Chapter 168 I Will Remember You

Ye Kelan looked at Gu Yunmo who was full of doubts, and explained lightly: "Ah Mo, I'm going home, to my own home, where I have all my relatives, everyone, but no you!"

After Gu Yumo came to his senses, he stepped forward and grabbed Ye Kelan's shoulders. He opened his eyes wide and looked at Ye Kelan's eyes in disbelief, as if he wanted to see Ye Kelan's heart from Ye Kelan's eyes. , but seeing Ye Kelan's eyes full of determination, Gu Yunmo could only grit his back teeth and spit out a few words: "Don't even think about it!"

Ye Kelan was not in a hurry to refute Gu Yumo's words, but the smile on the corner of her mouth was getting bigger and bigger. Looking at Gu Yumo's eyes was like watching a joke. But Li was in a panic. He had an intuition that what Gu Yumo said next would definitely make him lose all hope!
"Ah Mo, it's never up to you whether I go back or not." Ye Kelan looked at Gu Yumo and said firmly.

Gu Yumo gritted her teeth, and the strength of the hand pinching Ye Kelan's shoulder became heavier and heavier, but she managed the strength very well, and she would not pinch Ye Kelan in pain.

Just when Ye Kelan thought that Gu Yumo would be furious, he saw a cruel smile blooming from the corner of Gu Yumo's mouth, "You know, if you dare to leave me, Wen Jing and Lin Lin can only... "

"I know!" Gu Yumo was interrupted by Ye Kelan before she finished speaking. Ye Kelan nodded and said, "I know, I always knew, if I leave you, You will kill Wen Jing and Lin Lin. But do you know? Wen Jing and Lin Lin have already returned home, and their family members will take good care of them and won’t let anyone hurt them again. It is their lives that are still in your hands, and I believe that as long as I am alive, you will never hurt them. I believe that you will never hurt them!"

Speaking of this, Ye Kelan raised his hand to gently caress Gu Yumo's face, and continued with Gu Yumo's shocked expression: "Actually, I knew it a long time ago, from the day they came home, I knew Yes. The reason why I have never said it in the past three years is because I want to give you a chance to be honest with me. But I have been waiting for three years, during which I did not propose that I want to go back, I thought as long as Give you time, when you think it through, you will tell me. But I have waited for three years, and I have given you countless opportunities in these three years. But you? You have never been honest with me I've been there, I'm afraid I don't even think about it! Now, I won't stay by your side anymore, no matter what you say, I won't be with you anymore!"

When Ye Kelan finished speaking, her eyes were already wet with tears. At this time, she lowered her head and covered her mouth with her hands to suppress her crying. She felt Gu Yunmo holding her shoulder. The strength of the hand was much lighter, and then it slowly slid down his arm.

Hearing that Ye Kelan knew that Wen Jing and Lin Lin were out of his control three years ago, but she was still willing to pretend to know nothing and stay by his side, Gu Yunmo was really happy , but at the same time happy but sad.

Because he seems to have lost the chance to keep Ye Kelan by his side in the end. He really regrets it and hates himself. If he could tell Ye Kelan all these things earlier, wouldn't it be Ye Kelan? Ke Lan won't say that she wants to leave her today?
Although I regret it, the facts are already in front of me, no matter how much I regret it, it is impossible to go back to the past.In fact, there is still a trace of luck in Gu Yumo's heart. He thought that since Ye Kelan could give him a chance in three years, he would definitely give him a chance in three years.

"Lanlan, I was wrong. I really know I was wrong. Give me another chance, okay?" Gu Yunmo hugged Ye Kelan into his arms, hugged her tightly, and begged: "Lan Lan, I know you love me and have always loved me, otherwise you wouldn't have given me a chance three years ago when you knew I didn't have any cards that could threaten you. Lan Lan, I really don't know how to live without you, Lan Lan, I beg you, don't leave me, don't leave me here alone, okay?"

Ye Kelan could feel Gu Yumo's tight hug, he could also feel his warm body temperature through the fabric, and the trembling of fear of losing the one he loved when she heard that she was about to leave him with.

But she had given him the opportunity three years ago, and he didn't know how to cherish it, although at this time she really wanted to agree to his request.

However, what was before them was not just that he cheated on her. If it was just this, she was generous enough to forgive him. As long as she forgave him, her family would forgive him and welcome him very much. He becomes a new family member.

But beside him is a woman who has always loved him and knows her identity. If that woman really becomes angry and makes a big fuss about being with Gu Yumo with her own identity, then Gu Yumo's She really didn't dare to think about the consequences.

So even if it is for Gu Yunmo to live a good life, he is only 24 years old and already has the rank of major general. If she really leaves him, with his ability, his future will definitely be limitless.

If Gu Yumo knew what Ye Kelan was thinking in her heart, she would definitely scold her. She used to be the overlord of the No. [-] terrorist organization. A woman is no match for her at all, and she can shoot her head off with one shot, leaving her with no chance to speak in her life.

But he also said that it was in the past, and now Ye Kelan has lived a life without contact with outsiders for four years, and Ye Kelan has not lived well in these four years, and has been suppressing her true temperament. If you suppress it, it will naturally become a habit, so her personality is not as lively as it was four years ago.

Now Ye Kelan can often sit quietly in one place alone, without moving for several hours, without even blinking his eyes. It is not like before, except that he can be a little quieter when sleeping, and the rest of the time But he couldn't be idle for a moment.

Gu Yunmo naturally noticed Ye Kelan's changes, but what could he do?Although I can't bear it, there is nothing I can do.

(End of this chapter)

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