Chapter 166 I Will Remember You

But these are not within the scope of her consideration. All she needs to do is kick any woman around Gu Yunmo, and it has been like this for the past four years. No, maybe it will be earlier, as soon as she arrives. When I saw Gu Yumo for the first time.

In fact, thanks to the existence of Adele, she has always regarded Gu Yumo as her own, so whenever a woman approaches Gu Yumo, she will warn her one by one.

It is precisely because of Adele's existence that Gu Yumo has lived a relatively leisurely life in these years, never bothering about the butterflies flying around, because these butterflies are all taken care of by Adele, the flower protector. The envoys all gave warnings either gently or intimidatingly.

Of course, there are also courageous ones who didn't take Adele's warning to heart, and pursued Gu Yumo as always, but after being taught a good lesson by Adele, they became completely obedient, so much so that when they saw Gu Yumo Just take a detour.So from then on, those butterflies only dared to look at the flower Gu Yumo from a distance, and some butterflies circled around other flowers as early as possible.

Adele originally thought that as long as there were no other women by Gu Yumo's side, then the woman who stayed by Gu Yumo's side in the end would definitely be her own, but in the end, she still missed someone. A woman who can enter the room.

But she actually has the ability to defeat other opponents, so although this one is a bit tricky, it is not impossible to defeat her.

Adele gritted her silver teeth fiercely, and clenched her two hands hanging by her sides tightly into fists, allowing her nails to pinch the tender flesh of her palm, and stared at Ye Ke with wide eyes. Lan, with a disdainful smile on the corner of his mouth, asked mockingly: "You are so heartless! You know that Colby has already killed your relatives and friends, but you can still continue to stay?" Don't you feel ashamed to be by his side and enjoy his good? Don't you go to sleep every night without dreaming of those who died in vain and come to claim your life?"?
Why should she feel ashamed?Could it be said that if a woman would be ashamed to stay with the man she loves, then all the women in the world would be ashamed!
As for those who died in vain, what does this have to do with her?It's not that she killed them, even if she wants to have nightmares and ask for their lives, it's Gu Yumo being a demon, and asking for Gu Yumo's life!

Well, even if these things were caused by her, she couldn't escape being responsible, but what did it matter to her, why should she be educated like the Virgin Mary?
When encountering such a person, Ye Kelan naturally retorted without hesitation: "Do you think you are qualified to comment on my matter? Or Colby's matter? You are just a self-righteous clown, and you really think you are a What kind of extraordinary person?"

Although Adele was a little frustrated, she knew that if Gu Yumo was inside, he should be able to hear the conversation between her and Ye Kelan. At that time, as long as he knew that he was sincerely for his own good, And the woman he has been in love with is just his oil bottle, will he no longer love her, but realize he has lost his way and fall in love with himself?

Yes, it must be so!As long as I think about everything from Gu Yunmo's point of view, he will definitely fall in love with me.

Thinking of this, Adele snorted and asked, "Do you know that your existence is the biggest threat to Colby, if you continue to stay by Colby's side, Colby will die in your hands sooner or later! I I don’t know if you love him or not, but I believe that you can’t have no feelings for him, so I beg you, even if it’s for his future, please leave him, okay?” At the end of the speech, Adele bowed her head and begged Speaking of Ye Kelan, she begged Xiaosan to leave her husband and not destroy her main house.

Ye Kelan rolled her eyes speechlessly, looked at Adele with disdain, and said mockingly: "Colby knew from the beginning what my existence meant to him, but he just didn't want to let me go, he just likes it." Sticking to me 24 hours a day, even if I want to kill him right now, he will give it to me right away!"

For this kind of person who has been confused about her status, Ye Kelan will never save face for her. After all, the face is not given by others, but by you. It is you who are so shameless. Shameless , then don't blame others for not giving you face.

Adele gritted her silver teeth angrily, and finally couldn't help pointing at Ye Kelan's nose and scolding, regardless of her own image: "How can you be so selfish? Even if you don't have Colby in your heart, then You can't ignore his life or death! I really don't know, do you have a heart?!"

That expression was as if Ye Kelan owed her 800 million and hadn't paid her back, but in fact, she was furious because he didn't want to lend her the 800 million, so she yelled and cursed.

Ye Kelan looked at Adele coldly, without a trace of warmth in her eyes, "Whether I have feelings for him or whether I care about his life or death is not up to you to intervene, you are just one of the few passers-by in his life It’s just one of them, and it’s just a passer-by who doesn’t matter at all, just relying on his good looks and family, he catches up with others.”

Speaking of this, Ye Kelan stopped, looked at Adele up and down, and then leaned lazily on the door frame, sneered: "But it's a pity, don't say that you are wearing such clothes today Temptation, he won’t even look at you, even if you stand in front of him naked, he won’t look at you. Besides, at your age, you still want to chase after young meat. It's really shameless, if you want to chase after a little fresh meat, it's better to go to a grandpa, at least walking with you is more suitable, auntie!"

Aunts match grandparents, it's not clear that it's a father-daughter relationship, and they match?Obviously relying on his own looks to seduce and seduce others, it is not clear that he was hitting Adele in the face in front of Adele, or it was slapping.

Adele really can't bear it now, she can accept that she is older than Gu Yumo, after all, she is really three years older than Gu Yumo, but she is actually asked to find a grandpa She really can't bear the man. She is only 27 years old, and she is usually well maintained. She looks like she is in her early twenties. If she dares to compare her to a grandma, then don't blame her for doing it.

(End of this chapter)

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