Chapter 176 I'm Back
Apart from the news that Ye Kelan was gone last time, this was the first time Xu Nuo showed such a fragile look. As a parent, children are naturally the most important.Even if she promises to be deserted, she still cares about her children.

Didn't Ye Ningyuan think about it like Xu Nuo thought, but he is a man, so he naturally shoulders more than a woman, he put down the knife in his hand, hugged Xu Nuo into his arms, and comforted softly: "No, my wife Don't worry, my baby will never leave us again. If my wife is still worried, I will let my baby promise to you personally in front of everyone. If my wife is still not at ease, my husband will have to make sacrifices , let my wife and baby sleep together tonight, when the time comes, you will hold her tightly and keep her from leaving, okay?"

"Okay!" Xu Nuo replied without hesitation.

Hearing Xu Nuo's unhesitating voice, Ye Ningyuan felt that his heart was about to be broken into slag. He originally thought that even if he wanted to agree, he would have to pretend to show hesitation based on the relationship between himself and Xu Nuo for many years. Come on, so that he will feel a little better when he stays alone in the empty room.

He unconsciously thought, was he abandoned by his wife?It's really sad, but it was proposed by him himself. In order to verify whether his daughter really won't leave, he dug the hole himself, and he had to fill it up while crying.

Sure enough, besides promising to sleep with Ye Kelan at night, even Cheng Anya and Ye Tiancheng wanted to sleep with Ye Kelan, but Ye Chen would naturally not agree.

Are you kidding, I have been hugging my wife to sleep every night for almost half a century, and it has long been a habit, and now he would naturally not agree to sleeping in separate rooms, so after Cheng Anya proposed it, he didn't even think about it directly refused.

As for the young man Ye Tiancheng who wants to sleep with Ye Kelan, it is naturally impossible, although Ye Tiancheng said that he is a man and wants to protect the safety of his sister.But Ye Ningyuan also said that although Ye Tiancheng is young, he is still Ye Kelan's younger brother, but he is a boy after all, so he absolutely cannot sleep with Ye Kelan.

Moreover, Ye Tiancheng is at the same age as a monkey, and he sleeps late at night, and Ye Kelan's complexion is not very good. If Ye Tiancheng makes Ye Kelan rest because of the noise, then he will definitely beat him up at that time .

To keep Ye Tiancheng from being beaten, and to let Ye Kelan have a good rest, Ye Ningyuan finally decided to let Xu Nuo accompany Ye Kelan, but Ye Kelan refused.

He also said in a very high-sounding way: "Daddy and Mummy have such a good relationship, Daddy will definitely not want to stay in the empty room alone, and Mummy will definitely not sleep well at night without Daddy's embrace. Besides, my baby is now I have grown up too, and I don’t need someone to accompany me, so Mommy and Daddy should sleep together. If Mommy and Daddy are worried that all this is just an illusion, the baby will not be there after waking up, so big You don't have to worry, baby, I promise you, baby will definitely be there when you wake up tomorrow morning." As he spoke, he raised three fingers to make an oath.

Since Ye Kelan said so, Ye Ningyuan naturally wouldn't disagree, but after thinking about it, he still said: "Then how about this, Daddy will tell the baby a bedtime story at night, and when the baby falls asleep, Daddy Just go back to your room." Afraid that Ye Kelan would refuse, Ye Ningyuan raised his hand and said without any bargaining: "Don't refuse!"

Hearing what Ye Ningyuan said, Ye Chen and Cheng Anya looked at each other and smiled. They originally had the same idea. Since they couldn't sleep with her, it would be the same to watch her fall asleep and leave. Ning Yuan got there first.

Ye Feimo was very envious. Both were born to the same parents, and both had two sons. The family was happy and harmonious, but why didn't God give him a precious daughter?Now I see that the father and daughter have a deep relationship, and they still have to tell bedtime stories.

He has never told bedtime stories to his two sons, they are all told by Nuannuan. Every time he sees Nuannuan spending a long time telling bedtime stories to his sons, he feels lonely and cold, and suddenly I feel that I should work hard, at least have another daughter, and then I have to tell her bedtime stories!
Xu Nuo, on the other hand, sighed helplessly, Ye Kelan is so old, and he still needs to tell her a bedtime story, Shitou, are you sure you are not mistaken?Are you sure Ye Kelan can still fall asleep after you tell her a bedtime story?

Ye Tiancheng hugged Ye Kelan's arm aggrievedly, and pouted pitifully to complain to his sister: "Sister, sister, Daddy has never told Xiao Chengzi a bedtime story, so mother is not allowed to tell him a bedtime story." Mi tell Xiao Chengzi, can my sister tell Xiao Chengzi a bedtime story in the future?"

Although Ye Tiancheng didn't need bedtime stories to hypnotize him for a long time, but watching his beautiful sister tell him a story is still very pleasing to the eye, and it's also good for her to spend more time with him.

After all, Daddy always robs Mommy from him, and now he finally has such a beautiful and gentle sister, but he can't let Daddy snatch her away again, it is enough for Daddy to have Mommy, and the older sister will give it to me. Bar!Otherwise it would be too unfair.

As for the future brother-in-law, he still wants to please his brother-in-law in the future. After all, his sister belongs to him. If someone wants to rob him at that time, he still needs to get his consent.

He is the most powerful in their class, and Daddy also said that he is very powerful, so besides being able to protect his sister, he can also drive away those men outside who covet her beauty.

Well, it must be possible!Ye Tiancheng clenched his fist.

Ye Kelan stroked Ye Tiancheng's fluffy hair, pinched Ye Tiancheng's chubby face, and then said with a smile: "Okay, from now on, as long as my sister is at home, I will tell Xiao Chengzi a bedtime story every night." ,OK?"

Ye Tiancheng naturally responded happily, but Ye Chen and Ye Ningyuan said loudly in unison: "NO!"

The two looked at each other, and Ye Ningyuan said: "How old are you, what bedtime stories do you still want to listen to? I can take care of your grandma when I was your age. You are so old now, but you still don't have anything. Yes, I sometimes wonder if you have made a mistake, why are you so different from your sister?!"

Ye Chen also said: "That's right, your sister is already so tired, don't you know how to be considerate of your sister as a younger brother? You also need to listen to bedtime stories. I haven't heard or seen you sleeping badly before! "

(End of this chapter)

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