necessarily get sick all year round, at most it's just a runny nose when it's very cold.

Gu Yumo's body is obviously much stronger than his own, and he actually has a fever. There is probably only one reason for this, and that is to use his feelings for him to make himself a little more pleasing to him.

I have to say that this Gu Yumo is really good at trying to figure out Ye Kelan's thoughts. Although she hates Gu Yumo for deceiving herself, this cannot erase her feelings for Gu Yumo, let alone deny that Gu Yumo loves Ye Kelan. her feelings.And, aren't they all fine now?
Fortunately, there is a medicine cabinet in the living room. There must be a thermometer and antipyretics inside. Ye Kelan took out both of these, and first took Gu Yumo's temperature. If he didn't look at it, he would be surprised. , this Gu Yunmo has already burned to 39 degrees, it is estimated that it will burn out his brain if it continues to burn!
Ye Kelan also knew in his heart that the reason why Gu Yumo used a fever to attract his attention was because he knew from the bottom of his heart that Ye Kelan would not ignore him if he knew that he had a fever, so he dared to risk it. The risk of burning out his brain came to gamble on his position in Ye Kelan's heart.

Ye Kelan couldn't help but reach out and beat Gu Yumo's chest, gritted his teeth and looked at Gu Yumo's face, knowing what was going on in his heart, he slowly closed his eyes, let out a breath, and then put it in the medicine box I looked inside to see if there were antipyretic injections, and it was already 39 degrees. Taking antipyretics alone is useless at all, and the effect of injections is better.

(End of this chapter)

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