Chapter 169 I Will Remember You

But as soon as he thought that Ye Kelan was leaving him, Gu Yumo's heart ached so badly that he couldn't even breathe. He hugged Ye Kelan tightly and buried his head in Ye Kelan's chest. At the dimple of the neck, transparent liquid was already secreted from the eyes, he murmured softly: "Don't leave me, Lan Lan, don't leave me..."

Some people say that tears are transparent blood, so why not Gu Yumo is shedding tears of blood and begging his beloved woman not to leave him.

Ye Kelan raised his hand slowly, wanting to pat Gu Yunmo's shoulder to keep him from losing control, but just as he raised his hand, Ye Kelan felt that his hand was as heavy as if it had been filled with lead. Unable to lift it up, it could only hang down slowly, clenched into fists.

"Ah Mo, I beg you, just let me go. If I stay by your side, I'm really afraid that I won't be able to survive." Ye Kelan's voice was calm and devoid of emotion. It is like a lake without wind, calm and calm.

Gu Yumo hugged Ye Kelan regardless, shook his head and kept repeating: "No! I won't let you go...don't let you go..."?
Ye Kelan felt that she had made her words clear enough, so she didn't intend to continue to entangle with Gu Yumo, but just pushed away Gu Yumo, the man she had always loved, even at this time, The man she still loves.

While leaving Gu Yumo's embrace, Ye Kelan also took two steps back, and looked at Gu Yumo without a trace of emotion in his eyes. When he saw that Gu Yumo was determined to continue to hug her , Ye Kelan stretched out his hand and made a standing gesture, lowered his eyes not to look at Gu Yumo's face, just looked at the tip of his shoe and said coldly: "Don't come here again, I have made up my mind to go, if you still insist If you keep me, then I can only make you never see the living me in this life."

Gu Yumo said in disbelief: "Are you forcing me to die?" Then he yelled at Ye Kelan uncontrollably: "Do you know that I can die with you, that doesn't concern you Whether in heaven or hell, I can see you."

Ye Kelan was not frightened by Gu Yumo's roar, but calmly raised her head to look at Gu Yumo, shook her head gently, "Ah Mo, I'm only 20 years old, I still have a good time, I still have My relatives are waiting for me to go home, how can I have the heart to leave them to die? So I will not die, but even if I will not die, you will never see me, I will not let you see Me, because in your world, Ye Kelan is already dead."

After saying this, Ye Kelan glanced at Gu Yunmo, then turned around and packed some of the things she brought. The things she brought were really not many, and she had never packed them. The habit of picking things, so after picking and picking, there are only half of the capacity of a small backpack.

The skirt she was wearing was home clothes, and it was too long. It was okay to wear it at home, but it would be inconvenient and inappropriate to wear it outside, so she slapped it in front of Gu Yumo. I changed my clothes again.

Her upper body is a rose red blouse, her lower body is a pair of dark jeans, and she wears a pair of soft black flat shoes on her feet. Besides the packed backpack, she has nothing else on her body.

Ye Kelan put the backpack on her back, and without looking at Gu Yumo's expression, she just walked past Gu Yumo, but just as she walked behind Gu Yumo, she heard a dull sound of 'dong' , and his hand was tightly held by a cold hand, and a low voice of begging came from next to his ear.

"Lan Lan, I was wrong. I apologize to you, and I can also apologize to them. As long as you don't leave me, as long as you don't leave me, I can do anything!"

Ye Kelan could tell without looking back that Gu Yumo must be kneeling behind her at this time, and then raised his noble head and looked at her beggingly, just wishing that she could see him like this For the sake of it, I hope I can say that one sentence that will not leave me.

However, things have developed to this point, Ye Kelan can only make Gu Yumo sad now, just because she really has to leave.

"Amo, I will remember you and love others!"

Ye Kelan spoke slowly, and tears flowed down her cheeks. She originally planned to say these words to Gu Yunmo in a chic way, but now she cried so cowardly.She slowly raised her feet and walked forward, following the movements of her body, the hand held by Gu Yumo was naturally withdrawn, and then left the place where she had lived for four years without looking back. Only Gu Yumo was left kneeling on the ground alone, his hand was raised to maintain the movement of holding Ye Kelan's hand just now, and he looked at the direction Ye Kelan left without moving, how he wished to see Ye Kelan change his mind, How I wish I could see Ye Kelan turn around and come back.

But she didn't, and he waited from the bright sun until the sun went down, but he still didn't see Ye Kelan.Gu Yumo finally couldn't hold back a mouthful of blood anymore, but he still insisted on standing up tremblingly as if he couldn't feel the pain in his body at all, took a bottle of wine, opened the lid and poured it directly. After drinking it, the wine and his blood were swallowed into his stomach. ?
Although his esophagus and stomach are burning hot now, Gu Yunmo seems to feel no pain. After drinking one bottle, he opens another bottle and tilts his neck up to drink.

Also, the pain in my heart is hundreds of times stronger than the pain in my body, so how could I feel it?The reason why Gu Yumo drank was just to make his body hurt a little more, so that his heart would not hurt so much, but it was not until after he drank that he realized that the pain on his body could never surpass the pain in his heart.

Because he is now a major general, although he has fewer official duties than when he was a major, he still has to go through the motions, so Gu Yumo drank seven or eight bottles of Liquor While drinking, I still resisted and went to work.

The two separated just like that. What Ye Kelan thought was that if possible, they would never see each other again, but Gu Yunmo obviously would not give Ye Kelan this chance.

It was dawn soon, and Gu Yumo knew that his body must be full of alcohol smell at this time. He remembered that Ye Kelan didn't like this smell very much, so he dragged his broken body to the bathroom to wash himself well. Then he went to work without saying a word.

(End of this chapter)

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