Chapter 167 I Will Remember You

Adele raised her hand, and was about to slap Ye Kelan, but she didn't want her hand to fall halfway, and was grabbed tightly by a hand, and it hurt her so much.

Adele looked up and found that it was Gu Yumo who grabbed her hand. Adele was overjoyed at the time, and couldn't care less about the pain in her hand. She said to Gu Yumo with a beaming smile, "Colby, do you know?" I don't know, this woman doesn't have you in her heart at all, so don't be fooled by her!"

Just look at Adele to know what it's like to beat back.

She picked herself clean on purpose, she was not wrong at all, it was Ye Kelan who was at fault, because she robbed the man she loved, and she didn't care about the life of the man she loved, and even taunted herself, really I can't stand it!

Gu Yunmo naturally heard what Ye Kelan said. Although he thought that Ye Kelan's words contained elements of disregard for his life, but more of it was her possessive desire for him, which was not allowed to be coveted by others. A desire for dominance.

Gu Yumo knew that the reason why Ye Kelan had the emotion of disregarding his life and death was only self-inflicted, and he couldn't blame Ye Kelan, but now he was pointed at and scolded by this woman who had nothing to do with him , Gu Yumo really couldn't bear it when he reached out to hit her.

Gu Yunmo is not polite to this kind of woman who wants to beat his own woman. He is not the kind of man who doesn't beat women. As long as he is a man who bullies his woman, whether he is man or woman, he is Do not miss it.

The sound of 'pa' stunned Adele and stunned Ye Kelan at the same time. The two looked at Gu Yunmo at the same time, but one person's eyes couldn't believe that the other's eyes were full of tears. full of love bubbles.

Slapping Adele was something Ye Kelan wanted to do four years ago, but at that time Gu Yumo hadn't done the things that made her sad, so she was afraid that she would be hurt by him. My career was affected, so I endured it at that time.

And just now, when Adele raised her hand to slap her, Ye Kelan originally thought that she didn't have to hide or catch that slap, and she could give Adele a perfect slap, And her slap may only be able to kiss the door frame.

Ye Kelan was ready to slap someone, but she didn't want Gu Yumo to appear quietly, block the slap for her, and slap Adele in front of her .It has to be said that when Ye Kelan heard that crisp slapping sound, his heart was like a flower blooming, and he immediately felt that the sound of slapping was so beautiful.

Uh~ If this dares to come again in the future, she will ask Gu Yumo to hit him a few more times, and treat it as listening to music.

After Gu Yumo finished beating her, she shook off Adele's hand in disgust, pointed at Adele, and said in a cold voice: "I warn you, you, a woman, can't interfere with my affairs. Once, I will never let you go!"

After Gu Yumo finished speaking, she looked at Ye Kelan with a flattering face, she was completely different from the person who warned Adele just now, as if she was a different person.

At this time, Ye Kelan naturally stretched out his hand to hook Gu Yumo's neck with a smile on his face, and tiptoed to give Adele a big kiss in front of Adele, and then patted Gu Yumo affectionately after it was over She praised her hair, "You're so good, that's what you want for this kind of woman who comes to your door, otherwise she really doesn't know how high the sky is and how thick the earth is, and she always thinks that everyone in the world is her mother, so everyone has to pamper her." Woolen cloth!"

Although the words were addressed to Gu Yunmo, Ye Kelan's eyes were on Adele, and she looked at Adele with a mocking smile on her face. In the end, she was a victor against Adele's defeat. The reporter made a rather smug look, and when it was over, he snorted complacently, with a look of disdain, but it almost made Adele so angry that she wanted to tear Ye Kelan's face off, but Gu Yun Mo was still by Ye Kelan's side, she couldn't win, and she didn't want to destroy her always weak image, so she could only grit her teeth and silently vomit blood into her stomach.

Because she wanted to maintain a gentle appearance, Adele still had a look of disbelief when she was beaten up by her beloved man for another woman, covering her swollen face from being beaten by Gu Yumo Lihua looked at Gu Yumo with rain on her cheek. Although Adele is not an oriental woman, she is really beautiful. Looking at Gu Yumo pitifully like this is really pitiful.

Adele stood up straight, raised her finger tremblingly and pointed at Ye Kelan, but her eyes were indeed on Gu Yumo all the time, she questioned Gu Yumo out of control: "Colby, I met you first, It was I who fell in love with you first, and I helped you hide the person you left behind in the No. [-] terrorist organization. I also said a lot of good things about you in front of my father, but why did you treat her so well in the end? You still beat me for her? Are you worthy of me? "

Ye Kelan rolled her eyes at Gu Yunmo, her meaning was very clear, this matter has nothing to do with me, you can handle it yourself, then turn around and leave this place of right and wrong without looking back.

Gu Yumo watched Ye Kelan's back until Ye Kelan turned around and left and could no longer see him, then took a deep breath, turned to look at Adele, and said with obvious impatience in his tone, "I I never knew that the seven years I’ve known her is not as good as the mere four years I’ve known you! Adele, maybe I didn’t have the time to explain it to you before, so I’ll use this time to explain it to you now The person I love has always been only her. Even if she dies one day or she has never appeared in this world, my memory is just Nanke Yimeng, but she is the only one I love in this life and the next life , only her! As for the others, they are just passers-by A, B, and C!"

When Gu Yumo said this, he looked at Adele arrogantly, and said unceremoniously: "You are just a passer-by in my life!" The door was closed with a bang, and the movement was so smooth and smooth, it was extremely beautiful.

The last time she was shut out by Ye Kelan, and this time she was shut out by Gu Yumo herself. Even if Adele likes Gu Yumo, this time she can't bear to be shut out by Gu Yunmo. Yun Mo slapped him across the face.But Adele didn't blame Gu Yumo, it was just because she knew that Ye Kelan was responsible for all of this and had nothing to do with Gu Yumo.

(End of this chapter)

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