Chapter 175 I'm Back
This was the most time Ye Feimo had ever said to Ye Kelan. Although he asked questions that Ye Kelan was unwilling to answer, he did not deny that this surprised Ye Kelan a little.

It has to be said that the question Ye Feimo asked was exactly what Nuan wanted to ask, and she intuitively felt that Wen Jing's matter had something to do with Ye Kelan's matter.Perhaps the innocent disasters that Wen Jing endured might have been brought about by Ye Kelan. If that was the case, then Wen Jing and Ye Tianyu's marriage would really need to go back and discuss with Wen's father and mother.

Wen Jing is her only younger sister, and she can't stand the risk of continuing to exist, and she can't bear the pain of losing her sister again.

So after Ye Feimo finished speaking, Wen Nuan looked at Ye Kelan eagerly, eager to get her answer, but what Ye Kelan said still disappointed her.

"I'm sorry, these things have turned over in my world, and I don't want to bring them up again. No matter what happened before, everything is better now, isn't it? Why are we still holding on to this matter? Let it go?" Ye Kelan refused to tell them this matter from the bottom of her heart, after all, if they found out, Gu Yunmo would probably be hurt, and although she had already left him, she still didn't want him because Any retaliation for their own reasons.

Let him be safe, this is the only thing she can do for him now.

Since Ye Kelan is unwilling to say it, Ye Feimo will not force Ye Kelan to say it, because he can clearly see how much Ye Kelan rejects this matter, and he can probably guess that the past four years Ye Kelan's life was not easy, and he didn't want to expose Ye Kelan's scars, so he gave Ye Kelan a comforting smile, embraced the warmth sitting beside him, and stopped talking.

Wen Nuan really wanted Ye Kelan to talk about it. After all, Wen Jing had suffered so much. As a sister, she also wanted to know who hurt her sister, but seeing Ye Kelan's lack of interest now, And Ye Feimo didn't talk about it anymore.

Although she is Wen Jing's elder sister, this matter is a scar in Ye Kelan's heart after all. Although her relationship with Ye Kelan is not as close as Wen Jing's, she is also Ye Feimo's niece after all, so even if If I want to know about this matter again, I will not ask.

After all, if Ye Kelan wanted to say something, she would say it herself without being asked, but if she didn't want to say it, then even if she did ask, not only would she not say it, but she would feel sad because of it.

Therefore, in this case, all she can do is wait, and wait for the day when she is willing to speak.

Cheng Anya saw the pain in Ye Kelan's eyes, caressed Ye Kelan's face affectionately, and comforted her softly: "Okay, okay, since Kelan doesn't want to say it, then don't say it, It's all in the past, let's just forget about it."

After finishing speaking, he looked seriously at Ye Feimo and Wen Nuan's direction and warned: "Since Ke Lan doesn't want to talk about it, then no one is allowed to mention this matter again, and treat it as if it never happened. If anyone mentions this matter in front of Ke Lan again, don't blame me for turning my back on him!" Looking back at Ye Chen, "You too!"

Ye Chen had seen Cheng Anya speak so seriously to Ye Feimo for the first time, and was very happy to watch his son's play, but he didn't expect to speak so seriously to himself so soon.

This made him, who was watching the fun, rub his nose in embarrassment, but An Ya's words were equivalent to an imperial decree to him, so he naturally didn't dare to have any disagreement.

So after putting down his hands, he looked at Cheng Anya and nodded, and after receiving Cheng Anya's satisfied eyes, he showed a very flattering smile, and then gave Ye Feimo a nonchalant glance, telling you to be okay. Talk, just say what you say, why drag me into the water?Is it really the reason why I made a mistake at the beginning?

Cheng Anya turned around and pulled Ye Kelan to talk for a while, during which Ye Tiancheng of course sat between Ye Kelan and Ye Chen, clinging to Ye Kelan tightly.

After all, Daddy has never allowed him to cling to Mommy like this since he was sensible, which hurt his young heart greatly, so now he has a beautiful sister, and he doesn't have a brother-in-law who dominates his sister Creatures exist, so now is definitely not the best time to cling to your sister.

Ye Kelan also likes the younger brother Ye Tiancheng very much, and Ye Tiancheng was very clingy to her when she was young, just like now, she originally thought that she had been away for four years, and Ye Tiancheng was young at that time, and he didn't remember anything , I thought that I would have some estrangement with him when I came back, but I didn't expect that he would still cling to me as much as before, which made Ye Kelan feel much better suddenly.

The blood relationship between relatives will always exist, no matter how many years you have disappeared in his memory, when you come back, he will still treat you as before, and it will not change at all.

Ye Ningyuan and Xu Nuo in the kitchen are still in the same way as before. Ye Ningyuan is cooking food, and Xu Nuo is watching with a gentle expression. Of course, Ye Ningyuan never lets Xu Nuo look at him dully. , He would talk to Xu Nuo from time to time, even if he was cooking by himself, he would not neglect Xu Nuo.

Although she saw Ye Kelan, heard her talk, and hugged Ye Kelan, she could really feel the temperature of Ye Kelan's body, but this feeling made her feel a little unreal, so the promise was still a bit untrue. He asked with certainty, "Shitou, is our daughter really back?"

Ye Ningyuan smiled and nodded, looked up at Xu Nuo tenderly while chopping vegetables, and said softly: "Honey, I'm sure our daughter is really back, if you don't believe it, we can make it public Being a DNA, not only you can feel at ease, but we all can feel at ease and at ease."

Xu Nuo shook her head, looked in Ye Kelan's direction and said, "No need, I believe she is indeed our daughter, but..." She paused, looked back at Ye Ningyuan and said, "I'm afraid it's me This is a dream. When I wake up, she will disappear from my face again as if she has never appeared before. Stone, I am really scared. I only have this one daughter. I don’t want her to leave again. me."

(End of this chapter)

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