Chapter 177 I'm Back
Regarding the words of Lao Tzu and Lao Tzu's Lao Tzu, Ye Tiancheng said that he was very distressed. He just wanted to have a closer relationship with his sister. Why did Lao Tzu and Lao Tzu's Lao Tzu refuse?I am also their descendant, why is there such a big difference?

He said it as if he really had a wrong hug, and the difference is really too big, almost as big as the Pacific Ocean!
He was so pitiful, the arm holding Ye Kelan let out a whimper like a puppy coquettishly, looking at Ye Kelan with wet eyes, silently seeking comfort from his dear sister.

Ye Kelan was amused by Ye Tiancheng's cute appearance, pinched Ye Tiancheng's face lovingly with both hands, and said softly: "Hey, my brother came here like you, you can just get used to it in the future." .”

Ye Tiancheng originally thought that his sister would comfort him, but he didn't expect to get such a sentence. At this moment, he needs to be quiet.

But at night, Xu Nuo really didn't tell Ye Kelan any bedtime stories, but Ye Ningyuan clamored to watch Ye Kelan fall asleep before going back to the room, but in the end Ye Kelan was kicked out by Xu Nuo Lan's room.

Ye Kelan carefully looked at every place she lived in before, it was still so clean and tidy, even the smell in the air was her favorite faint smell of roses, it was as if she had never left It's the same here, it's still so familiar.

It's just that when Ye Kelan smelled the roses, what she remembered was not the happy time she had here before, but Gu Yumo. I don't know how he is now, did she think of herself?Or did you hate yourself after you left?

But... Now that I have come back, everything in the past has nothing to do with me now. Will Gu Yumo think about himself, or hate himself, or continue to love himself as always, But now it has nothing to do with me, since it has passed, let it go with the wind.

What she has to do now is to cherish everything in front of her.

Ye Kelan didn't know if she would love again, but if she wanted to forget Gu Yunmo, she might have to start a new relationship.

It's just that Ye Kelan also knows that no matter who she will be with in the future, she may also fall in love with someone, but she is sure that she will never love others like Gu Yunmo again, and there will be no one in her heart Beyond Gu Yumo's position, she will always remember Gu Yumo, and will always love him, but from now on, there will be no other party in her world and his world.

"Your room is cleaned every day. After all, your daddy has time, so he takes the trouble to come to your room to clean it. After it is finished, sit for a while and look at your previous photos. And these sheets and quilts, basically every day It will be changed every other week, and it will be taken out to dry once a month, and it has never changed in the past four years." Xu Nuo said with a faint smile on Ye Kelan's shoulder.

Ye Kelan's thoughts had long drifted away, but Xu Nuo brought her back to her thoughts as soon as she opened her mouth, and there was still a faint smile on Xu Nuo's face, although Ye Kelan had seen it before, but that The smile was not aimed at her, but more at Ye Ningyuan.

Now Xu Nuo's smile suddenly turned to her, which made Ye Kelan a little flattered, and returned Xu Nuo with an even brighter smile, "Thank you, Mommy, and thank you, Daddy."

Xu Nuo nodded, looked at Ye Kelan and said: "Go take a bath first, your daddy has already put all the hot water, and all your clothes are in their original places, which fits your current figure very well." , and they are all styles you like, and they are all the latest models."

Ye Kelan smiled and said: "Well, thank you Mommy, the baby is going to take a bath first, Mommy can talk to Daddy for a while, otherwise Daddy will be jealous later." Ke Lan also blinked mischievously, looking at Xu Nuo with an expression that you understand.

Xu Nuo raised her forehead helplessly, why doesn't her daughter look like her at all?Except for her looks and skills, her personality is nothing like her at all.

Well, the sons and daughters are not alike. Apart from being as good-looking as her, their personality and everything are exactly the same as their daddy. Although Ye Tianyu has been demonized for a while because of Ye Kelan and Wen Jing, But luckily it came back later.

Now the most important thing is Ye Kelan. Although Ye Kelan kept a smile on his face in front of everyone just now, and tried his best to behave as lively and cute as before, Xu Nuo still saw the light in Ye Kelan's eyes Sad, she doesn't know what happened to Ye Kelan in the past four years, she just wants to see the carefree Ye Kelan from before, the Ye Kelan who won't affect her in any way even if the sky falls Lan.

"Ke Lan, go take a shower first, Mommy has also gone back to her room to take a shower, and I'll come back to accompany you later. Put all your clothes where they are, and they are all new this year. The styles and colors are also your favorite." Promised With a slight smile, her body exudes a soft and loving mother's light.

If it was just the previous promise, he would never have looked at Ye Kelan so tenderly. It wasn't that the promise didn't love Ye Kelan's daughter, but because Ye Ningyuan loved Ye Kelan's daughter to a certain extent. When I came back, I still went outside, mainly because of my precious daughter, Ye Kelan, and as a wife, she could only settle for second best.

In fact, this is just because Ye Ningyuan feels that his daughter will marry someone else when she grows up, and from then on, she will tell others about her daughter's thoughts instead of telling him about the father, and he only has Ye Kelan as his daughter. , so in order for Ye Kelan to remember his kindness to her, he is now responsive to Ye Kelan's requests.

Not only that, no matter where he goes, he will bring gifts for Ye Kelan, no matter how expensive they are.Moreover, Ye Kelan was also required to call him every day to report his safety, regardless of the time of day or night and the time difference.His wish is actually very simple, he just needs Ye Kelan to know that he, his father, always remembers her as his precious daughter.

Perhaps because of this, even if Ye Kelan gets married in the future, it will only be one more person to confide in, so he, the father, will never be in the mind of Ye Kelan, the only daughter. Compared by others.So why not do it?

(End of this chapter)

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